Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:39 pm

"I would love to." Dong-Ha nodded eagerly to the small Ra...Hare woman. "That sounds... complicated." He muttered, wondering who had come up with such a game. "Such past times are common in the Empire, I take it?" Why would anyone wast time criticizing anything in public was beyond him, but perhaps the courts were terribly dull occasions.
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Matsu Nintoku on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:46 pm

He blinked at her words dazed by her directness, he lowered his eyes and groaned as he handed her the skin of kumis; the redness of his cheeks hid an incipient blush "Well lets hope you don't try to kidnap me."
Lion Clan • Bushi • Hero • Kuge • Sometimes Smiles • Cuter Than A Goat
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:48 pm

“I never have to force a man to my yurt, they come willingly,” she says softly brushing his hand with hers as she takes the kumis and drinks deep.
Last edited by Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:48 pm

"Sadane isn't too common outside of the highest courts in the Empire, as it isn't something people can easily play with eachother in most settings. It is a delicate balance to play Sadane well without actually causing real insult and still win. You'd find Go being the most popular game in the Empire." The Hare explained, more than happy to chat about these things. She certainly seemed to have the mentality to help out and teach.

"There is also Kemari, another courtly game but is enjoyed very much by bushi. It is played by keeping a ball in the air as long as possible by only using your feet by kicking it, and in courtly-settings, it is usually played in full court garb... sometimes the challenge is as much to keep the ball in the air as it is to still look dignified."
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:58 pm

Usagi Tomoe wrote:"Sadane isn't too common outside of the highest courts in the Empire, as it isn't something people can easily play with each other in most settings. It is a delicate balance to play Sadane well without actually causing real insult and still win. You'd find Go being the most popular game in the Empire." The Hare explained, more than happy to chat about these things. She certainly seemed to have the mentality to help out and teach.

"There is also Kemari, another courtly game but is enjoyed very much by bushi. It is played by keeping a ball in the air as long as possible by only using your feet by kicking it, and in courtly-settings, it is usually played in full court garb... sometimes the challenge is as much to keep the ball in the air as it is to still look dignified."

"I see, that would make sense." At least he was learning something new, even if the habits of their long lost kin confused him to a no end. "I take that this would be a game for diplomats?" Dong-Ha tried to imagine Khulan trying her hand at sadane.

"Your mother was a goat." the imaginary words echoed in his mind. "..and your father couldn't ride." The chain of thoughts caused Dong-Ha to smirk. Sadane didn't seem like a game where the Moto would excel. "Ah, a game of skill." Not that he was sure why the players had to look dignified. "I would like to try that at some point." Wanting to add something to the discussion, he added. "The Moto have a game called buzkashi. It's... quite exciting to watch a game, at least." He hadn't never played it himself.
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:05 pm

Tomoe had never cared much for Sadane herself, as it only showed skill of saying something witty rather than actual knowledge of the subject which she would've preferred so much more herself.

"Buzukashi?" she looked at him curiously. "Was it something they brought with them before joining under Shinjo's banner, or was it developed afterwards?"

It was amazing she managed to keep herself to such a simple question, because she had so many more!
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:16 pm

Usagi Tomoe wrote:Tomoe had never cared much for Sadane herself, as it only showed skill of saying something witty rather than actual knowledge of the subject which she would've preferred so much more herself.

"Buzukashi?" she looked at him curiously. "Was it something they brought with them before joining under Shinjo's banner, or was it developed afterwards?"

It was amazing she managed to keep herself to such a simple question, because she had so many more!

"Buzukashi would be a game the Moto brought with them sometime after they joined us." Dong-Ha paused to lick his lips as he tried to figure how to best explain the game. "So in game of Buzukashi there are two teams of... four to eight players, depending on how many players are available. Everyone rides a horse and carries a riding crop.. a whip of sorts." He kept a short pause to let the Hare absorb the information.

"The game can be played in any field, though it must be large enough to accommodate all the players, a single pole and ahm.. a circle of justice, which is the goal of the game." Dong-Ha's hand drew a large circle in the air.

"The game is played with an old goat carcass, though sometimes a foal is used. The teams try to grab the carcass... and once they control it, they are required to ride around the pole, carrying the carcass with them and then throw it mightily into the circle of justice. The other team can use their crops to beat the player carrying the carcass to force him to drop it. Some players take great delight in this part." He explained with a smile.

"Assuming that player drops the carcass, the game continues normally. If one of the teams manages to score a point by bringing the carcass in to the circle of justice, the carcass is tossed back into a mutually agreed position. The game goes on... until one of the teams reaches an agreed number of points." Dong-Ha hoped he had done justice to the noble game with his explanation.
Unicorn Clan • Mystic
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Monkhbaatar on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:17 pm

At that point, the two seem to be getting on quite well. Monkhbaatar bows his head and makes an unobtrusive exit from the conversation and begins walking among the crowd to see who he might converse or play games with.

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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:22 pm

While the challenge of the game sounded rather interesting and like it could be fun to play, the thought of Fiyanggu and the lambs she had seen in the pen earlier being butchered for such sport was a little saddening.

She raised her fan slowly, looking down. "... They don't kill the goat, or foal, just for the sport, right?" she asked, and while she might've masked some of her expression, her voice couldn't hide how sad she thought that was.
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:28 pm

Usagi Tomoe wrote:While the challenge of the game sounded rather interesting and like it could be fun to play, the thought of Fiyanggu and the lambs she had seen in the pen earlier being butchered for such sport was a little saddening.

She raised her fan slowly, looking down. "... They don't kill the goat, or foal, just for the sport, right?" she asked, and while she might've masked some of her expression, her voice couldn't hide how sad she thought that was.

"Ah, they do. I mean, they also eat most of it before turning it to a game piece. It would be such a waste otherwise. The game's played usually during or after festivities." he explained sheepishly, somewhat puzzled by her reaction. Some animals were kept for milk and once they ceased to produce they became food. "Why?"
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Matsu Nintoku on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:32 pm

Moto Khulun wrote:“I never have to force a man to my yurt, they come willingly,” she says softly brushing his hand with hers as she takes the kumis and drinks deep.

The Matsu gasped and coughed after she said that. "Well.." he said gathering what composure his state allowed him "Us Matsu are quite stubborn. Kumis alone does not move mountains."

He took the nearest skin he could and he took a hearty chug.
Lion Clan • Bushi • Hero • Kuge • Sometimes Smiles • Cuter Than A Goat
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:34 pm

"Gomen..." she apologised for her own reaction, "I mean, it's not very common in the Empire. And many would probably think it impure to use a dead animal for sport..."

Never mind the fact that the kemari ball was made of deer-skin underneath its fabric.

"I guess I am a little too fond of animals myself to feel comfortable with it. Always had a good connection with animals since I was little, and just... think it's a little sad." Tomoe murmured, obviously a little embarrassed over her confession.
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:42 pm

After dinner, Mizuki made her way to a Go board. She was waiting for someone, but is looking to see if anyone wants to play.

OOC: PM if approach
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:43 pm

Matsu Nintoku wrote:The Matsu gasped and coughed after she said that. "Well.." he said gathering what composure his state allowed him "Us Matsu are quite stubborn. Kumis alone does not move mountains."

He took the nearest skin he could and he took a hearty chug.

“If you pounced on me after that offer I would have been fairly disappointed. A Matsu so easily defeated, this is the first battle Lion,” she says with a smirk.

“Our forces have clashed but only briefly. The waters have been tested,” Khulun teases.

“I have yet to scatter your forces and go for the throat.”
Last edited by Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Game On (D3 LE - VERY OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:50 pm

Usagi Tomoe wrote:"Gomen..." she apologised for her own reaction, "I mean, it's not very common in the Empire. And many would probably think it impure to use a dead animal for sport..."

Never mind the fact that the kemari ball was made of deer-skin underneath its fabric.

"I guess I am a little too fond of animals myself to feel comfortable with it. Always had a good connection with animals since I was little, and just... think it's a little sad." Tomoe murmured, obviously a little embarrassed over her confession.

"Hmm?" Dong-Ha tilted his head to the side, trying to make sense out of the small woman. What was wrong with the Rokugani anyway, did they wean their children too early? Everyone knew that milk was good for growing children. "I wouldn't think it to be common." It was a Moto game after all. "Impure? It is bit messy, and most of the players end bruised and bleeding from all the whipping. But it's just blood and grime." he shrugged, giving her an inquisitive look.

"Sad? I mean... uhm..." he was flabbergasted. What was wrong with the locals? "I mean, we literally travel with animals.. and sometimes kids cry when their favorite goat is slaughtered, but... adults understand how things must be." Seventeen years of old, Dong-Ha had been adult for over a year. "Not that we'd kill a milking goat, that would be pointless. Milk is more valuable."

"Has Usagi-san ever ridden a horse?" She had said she liked animals after all and Dong-Ha was starting to figure that the topic was not perhaps the best for the occasion.
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