Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Soshi Yuuru on Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:03 am

Iuchi Batul wrote:
"Well, I thought it was Lion lands before, so they have left some things behind. My clan will decide if to keeb them or make them more of our style." She added as she recalled his mention of the unhindered lands. "Though I have found some bretty things in the Embire as well." She continued as she curled a lock of hair around her finger and then let it fall over her shoulder.

"Yuuru-san should stick around the Unicorn clan if he is cartografer. They can travel together and learn of the lands here." She made a small pause before adding. "And Batul-san could be habby to see him more often."

He smiled, "I'm not averse to the idea fair Batul-san. The southern reaches of your new lands also border on the forest I know so well. I feel I could bring some value to the Unicorn as I assume much of your lands are still relatively unknown to you, but I suppose we'll have to see if your superiors feel the same way. I would certainly enjoy seeing more of you as well; and the sooner the better."

He tilted his head slightly and closed his eyes to smile.
Scorpion Clan • Unlucky • Bushi • Cartographer • Explorer • 'Big Fish' Honesty • Engaged to Moto Khulun
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:14 am

"I could see where Bayushi-san thought of adaptability when it comes to the strength of the Ide Family, which is something we indeed could stand to learn more from you. It looks like we're given such an opportunity first hand with such accommodations on the next few days." She said smile as her gaze wavered to look at the conglomeration of tents not too far from where they were. "We'll just have to make due and rely solely on our inner essence."
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9

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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Yogo Yuichi on Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:17 am

Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:She kept herself from sighing. "Whatever you say, Yuichi-dono." She put her fan back over her lips. "Perhaps, in another setting, you could enlighten me more on this topic."

'' It would be my pleasure, I'm sure you will love the details...'' He says.

Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:Her eyes shifted to the mask. "For now I would like to ask you about your mask. We of the Unicorn use those only in battle, Yuichi-dono." She allowed the man to fill in the rest.

'' But right now we are in the middle of a battle, Shinjo-san'' He replied. '' I suppose it will be hard to grasp that concept, as you just recently returned, but let me tell you that right now, -you are- in the middle of a battle. A battle of words and appearances. A battle without weapons but equally deadly.''

'' Look around you, all of us samurai are wearing masks. But we, in the Scorpion clan, are kind enough to not hide that fact '' He says.

'' But if you are wondering why I'm wearing this particular mask, I'm afraid that the reason it's quite simple. I wear it because I like it.'' He shrugs.
*Scorpion *Shugenja *Soul of Gold *Discoloured Eye *Oni Mask * Spirits, Spirits Everywhere
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Honorless Dog| Status: 1.0| Courtship Points: -2
Mon: Scorpion, Yogo
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Ide Amaya on Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:29 am

Amaya had spent her life sleeping on a thin mat with sand for a bed, it seemed to her that it mattered little if the roof overhead was canvas or stone or stars. Amaya fluttered her fan, the press of bodies and the dull roar of conversations was beginning to wear on her.

Earnestly she looked up at Suteichi, "with the deepest respect, I should retire and prepare for tonight's feast, I hope you do not think me rude. If it pleases Bayushi Suteichi-Sama and Hotaru-Sama, perhaps we could meet tomorrow to further our discussions? Provided you are free?"
• Unicorn Courtier • [Profile - Updated 4/29]
• Small • Gullible • Voice • Inner Gift (Animal Ken) • Love Actuary •
• Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 5 •
Carries: Wakazashi, Seppun Fan, Personal Chop, Book of Poetry, Hand Mirror, Wooden Hair Comb, Partial Makeup Kit, Satsujin - a weasel.

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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:37 am

Seppun Hideo wrote:"I would assume that they haven't spent time studying our food, so I would think your curiosities might be sated" Hideo said with a chuckle "I do wonder though what we will see. I haven't managed to find many texts on gaijin foods, nor have I investigated the crops that the Unicorn are growing. Have you looked into it?"

"I have not, actually. Obviously, they couldn't have taken rice with them into the Burning Sands. Not enough water there." She frowns ever so slightly, then regains her on. "I think most of the land around here grows barley. Something using that? Or perhaps they hunt fowl?"
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:47 am

Seppun Hitako wrote:"I have not, actually. Obviously, they couldn't have taken rice with them into the Burning Sands. Not enough water there." She frowns ever so slightly, then regains her on. "I think most of the land around here grows barley. Something using that? Or perhaps they hunt fowl?"

"Hunting sounds likely; if the Unicorn continued to travel while outside the Empire, they wouldn't have had a lot of opportunities to grow plants" Hideo mused thoughtfully "animals are easier to capture for food in that situation. They have a lot of livestock in pens here, perhaps..." he frowned "they keep them for food?"
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:17 am

"Or for other purposes. Cattle give off good rich dung, don't they? Which they could trade to more landed areas, for manure. Sheep are useful if you can't get silk, which they might not be able to. I'm not sure. I'm not a husbandman, trained to oversee heimin in their duties. Just because I can't think of uses, doesn't mean they aren't there."
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:03 am

Hideo nodded. "Point conceded. We will have to wait and see I guess."

He looked over the gathered masses with a curious look.

"I have conversed with a few of the locals. I would hope that it was just an isolated few, otherwise I may struggle to find any to recommend to you."
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:07 am

"I looked over some of them. That one" she points at Dong Ha "seems to be some sort of shugenja or monk. I can't say I've seen any others who are similar. So, I need to get the points to choose early, and choose him. I think. There might, after all, be other options. I just haven't seen them yet."
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:23 am

"They have priests?" Hideo said with a slight surprise "I haven't met any that can commune with the kami. That would be interesting to discuss with them, how they were able to commune with the kami from so far outside the Empire. I am yet to really meet with any of the femals members of the Unicorn, but the prestige of the Otaku maidens has carried across the Empire already."
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:43 am

"I'm not sure. That's why I mentioned monks, though he is a participant, so... who knows? It will be interesting to find out!"
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Otaku Imane on Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:06 am

Isawa Nonin wrote:"We seek out those with the talent across the Empire, Otaku-san," explained Nonin. "The talent to speak with the Kami is a blessing but using it with skill requires training."

Whatever else he was going to say is lost as he marvels at Almater. "What an amazing horse."

The little Otaku smiled brightly at Nonin's praise. "Why yes, yes she is! Faster than the wind and as nimble as a dancer.". Casually she patted her horse's neck, turning to look at it.

"But don't let it go to your head dear."

She returned her gaze to the Phoenix. "Perhaps you can help me to understand something Isawa Nonin-sama?". Imane leaned a little closer. "What has happened to make the Empire's horses so...well...little?"
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:26 am

Ide Amaya wrote:Amaya had spent her life sleeping on a thin mat with sand for a bed, it seemed to her that it mattered little if the roof overhead was canvas or stone or stars. Amaya fluttered her fan, the press of bodies and the dull roar of conversations was beginning to wear on her.

Earnestly she looked up at Suteichi, "with the deepest respect, I should retire and prepare for tonight's feast, I hope you do not think me rude. If it pleases Bayushi Suteichi-Sama and Hotaru-Sama, perhaps we could meet tomorrow to further our discussions? Provided you are free?"

"I have no reason at all to find you rude. I have some time in the afternoon available for the both of you. Will that suffice?"
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Ide Samai on Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:11 am

Matsu Yurio wrote:
Ide Samai wrote:"Oh? I am sure our bushi will be happy to have something to hunt during the winter and occupy themselves as you do." Her eyes glanced around the gathering. "You like hunting Matsu-san?"

He nodded slowly.

"Somewhat. It helps improve fieldcraft."

"I see? Any other hobbies Matsu-san? Do you have an interest in the arts perhaps?" She asked hopefully.
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: Opening Ceremony (Day 1, Early Afternoon)

Postby Matsu Yurio on Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:17 am

"I was told I had the frame and poise suitable for dancing, so have learnt some of that art."

A surprising hobby for a Lion perhaps.

"Kemari is also a welcome distraction, but the army takes up most of my time."
Lion Clan * Bushi * Scout * Small * Daring * KITTEH *
Soon to be Purple KITTEH Doggeh Trainer

Glory 1.0 * Status 1.0 * Honour Exceptional * Courtship 3!

Carries: Daisho, fan, sake cup.
When permitted: No-dachi, light armour.
Sometimes accompanied by: Neko

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