Shinjo Liu Fei wrote:"I am not a Sensei Bayushi-sama. It isn't really something I can, or should, teach. Do you have a weapon you have trained a bit in? Would you care to spar or train together? I would find something to replace my Naginata with, something more practice oriented of course. Unless you felt daring," she added the last with a slightly twisted smirk. Though as the smirk dissipated so too did the suggestion to practice with anything but the proper precautionary tools.
"Otherwise, you could watch. Though I am not sure how much good that would do you, Bayushi-sama."
Shinjo Liu Fei wrote:"Then I will give you the advantage of witnessing my technique today so that when we have our chance to spar we might meet on equal footing," she said, though there was clearly a jab in there it's intent was not to insult, but danced about the line of daring. A tease, some might say, or others might call it a challenge. Either way, it was close enough to the truth.
Taking her stance with Naginata ready, she looked to the Bayushi to give him the chance to say anything else he wished to before she would begin to work through her routine a bit.
Soshi Yuuru wrote:"How do you train for battle? Did you have dojo or some type of training facility before arriving?"
Soshi Yuuru wrote:"How were your martial traditions passed down then?" He asked with interest.
Shinjo Liu Fei wrote:Without another word Liu Fei dropped into focus. Slashes, and thrusts interspersed her routine. Clear enough to anyone with a decent amount of training was that her stance was far more defensive with a sudden switch to more offensive attacks. Liu Fei's foot work was quick, light on her feet, it allowed for a great deal of movement but seemed to hold back. Like there was something she knew she could try but wasn't ready to yet, another part to her technique she had been working on.
After quite a number of repetitions, working up a bit of a sweat, she finished with a definitive movement and then fell back into a relaxed stance. Turning to look back to the Bayushi who had decided to watch, rather than speak she sought to learn of what he thought whether it was through him speaking or just watching him for a moment. After the display he witnessed, she figured it was only fair she got to do a little of the same.
Shinjo Liu Fei wrote:"Self defense, at best, with a weapon such as that Bayushi-sama. Would be hard to get past a foe that was expecting an attack from a blade such as that I would wager," she said, finding his stoic stance giving no indication of what he truly thought of the display. Still, that wasn't to say she was entirely disappointed. There was enough steal and resolve there to make up for what she thought of his choice of weapon.
"When it arrives at it's conclusion, effectiveness is all that truly matters."
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