Kitsune Takeo wrote:Given that Takeo selected Amaya who subsequently shirked her duty and fled off into the sunset with Hideo, what, if anything, should Takeo do to broach the subject of his wife (and the Otaku's husband) apparently abdicating their duty and fleeing?
I don't suppose there's any chance Dabo has a replacement daughter of roughly marrying age?
Mindshred wrote:Kitsune Takeo wrote:Given that Takeo selected Amaya who subsequently shirked her duty and fled off into the sunset with Hideo, what, if anything, should Takeo do to broach the subject of his wife (and the Otaku's husband) apparently abdicating their duty and fleeing?
I don't suppose there's any chance Dabo has a replacement daughter of roughly marrying age?
That seems like the sort of thing you can talk him into, if you're willing to wait a few years.
Ichiro Daisuke wrote:Mostly out of curiosity, will a list of advantages/disadvantages people earned through the wedding results show up?
Kitsu Takashi wrote:I'm wondering what level of input we might have (if any) on these characters, in case it affects decisions about reprising. Can we entertain discussion in PFs about our NPC spouses, or will we just be getting a character thumbnail from the GM?
Also wondering whether we'd have time to meet the betrothed before returning home--here, on the way if they accompany, etc.--or if we're just leaving wedding planning to the professionals, now. If I have XP, can my surprise match be blissful?
Moto Butaj wrote:What is the approx. in-game time between this game and the next? It's mostly a question how far into the future epilogues can be. Like after spring batch of marriages, or before that?
Otaku Kitakuhime wrote:This means the next game we have a chance to play with the same characters we played this game?
Any chance to play KS characters?
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