Hideo had paused to see if she had wanted to ask, his eyes on her as she rested against him and stroked the fine silk kimono that the man always wears. He noted the exposed pale flesh, and it test his resolve against the now dwindling effects of the sake. He'd have to focus on telling her about Otosan Uchi, or he may become very tempted...
He smiled at her, adjusting his hold on her to allow to get more comfortable and stroke her sides before he continued.
"The districts often change name, so it's hard to refer to them by name. The first one I will speak of begins by the Bay of the Golden Sun, the harbour that brings ships and goods in from the seas, named because of the way it is lit up by the setting Sun. A quite beautiful sight, even if the district is perhaps not the most enjoyable area of the city. Shosuro's Tear, a very nice playhouse, is based in the district though, so the area still receives a lot of visitors. The house is decorated in scenes of history."
He paused, thinking a moment.
"Forgive me for what may seem a silly question, but have you experienced theatre plays? Did they exist in the lands outside rokugan?"