[Secret Love disadvantages trigger!]
As the samurai gather to begin choosing their spouses, a group of Otaku approach Ide Dabo and hand him a series of furled scrolls. He asks what they are, but the Otaku merely inform him that everything will be clear once he reads the missives.
One by one, he opens each missive, reads it, and glances at the group of Otaku in increasing anger and annoyance. "This is not how things are done," he points out, setting the last of the scrolls aside.
"Otaku Xiu disagrees," one of the Otaku women points out, with a gesture to the scrolls. "If you wish to disobey her request..."
Dabo raises his hand, cutting her off. "No, there is no need. You have clearly managed to convince her that true love is more important than the rules."
The Otaku woman grins with a bit of fierceness. "A samurai is fearless in all things, Ide-san."
With a heavy sigh, Dabo makes a few quick changes to his list.
[Otaku Chou gains +20 Courtship Points!]
[Otaku Jinjing gains +20 Courtship Points!]
[Otaku Huan gains +20 Courtship Points!]
[Otaku Meixiu gains +20 Courtship Points!]
[Otaku Xantoko gains +20 Courtship Points!]

Otaku Chou steps forward and looks over the crowd. "There are none here who can compete with the might and beauty of the great bear, Kitsune Kumahime. I choose her as my wife, so that she might lend her strength and courage to a new generation of Unicorn children."

Otaku Jinijing is next. She smiles widely as she makes her choice. "Seppun Hideo shall become my husband. I will travel with him to his home and become the first Unicorn to take an Imperial name."

As she finished, Otaku Huan raises her voice. "I have watched many samurai attempt our tests, but none has shown such disappointment and anger at failing as Matsu Yurio. His desire to succeed, despite his inability to do so, has won my heart, and I shall take him home so that he might help my family raise our famed hunting dogs."

Next is Otaku Meixiu. "It has become clear that our Clan must know more about the dark forces arrayed against us. To that end, I shall marry Kaiu Hiroji, slayer of the mighty Orochi, so that he might teach us about not only love, but also the hidden things we must know."

Last to speak was the leader, Otaku Xantoko. "I shall marry Yogo Yuchi. He is unlike us in many ways, and by marrying him, I shall learn more about this Empire we left behind. My children shall be raised as one of the Scorpion, and I shall don a mask to serve as his wife."
(Otaku Chou <-- Kitsune Kumahime)
(Otaku Jinjing --> Seppun Hideo)
(Otaku Huan <-- Matsu Yurio)
(Otaku Meixiu <-- Kaiu Hiroji)
(Otaku Xantoko --> Yogo Yuichi)