Moto Butaj wrote:Butaj gets curious.
Moto Butaj wrote:Butaj grins playfully and catches her hand immediately when it connects, with the only free he has as the other holds the topshur, twisting it into a breath-stealing bariqu lock. Butaj does so in a way that reminds of Moto kids horsing around.
Day 1 - EA - Playfully Showing Khulun Butaj Is Not Bad at Bariqu - Ag/Jiujutsu - Khulun's ATN: 5d10o10k4 44
"Butaj's good at a few things, Sayyeda Khulun."
Matsu Yurio wrote:[
"Agreed. As long as the events of the miai allow. Jiujutsu is an honourable form of combat. It is good to hear your still subscribe to it's practice. Chesss . . . . ?"
She had lost him with the last word, unable to even hazard a guess at it's meaning.
Seppun Hideo wrote:"I never doubted that you would" Hideo said with an approving nod "perhaps one could be considered as a marriage prospect once we understand the ways they call upon the kami. It would certainly be a more sensible option, neh? Priest families brought together will ensure a better chance for the children to be able to commune with the kami."
Seppun Hitako wrote:"This was my thoughts, as well. Thus why he caught my eye. Though, if you find of any others that seem to have any connections with the Spirit Realms in any way, let me know. Options are not a bad thing, I think."
Soshi Yuuru wrote:He smiled, "I'm not averse to the idea fair Batul-san. The southern reaches of your new lands also border on the forest I know so well. I feel I could bring some value to the Unicorn as I assume much of your lands are still relatively unknown to you, but I suppose we'll have to see if your superiors feel the same way. I would certainly enjoy seeing more of you as well; and the sooner the better."
He tilted his head slightly and closed his eyes to smile.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:A small frown appeared, but soon dispelled with a polite smile. "No, I'm not, Matsu-sama. I am... unsuited for warfare, sadly, no matter how much of a warrior's heart I might have. Instead, it was arranged for me to be trained outside the clan, and I studied with the Asako loremasters."
Seppun Hideo wrote:"I think perhaps in a few days time we could have a discussion among our kin regarding the Unicorn, regarding options and opinions of the Unicorn here. Those I have met so far...I would not wish upon any of my kin" Hideo began speaking quietly again "and perhaps not even upon the Crane."
Isawa Nonin wrote:Nonin cannot help but burst out laughing. "We ask how your horses got so big, Otaku-san!"
He quickly composed himself and bowed, "Forgive me my outburst, Otaku-san. The absurdity of the contrasting viewpoints overwhelmed me." He pondered for a moment. "I would venture to suggest that our horses are smaller because they have had less range to roam in, less fodder to eat and less need to be able to run as fast as the wind as the amazing horses of your clan."
Seppun Hitako wrote:She smiled ever so slightly. "Not even them? Hopefully we will meet much better possibilities. Time will tell, I suppose."
She looked around. "None at all have appealed to you? I understand one of them is something like a kuge, of their ruling families. And female, no less."
Ide Samai wrote:"I am looking forward to it Matsu-san. Chess is a game played on a board, with figures. It is usually around strategy, trying to outplay your opponent... I am only a novice to be honest." Her face was apologetic.
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