Prayers and Pleas (LM - D9)

Re: Prayers and Pleas (LM - D9)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Sat May 06, 2017 5:18 pm

He raised an eyebrow at the mention of war, out of intrigue.

"I see Kitsune-sama, your point makes sense and is na honourable one. The only option I will have is to respect such a wish and carry the risk of my lord's ire. "

He looks at the food inspecting it curiously "I am certain any samurai with even a smidgen of honour would see the sacrifice I would be making and realise and would remember such a selfless act long after the act itself." He glances at the Fox from under his brow and then back to the food.

"That is IF one is making such a sacrifice. Such a thing takes time to consider."
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Re: Prayers and Pleas (LM - D9)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Sat May 06, 2017 5:43 pm

"Rest assured, Seppun-san, the Fox have a long memory. Just as we remember our cousins who left nearly 800 years ago and who have newly returned, so too do we remember our friends and those who have aided us," he said, smiling at the shugenja.

"I am under no illusions about what I ask. The price is high. The reward would be my gratitude and the return of a kindness, alike in size, if not in shape, in the future."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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Re: Prayers and Pleas (LM - D9)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Sat May 06, 2017 6:20 pm

He nods his head "Then I wish you a happy marriage Kitsune-sama, I am certain I will hear from you again on how the relationship is going" or because I came to bank the favour

He looks over the food expectantly assuming the negotiations were concluded.
Imperial • Hazy Pupils • Shugenja • Knowledgeable • Conservative • Wealthy
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Seppun Aramoro
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Re: Prayers and Pleas (LM - D9)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Sat May 06, 2017 9:12 pm

If Takeo looked surprised that it had been so easy, he didn't show it. It had all the trappings of the deal with the Scorpion, with none of the distaste, though he supposed that shouldn't surprise him necessarily.

"You have done me a great kindness in this, Seppun-san. I shall not forget. Know that you will always be welcome in my home, be it in Kyuden Kitsune or in the home of the Otaku," he replied, bowing deeply.

"Shall we eat then?"
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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Re: Prayers and Pleas (LM - D9)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Sun May 07, 2017 12:56 pm

"Oh yes Kitsune-sama, let us enjoy the feast you have presented and to future relationships."

Little did the Fox know that Aramoro had no intention of picking the Otaku-princess, but to have such a favour pass by would have been a political-sin.
Imperial • Hazy Pupils • Shugenja • Knowledgeable • Conservative • Wealthy
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Seppun Aramoro
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Re: Prayers and Pleas (LM - D9)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Mon May 08, 2017 10:14 pm

Takeo nodded.

"Hai, lets," he said, gesturing for the Seppun to be seated.

Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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