[DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Yuzuki on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:31 pm

Yuzuki struck again, Katana slashing at the creature that had so viciously mauled her and one of the Unicorn. That one didn't even have an arm anymore!

She considered yelling at the creature to give the Unicorn's arm back, but thought the chances too slim for that to actually happen. And the Unicorn would probably not like being reminded of how her arm got ripped off just two seconds ago. Wait, why isn't the arm bleeding?

Kenjutsu/Agility, Full Attack (+2k1), Mantis tech (+1k0), Wound Penalties +7, TN27: 8d10o10k4 38
I have become death, destroyer of snakes.: 6d10o10k2 21 (damage)

stance: full attack
atn: 11
wounds: 31 (hurt)
void: 0/0
Mantis Clan • Bushi • Cursed • Easily Distracted • Tough • Eccentric • Fashionable
Glory: 3.0 • Status 1.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • CP: 1
Carries: Daisho, Kama(2x), odds & ends.
Wears: Expensive kimono, haori, hakama, Light armor when appropriate.
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Mindshred on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:43 pm


The orochi slashes at Yuzuki with its claws, carving long, four-inch-deep wounds across her chest. Before her blood can even hit the rain-soaked ground, the land-serpent whips around, clawing Chi-Pu across her chest as well.

In a single motion, the serpent pulls Chi-Pu from her horse and curls around her, trapping her in its crushing coils!

(23 damage to Yuzuki)
(28 damage to Chi-Pu)

(Chi-Pu is grappling with the Orochi)

    41 - Yuzuki (Full Attack, TN 11)
    31 - Orokos (Full Attack, TN 20) [Grappling]
    25 - Togashi Udo (Full Attack, TN 10)
    24 - Shinjo Liu Yue (Attack, TN 32 +20 Guarded - Taira)
    - Hizazume the Wonder Horse (15)
    16 - Otaku Chi-Pu (Attack, TN 32) [Grappling]
    - Tianma the Other Horse (TN 20)
    16 - Soshi Taira (Attack, TN 20* -10 Guarding Liu-Yue)
    11 - Kaiu Hiroji (Full Attack, TN 15)
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Togashi Udo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:44 pm

Udo attempts to take his mind to another place, where he is not thinking about the battle, just acting. Relying on his instincts and training.

He hopes the kami are watching over them.

He punches at the creature with everything he has, and he misses...


Stance: Full Attack
Armor: 10 (20 - Full Attack's 10)
Wounds: 0

Attack: 23
Damage: I'd have to hit.
Tattoo of a Crane * Tattoo of a Lion * Slightly Distracted * Simple robes & hat

Status: 1 | Glory: 1.1 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: 15
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Mindshred on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:51 pm


The serpent reacts in much the same was it did to Udo's previous attack...
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Mindshred on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:57 pm


Yue's horse derps out and tries to headbutt the giant snake.

It doesn't work well.

Yue, on the other hand, wails on the orochi with no regard for her own life, beating it over and over again with her tetsubo.

(33 damage to the Orochi)


The orochi howls in pain and twists around toward the warrior-princess, squeezing Chi-Pu tightly in the process!

(42-20 = 22 to control the grapple on Chi-Pu's turn)
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:09 pm

The rain and wind stopped, the world suddenly replaced by the hard scales of the Orochi completely surrounding Chi-Pu. She does not scream and tries hard to escape its grasp, exhaling deeply and pushing with all her might.

Tianma, having her rider stolen, rears up in an angry flurrly of hooves aimed at the serpents midsection, but the distress of the rider being taken leaves her hooves hitting only air.

[D4 LE] Grapple Control - Chi-Pu TN27: 3d10 12
[D4 LE] Attack (Kick) - Tianma TN20: 2#4d10o10k3 18 14

  • 15/15 (Healthy)
  • 6/6 (Nicked +3)
  • 3/6 (Grazed +5)
  • 0/6 (Hurt +10)
  • 0/6 (Injured +15)
  • 0/6 (Crippled +20)
  • 0/6 (Down +40)
  • 0/6 Out

Void: 0/2, empty
Stance: Attack
Chi-Pu TN: 5 (Grappled)
Reduction 4
Tianma TN: 20
Reduction 5
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

Profile Theme

Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Soshi Taira on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:24 pm

Taira swore and knelt, hands scrabbling for the opening of his medicine case.

Already he was working on the Mantis, trying desperately to patch her together enough to get her on her feet.

It was a quick job, which could be termed 'somewhat' effective.


Defense stance, complex action to heal the mantis 8 wounds.

Initiative: 16
Armor TN: 23
Stance: defense
Reduction: 3
Scorpion Clan :: Good Cop :: Doctor :: Paragon :: Pragmatic :: Spirit-Touched :: Cursed
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 CP: 2
Carries: Daisho, medical satchel, black and red kimono, tall collar 'mask', ink-splotched fan
Now treating: Patient No.18

Description:: Theme:: Struggle
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Kaiu Hiroji on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:35 pm

Hiroji brings his weight upon the snake again... But his axe glides effortlessly off of the dragon's scale, not damaging it at all.

Full Attack Stance
Attack roll +2k1: http://orokos.com/roll/507028]
*Crab Clan *Rather Stoic *Large *Possibly has a drinking problem *Allergy to Milk based Products *Dragon-Slayer

Status: 1.0 - Honor: What is Expected - Glory: 3.0 - Courtship Points: 2


Carries with him: Sturdy Clothing, Walking Stick, Chopsticks, Small Mirror
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Mindshred on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:36 pm

    41 - Yuzuki (Full Attack, TN 11)
    31 - Orokos (Full Attack, TN 20) [Grappling]
    25 - Togashi Udo (Full Attack, TN 10)
    24 - Shinjo Liu Yue (Attack, TN 32)
    - Hizazume the Wonder Horse (15)
    16 - Otaku Chi-Pu (Attack, TN 32) [Grappling]
    - Tianma the Other Horse (TN 20)
    16 - Soshi Taira (Defensive, TN 23)
    11 - Kaiu Hiroji (Full Attack, TN 15)
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Yuzuki on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:39 pm

For a moment, Yuzuki collapsed to the ground. Then the scorpion did... something. And she was like; nah, I got this.

So she stood up. Angled her weapons for defense, and said;


stance: defense
atn: 24
Wounds: 43 (crippled)
void 0/0
reduction: 3

(1 simple action to stand up)
Mantis Clan • Bushi • Cursed • Easily Distracted • Tough • Eccentric • Fashionable
Glory: 3.0 • Status 1.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • CP: 1
Carries: Daisho, Kama(2x), odds & ends.
Wears: Expensive kimono, haori, hakama, Light armor when appropriate.
Yuzuki / Kon
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Mindshred on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:49 pm


The orochi squeezes Chi-Pu in its coils, so tightly that the other samurai could hear the sounds of bones breaking.

(Chi-Pu can make a Jiujutsu/Strength roll against Orokos' total of 75. On a failure, she suffers 29 damage)

    41 - Yuzuki (Defense, TN 24)
    31 - Orokos (Attack, TN 30) [Grappling]
    25 - Togashi Udo (Full Attack, TN 10)
    24 - Shinjo Liu Yue (Attack, TN 32)
    - Hizazume the Wonder Horse (15)
    16 - Otaku Chi-Pu (Attack, TN 32) [Grappling]
    - Tianma the Other Horse (TN 20)
    16 - Soshi Taira (Defensive, TN 23)
    11 - Kaiu Hiroji (Full Attack, TN 15)
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Togashi Udo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:55 pm

Udo stays focused, attacking the orochi with everything he has.


Stance: Full Attack
Armor: 10 (20 - Full Attack's 10)
Wounds: 0

Attack: 39*
Damage: 13

*Put in the wrong TN, but still hit.
Tattoo of a Crane * Tattoo of a Lion * Slightly Distracted * Simple robes & hat

Status: 1 | Glory: 1.1 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: 15
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Mindshred on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:01 pm


Liu Yue's horse continues trying to charge through the orochi, but with no real effect.

Her own attacks aren't much more effective, as she can only strike at the hardest scales of the beast.
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Otaku Chi-Pu on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:14 pm

Chi-Pu screams out as her body is contorted under the strength of the serpent. She struggles to keep conscious as the pain wracks her body.

Hearing her scream, Tianma whinnys in anger and charges with reckless abandon at the creature, vowing to destroy it in a flurry of hooves.

Contest Strength: Fail, Chi-Pu takes 25 damage after reduction.
[D4 LE] Attack (Trample) - Tianma +Full Attack TN30: 8d10o10k5 46
[D4 LE] Damage (Trample) - Tianma: 6d10o10k4 36

  • 15/15 (Healthy)
  • 6/6 (Nicked +3)
  • 6/6 (Grazed +5)
  • 6/6 (Hurt +10)
  • 6/6 (Injured +15)
  • 6/6 (Crippled +20)
  • 4/6 (Down +40)
  • 0/6 Out

Void: 0/2, empty
Stance: Attack
Chi-Pu TN: 5 (Grappled)
Reduction 4

Stance: Full Attack
Tianma TN: 10
Reduction 5
Unicorn Clan | Battle Maiden | Nikutai
Gullible | Can't Lie| Doubt: Kyujutsu | Allergy: Shellfish
Honor: Exceptional | Status 2.0 | Glory 0.2 | Courtship Points 2

Profile Theme

Outfit: Purple Shirt, Brown Leather Pants, Daisho
Combat: Back Banner, Dai-Kyu, Quiver, Daisho, Riding Armor
Steed: Tianma
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Otaku Chi-Pu
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Re: [DEADLY EVENT] It's Raining Dragons (D4, Late Evening)

Postby Mindshred on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:16 pm


The horse slams into the side of the serpent, kicking and headbutting with much fury.
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