Iuchi Batul wrote:
"Well, I thought it was Lion lands before, so they have left some things behind. My clan will decide if to keeb them or make them more of our style." She added as she recalled his mention of the unhindered lands. "Though I have found some bretty things in the Embire as well." She continued as she curled a lock of hair around her finger and then let it fall over her shoulder.
"Yuuru-san should stick around the Unicorn clan if he is cartografer. They can travel together and learn of the lands here." She made a small pause before adding. "And Batul-san could be habby to see him more often."
He smiled, "I'm not averse to the idea fair Batul-san. The southern reaches of your new lands also border on the forest I know so well. I feel I could bring some value to the Unicorn as I assume much of your lands are still relatively unknown to you, but I suppose we'll have to see if your superiors feel the same way. I would certainly enjoy seeing more of you as well; and the sooner the better."
He tilted his head slightly and closed his eyes to smile.