by Otaku Kitakuhime on Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:58 am
"I'm grateful your day has been good," She adds, opening a flat smile. "I consider you to be one of my most trusted advisors, as you are aware. So, I feel you should be the first one to hear the details of what happened last night. It is a matter that should not leave this group, and must not reach the other Clans's ears."
The girl looks into his eyes for a while, making sure the words sank in, then moves to Khulun and Chi-Pu. "Gekko felt something strange last night and took me to the source of the problem. Khulun-san, Chi-Pu-senpai and Taichi-san followed after. There, we found a monster attacking the yurts: an Oni."
The girl closes her eyes, remembering how scared she was. There's a gag, but she regains her voice to complete the story, "We're tried our best to defeat it. It had bony wings, sharp claws, and a foul, putrid odor. Our weapons couldn't even scratch it. Gekko and Tianma trampled over the demon, but it simply bounced away."
The girl bites her lips in contended rage, but nods to Khulun appreciatively, "Only Khulun's red blade could harm it. She was injured, and Taichi seconded her to defeat the beast. It was not slain –– it told us it would return."
Taking time to breath in, she bows to Dong-Ha. "We need your blessings, Dong-Ha-san. We need to make sure we are prepared to slay this monster. Yet, I do not want to warn the whole Clan. If something like this reaches others, we may have diplomatic issues we cannot deal with at the time."
Unicorn Clan • Kuge • Shiotome • Heir • Benten's Blessing • Dangerous Beauty • Contrary • Gullible • OverconfidentStatus: 4.0 | Glory: 0.2 | Honor: Strength of a Thousand Ancestors | Courtship Points: 6
Carries: Ornamented Choker, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Riding Armor + Daikyu + Quiver (when appropriate) • Profile • Theme
Carried by: Gekko (Otaku Battle Steed, where appropriate)