Shinjo Hanashi wrote:
"I'm still living, and now pledged to marriage...and to be a Seppun, if I understand the way of these things? If none have blessed me, then I understand little about how they work. Seppun Hitako-san, I am honored to have been in your esteem such as to be a choice for you."
Yogo Mizuki wrote:Mizuki returns the bow. "I am sure it will. I am just thankful no one picked you up before me." She wouldn't have gone all Yuki or Amaya. She'd have just pick Bataar or that one guy. But still. It's nice to have her first choice. "I think my parents will be pleased with you." He is handsome and according to Silvia, quite brave. I may have gotten the best deal here. Mizuki was optimistic about her future. It was kinda weird.
Shosuro Yawarakai wrote:"Carry the Fortunes," Yawarakai intoned reflexively and bowed before he suddenly spoke up again.
"Kitsune-san? I would like us to be friends, even if circumstances seemingly conspire to impede such a thing."
Seppun Hitako wrote:After the last choice is made, she turns again. "Apologies. Some interesting choices were made. I am pleased with my selection, yes. You were recommended to me by multiple people, and I am hoping we will be a harmonious pairing. I must warn - I may not be as present as some wives. My various connections and duties mean I may be traveling a fair bit." She smiles. "Somehow, I don't think that will be as much of a problem for you, true?"
Usagi Tsukimi wrote:Matsu Kogo wrote:Kogo bows to the Usagi, wishing she had appropriate words to say prior to her departure. "If you wish, I would hear more of your adventures as well, if you would wish to correspond." It is a small thing, but she would not lose one who understands her situation.
She attempted to regain her On, and gave the Matsu a wider smile, nodding.
"Nothing would please me more, Matsu-san. We were well met."
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Tomoe shook her head a little to clear her thoughts. "... I had an older sister. Two years older, training to be a shugenja too," her smile was bittersweet. "She and mother died in the attacks on our homeland during the Battle of Bloody Retreat and Battle of Sleeping River. So it's just me and father now."
She stole a glance in Dong-Ha's direction, still blushing. "Maybe father will be hapy to have a bigger family again."
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