Otaku Kitakuhime wrote:Covering her mouth not to giggle, she compliments the other battle maiden, "I'm so proud of you, sister. You bring honor to us all."
Otaku Imane wrote:Otaku Kitakuhime wrote:Covering her mouth not to giggle, she compliments the other battle maiden, "I'm so proud of you, sister. You bring honor to us all."
Imane bowed to her sister in thanks and was about to reply when Doji Fukawa stepped forward and made her choice. It was good to see that their war hero had found a fine bride. Of course this meant it was her turn.
She looked into Kitakuhime's eyes and mouthed 'Shiotome', winked, and then walked proudly up to the centre of the action. Ide Dabo and the judges received a deep bow. Her lightly accented voice carried across the crowd with more strength than her small form implied.
"Ide Dabo-dono, minna-sama, you have my deepest thanks for such a joyous miai. It is pleasing to find such a warm reception from our cousins, and to have introduced them to our own culture. I now find I must choose my husband, and it has not been an easy decision from a field of such fine samurai."
I am not my mother. I am not my mother... But I think I understand her better, now.
She looked across to where the Otaku, at the behest of their daimyo no less, had chosen their matches for love. She touched the comb and went with her gut.
"I am spoiled by good choices. Although I did not know of his clan until a week ago, they have guarded the pass by which we left the Empire. I believe our temperaments to be well aligned, and he accepts the demands placed on an Otaku husband. I choose Ichiro Daisuke, and look forward to bringing my people closer to our stalwart Northern neighbours. May each of you be blessed with joyful matches."
With a bow to the audience she returned to the crowd and, smiling faintly, made her way over to the Badger.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:"I am confident on your behalf then, Tsukimi-chan," Tomoe put on her bravest smile for Tsukimi, and for Kogo who joined them. Kogo she knew would at least leave her with a husband, one way or another, so she held onto hope for any of the fine Unicorn men before them to choose Tsukimi. Please,
Benten, show some kindness to Tsukimi-chan too.
Noting the reactions on Fukawa, Akil and Kogo as the second choosing is made, the Hare nodded behind her fan. Leaning a little closer to Kogo, Tomoe spoke in a quiet tone. "Lady Matsu never said her goodbye to Lord Akodo when she departed with Shinsei for the Day of Thunder... will repeat that?" She didn't say 'mistake', but it was hinted at, indicating that the Hare felt that it would be wrong to at least not say their last farewells before destiny took them both to different places.
Otaku Imane wrote:Her spine tingled when he said her name like that in public! Okay, it was a whisper, but still... A hint of colour reached her cheeks and she looked back at him happily.
"Daisuke-san. I thought about what you said at the pool, and I look forward to our future together." A hand slipped down to her belt and she removed the fine comb. "Thank you for your letter. You did not tell me you were an artisan."
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