The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:56 pm

Yogo Mizuki wrote:
Bayushi Suteichi wrote:Mizuki was a special to him and yes like a sibling that he never had. She was a confidant, the only one out side his direct family who knew the most about him. During their days at the Bayushi Courtier School, they agreed to always look out for one another. There is an implicit trust between them.

"When have we ever not looked out for one another?" he asked jokingly. "I look forward to seeing who the Unicorn have to offer. Will there be beauty among their talents and brains amongst their brawn? I confess a bit of concern about hearing of their bond with their horses. Most...interesting."

"I'm sure there will be some beauty. Though they will probably be quite 'exotic.' Brains will be hard to tell. Who is stupid and who is merely ignorant?" Mizuki consider for a moment. "I hadn't considered the horse. I don't even know how to ride. It's going to be a contest of some sort, isn't it?" Make sure not to fall off of horse.

"It is something that is going to be strange to the lot of us I suspect. If we are to be successful in our efforts, we may want to develop a liking or at least an understanding to their bonds and other ways. Hopefully the animals will be accepting of us." Suteichi allowed a smirk on his face for that one.
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:26 pm

Moto Baatar wrote:
Seppun Hideo wrote:He paused a moment, before speaking.

"Cherished memories
are the reminiscent source
of future daydreams

"Huh! So that's a haiku?" Baatar said, trying to comprehend what the Seppun was saying. "It sounds like just words. How do you know if it's a good one?"

"A good question, Moto-san." the Crane offered encouragingly. "Rather that focusing on the rules of what makes a haiku, might I ask for your opinion on it? What did you feel upon hearing it? What message did you take away?"
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moto Baatar on Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:23 pm

Doji Fukawa wrote:
Moto Baatar wrote:
Seppun Hideo wrote:"Cherished memories
are the reminiscent source
of future daydreams

"Huh! So that's a haiku?" Baatar said, trying to comprehend what the Seppun was saying. "It sounds like just words. How do you know if it's a good one?"

"A good question, Moto-san." the Crane offered encouragingly. "Rather that focusing on the rules of what makes a haiku, might I ask for your opinion on it? What did you feel upon hearing it? What message did you take away?"

"Umm... I dunno. A little confused," Baatar admitted. "Is 'reminiscent' the same thing as 'memories'? 'Daydreams' sounds fun though."
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:01 am

Bayushi Suteichi wrote:"It is something that is going to be strange to the lot of us I suspect. If we are to be successful in our efforts, we may want to develop a liking or at least an understanding to their bonds and other ways. Hopefully the animals will be accepting of us." Suteichi allowed a smirk on his face for that one.

Mizuki laughs. "Here I was worried about being acceptable to the samurai. I didn't even consider that I must convince a horse to like me."
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:30 am

Moto Baatar wrote:"Umm... I dunno. A little confused," Baatar admitted. "Is 'reminiscent' the same thing as 'memories'? 'Daydreams' sounds fun though."

"It means to awaken memories" Hideo nodded "so in this example, memories held dear can become daydreams in future times. Think of the memory example in the terms of time spent in the company of another. How does the poem feel and appear to yourself now?"
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moshi Asakiko on Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:07 am

Shinjo Monkhbaatar wrote:"Some, but not many. We would look for wild onions and leeks after rain. There is also tamarisk. But it is rare to see much of any of them, even rarer to see their flowers in bloom."

He looks over at her. "But I can tell you that it's always a lovely experience, seeing an exotic beauty up close."

She sighed. "Maybe I might find some on the Otaku plains." The Moshi looked up at the Shinjo and nodded. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moto Baatar on Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:24 am

Seppun Hideo wrote:"It means to awaken memories" Hideo nodded "so in this example, memories held dear can become daydreams in future times. Think of the memory example in the terms of time spent in the company of another. How does the poem feel and appear to yourself now?"

"Okay," Baatar nodded. "So memories become daydreams, that kinda makes sense. But what makes it poetry instead of just words?"
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:32 am

Moto Baatar wrote:
Seppun Hideo wrote:"It means to awaken memories" Hideo nodded "so in this example, memories held dear can become daydreams in future times. Think of the memory example in the terms of time spent in the company of another. How does the poem feel and appear to yourself now?"

"Okay," Baatar nodded. "So memories become daydreams, that kinda makes sense. But what makes it poetry instead of just words?"

"A very deep question, Moto-san. Let us turn a moment to the technical definition. A Phoenix loremaster would say that there are three things that characterize a haiku. First is cutting. Often this is the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a cutting word between them. The cutting word is a kind of verbal punctuation mark which signals the moment of separation and colors the manner in which the juxtaposed elements are related.

Second, there is a distinct pattern to a haiku of 17 on. 5 on in the first line, 7 on in the second, and 5 on in the third.

Finally, there is a seasonal reference." she lists off.

Fukawa shakes her head.

"But that is not the essence of what makes it a poem, anymore than physically describing Moto-san on paper would make that account a story." she says.
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moto Baatar on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:46 am

Baatar looked boggled by the information overload.

"Uh.. which word is used for cutting, and which word is used for seasoning?" he asked. "I thought Seppun-san's poem was about dreaming, not about cooking. Can you explain it to me?"
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Shinjo Monkhbaatar on Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:25 pm

Moshi Asakiko wrote:She sighed. "Maybe I might find some on the Otaku plains." The Moshi looked up at the Shinjo and nodded. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

"That's true, but I like to try and find the beauty in everything. No point in dwelling on things that you don't like when you can do your best to try and enjoy every experience. Makes for a much happier life as far as I've been able to see."

Stopping a bit up the way near a relatively empty spot. "How about here for the tent?"
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moshi Asakiko on Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:23 pm

"Looks like a good place Shinjo sama." She bowed to the Monkhbaatar. "Arigatou... I hope you still have time for your other activities."
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Shinjo Monkhbaatar on Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:20 pm

"Right now my activity is to help out the guests and see how I can help out, so I'm doing exactly what I was planning thanks to you," he replies with a warm smile as he starts out the construction of the tent.

"So you're a Moshi. What are your lands like?"
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moshi Asakiko on Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:30 pm

"It is a valley between the shore and the Mountains of Regret. We have a shrine devoted to the Lady Sun as she bless us with her radiant light." She explained
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Shinjo Monkhbaatar on Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:33 pm

"Mountains and a shoreline? That sounds like it would be a very picturesque sight to enjoy!" he says with a bit of enthusiasm. "I'd love to see that someday."
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moshi Asakiko on Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:24 am

"It would be an honor for me if you visit my homeland." She smiled and tried her best to aid the young Shinjo with the tent. "It so
would be quite the experience as you see the mountains and the sea just from the valley itself."
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