Now that we've reached the end of the game, I wanted to thank everyone for putting their time and energy into the game. I had a great time, and I hope that you did as well!
If I have one regret, it's that I wasn't around as much as I wanted. Work got unexpectedly busy about a third of the way through the game and is only now starting to settle down. Despite that, I'm still happy with how things turned out.
You have about a day and a half until posting ends, so please try to wrap your threads up by then. I'm not going to lock the forum, so this isn't a hard deadline, just a general guideline.
Starting... well, in about two minutes... we'll have a series of polls posted to determine where the setting goes from here. We've been doing this since the first game almost a decade ago, so this is your chance to influence the world and decide what shape it takes in the future.
For the players that have asked, we won't have character goals this time around; everyone is going to be too busy making marriage preparations to really worry about anything else. Come next game, character goals will return.