by Shimizu Ryori on Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:14 pm
"I pointed that out to my clan mates already, that it was a misunderstanding and they seem to be accepting of it. We prefer our Lions to have thier fur on, much as I am sure you would prefer your steeds to keep thier skins. One of my clan mates saw a fur in his yark that almost exactly matched his cat-brother in pattern and coloring. He was quite disturbed." he smiles " I brought this up here away from prying ears to you, because we know each other, so that your clan can be aware, but it doesn't have to be a public thing."
Shimizu Ryori | Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Touched By Chikishudo
+ Honor Expected - Status 1.0 - Glory 1.0 - Courtship Points : 2 +
Court: Wakizashi, Nice Kimono
Field: Armor, Sturdy Clothes, Daisho, Yumi + Quiver, Traveling Pack
Pack: Spare Rations, Canteen, Rope, Net, Blanket
Both: Bag of Sweets, Matsu Kyra - (Warcat) Profile