The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:13 pm

Mizuki nods. "I can understand. I think an Iuchi would be preferable. I hear their magic is strange, but if my children could to use magic then I would be happy. Or maybe the most gaijin-looking man here. Hopefully, our children would take his looks.Or at least don't look me."

Mizuki shurgs and takes a drink.

"Honestly, I would be happy to find a man that isn't terrified of the Curse." Mizuki sighs. "Those are going to be pleasant conversations. 'By the way, I'm cursed to betray the one I love most. Do you want to marry me?' " Mizuki laughs. "Maybe we should take bets at how many suitors I scare off. I'm betting three."
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep

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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:40 pm

Suteichi straightened up at that with a concerned look. He knew that it would be a very tough subject to speak on. It is easy to have this conversation amongst his clansmen but it was still difficult nonetheless.

"It is not going to be easy but it is necessary. The Unicorn seem to be a people accustomed to...unique conditions. I am sure they have tales of things far worse than any curse that could be spoken of."
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:10 pm

"I know. I hope being proactive will help. At least, it won't seem like I'm hiding anything." Mizuki shakes her head.

"Enough of this. This is supposed to be a happy time."

Mizuki turns the conversation. "So, have you seen any of our kinsmen that showed up? I wonder who else they sent."
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep

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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:24 pm

"I have not, Yogo-sempai. I am sure I will see more in due time. I must say, it is good to speak as we are again."
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

Status 1.0|Honor: Untrustworthy|Courtshp Points: 3

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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moto Baatar on Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:47 pm

Doji Fukawa wrote:"... the two main topics tend towards Beauty and Love. Our clan has long been blessed with a connection to Benten, and so she inspires many. Also, in matters of courtly romance, writing or singing a song about your love without revealing who they are is very well admired indeed. I recall one song last winter written about such a beauty. It went on and on about how beautiful their love was. 'The swan was in her movement, and the morning in her smile.' It was all the court court talk about for weeks was who said beauty was." she reveals.

"Ugh! Sounds really mushy!" Baatar replied, his face wrinkling at the thought. "Do girls really like that sort of thing? I only know songs about fighting and riding."
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:09 pm

Moto Baatar wrote:
Doji Fukawa wrote:"... the two main topics tend towards Beauty and Love. Our clan has long been blessed with a connection to Benten, and so she inspires many. Also, in matters of courtly romance, writing or singing a song about your love without revealing who they are is very well admired indeed. I recall one song last winter written about such a beauty. It went on and on about how beautiful their love was. 'The swan was in her movement, and the morning in her smile.' It was all the court court talk about for weeks was who said beauty was." she reveals.

"Ugh! Sounds really mushy!" Baatar replied, his face wrinkling at the thought. "Do girls really like that sort of thing? I only know songs about fighting and riding."

Fukawa nods.

"Indeed they do. Anonymous poems work well too, left without sender or receiver. If you can gain her attention without directly naming her, you show yourself clever indeed." Fukawa says.
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moto Baatar on Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:26 pm

Doji Fukawa wrote:
Moto Baatar wrote:"Ugh! Sounds really mushy!" Baatar replied, his face wrinkling at the thought. "Do girls really like that sort of thing? I only know songs about fighting and riding."

Fukawa nods.

"Indeed they do. Anonymous poems work well too, left without sender or receiver. If you can gain her attention without directly naming her, you show yourself clever indeed." Fukawa says.

The young Unicorn looked thoughtful at this, trying to process this new information into his (extremely limited) Theory of How Girls Work.

"Anonymous poems, eh?" he repeated. "I... I guess I'll have to try that."

"I'm supposed to find a wife at this thing," Baatar admitted. "I didn't know it would be so complicated. My cousin said we should just ride in and grab someone, then ride away. But the Ide chief flat out forbade it. So it looks like I'll need to learn some of this stuff."

"How do anonymous poems even work though?" he pressed. "I mean, what if she thinks some other guy wrote it instead?"
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
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carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, puppy. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:45 am

Bayushi Suteichi wrote:"I have not, Yogo-sempai. I am sure I will see more in due time. I must say, it is good to speak as we are again."

Mizuki smiles. "Hai. I admit I was quite happy to see that you were being sent too. Regardless of whether these Unicorn turn out to be friend or foe or if there are any suitable spouses, we have each other's back." Mizuki was happy. She viewed Suteichi as the brother she never had. She, of course, had three of them and loved them deeply. But Suteichi likes her. Which is a nice change.
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep

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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:57 am

Hideo decides not to react to his idea being ignored, and offered some advice on the current subject.

"You add something that only the receiver would know to be you. A hint. I have also heard of arts other than poetry used, ikebana for example."
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:58 am

Seppun Hideo wrote:Hideo decides not to react to his idea being ignored, and offered some advice on the current subject.

"You add something that only the receiver would know to be you. A hint. I have also heard of arts other than poetry used, ikebana for example."

The Doji gave a sidelong glance to the Seppun. It was bad enough that his offer to teach was getting her entangled as 'Art Teacher to the Moto' while he was just going to advise on etiquette. Now he wanted to switch the Moto's focus from Poetry, which was something every samurai should be able to do, to ikebana?

"Seppun-sama is correct, but the art of haiku is something every samurai is expected to be able to do, while ikebana is rather specialized." she offers helpfully. "Perhaps Seppun-sama would grace us with a haiku as an example?"
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:34 am

Hideo raised a brow.

"I would not say I am the greatest poet, but I can offer an example."

He paused a moment, before speaking.

"Cherished memories
are the reminiscent source
of future daydreams
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:32 am

Yogo Mizuki wrote:
Bayushi Suteichi wrote:"I have not, Yogo-sempai. I am sure I will see more in due time. I must say, it is good to speak as we are again."

Mizuki smiles. "Hai. I admit I was quite happy to see that you were being sent too. Regardless of whether these Unicorn turn out to be friend or foe or if there are any suitable spouses, we have each other's back." Mizuki was happy. She viewed Suteichi as the brother she never had. She, of course, had three of them and loved them deeply. But Suteichi likes her. Which is a nice change.

Mizuki was a special to him and yes like a sibling that he never had. She was a confidant, the only one out side his direct family who knew the most about him. During their days at the Bayushi Courtier School, they agreed to always look out for one another. There is an implicit trust between them.

"When have we ever not looked out for one another?" he asked jokingly. "I look forward to seeing who the Unicorn have to offer. Will there be beauty among their talents and brains amongst their brawn? I confess a bit of concern about hearing of their bond with their horses. Most...interesting."
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

Status 1.0|Honor: Untrustworthy|Courtshp Points: 3

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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Moto Baatar on Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:44 pm

Doji Fukawa wrote:
Seppun Hideo wrote:"You add something that only the receiver would know to be you. A hint. I have also heard of arts other than poetry used, ikebana for example."

"Seppun-sama is correct, but the art of haiku is something every samurai is expected to be able to do, while ikebana is rather specialized." she offers helpfully. "Perhaps Seppun-sama would grace us with a haiku as an example?"

"If ikebana poetry is harder, maybe I should start with the easier kind," Baatar agreed.

Seppun Hideo wrote:He paused a moment, before speaking.

"Cherished memories
are the reminiscent source
of future daydreams

"Huh! So that's a haiku?" Baatar said, trying to comprehend what the Seppun was saying. "It sounds like just words. How do you know if it's a good one?"
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:29 pm

Bayushi Suteichi wrote:Mizuki was a special to him and yes like a sibling that he never had. She was a confidant, the only one out side his direct family who knew the most about him. During their days at the Bayushi Courtier School, they agreed to always look out for one another. There is an implicit trust between them.

"When have we ever not looked out for one another?" he asked jokingly. "I look forward to seeing who the Unicorn have to offer. Will there be beauty among their talents and brains amongst their brawn? I confess a bit of concern about hearing of their bond with their horses. Most...interesting."

"I'm sure there will be some beauty. Though they will probably be quite 'exotic.' Brains will be hard to tell. Who is stupid and who is merely ignorant?" Mizuki consider for a moment. "I hadn't considered the horse. I don't even know how to ride. It's going to be a contest of some sort, isn't it?" Make sure not to fall off of horse.
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep

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Re: The Arrival of the Condemned (EM, D1)

Postby Matsu Yurio on Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:39 pm

Servants suitably advised of Lion distress, Yurio stalked back to his tent . . . . yurt and started actually making it 'habitable' for one of honour.


Neko, now released for a moment, examined the discarded furs with the same air of discontent as his human.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Scout * Small * Daring * KITTEH *
Soon to be Purple KITTEH Doggeh Trainer

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