[D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Wed May 03, 2017 4:01 pm

"That's mostly true too, in Rokugan. Well, except the foreign tribes part," she said with an anxious chuckle. "It's good that you've met her at least. These things are sometimes done through strict correspondence and you don't see your spouse until you're at the steps of the Temple. I've seen some surprised looks before, during the ceremonies I've assisted. Sometimes words just doesn't match the face. We're already all one step ahead of that here!"

You mean lie more? She smiled brightly at his proposal. "And I'm glad that I've met you! I don't know if the Fortunes just smile on just about anything, but I guess that's potential worth asking the oracle about, some other time!"

Hotaru checked the contents of her cup to see if there was more shochu in there. "I don't know...do you like girls in cages?" She babbled a counter response.
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Wed May 03, 2017 4:40 pm

"Well, this... Crane arrangement.." Dong-Ha spread his hands to the side "... seems to be both unique and against such traditions." Returning his hands to his hand, the young Iuchi spied her near empty cup. Without asking Hotaru for permission he filled her cup halfway, figuring that he shouldn't get her drunk.

"Uh... that sounds awkward." he muttered. "To now know your spouse until you are actually their spouse. I wonder if such unions are ever happy" Dong-Ha took a sip from his with a contemplative frown on his face. "I guess we are... lucky compared to them, but.. but you know, anyone would pick you. Even someone you've never talked to." He pointed his finger at her, making a small stabbing motion in the air.

"Mhmh, we definitely should do that. To get a second reading." Dong-Ha was sold on the idea, as the Ide said.

"Uhh.. not really no. I mean, I've seen people in cages, but that was in Medinat al-Salaam and those people looked positively miserable. They were... slaves, I think, bound to serve so Dahabi lord. There was a guy in rich red clothes keeping an eye on them." he recounted the story, distaste evident in his voice. "I don't know why anyone would do that to an another person." Dong-Ha shook his head. "So, no I don't like girls in cages. I like them free, talking and laughing, thank you very much."
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Fri May 05, 2017 8:52 pm

Hotaru smiled faintly when her cup was filled with sake and she gave a small bob of her head in thanks. "I guess that solves that mystery then! You don't like girls in cages. You can stick to talking and laughing free-roaming girls! Aha..."

She hid behind another gulp of alcohol before addressing an earlier topic, changing the order so that hopefully the idea of girls in cages can be forgotten.

"Much like the fates, it's probably too early to truly know if the unions are ever going to be truly happy. I mean, time is usually the best test and nothing stays consistent forever. One of those hot and passionate relationships you hear about in the pillowbooks might be one of hate and disgust down the road when those fickle emotions burn out. There's a reason why those books finish once everyone is married, you know!" She nodded wisely at that point with an uplifted finger.

"I don't know if my parents ever...loved each other, but I guess they never argued or bickered. My mother was highly successful in what she did and earned a lot of money. We only have her to thank for being a little more comfortable that most samurai." She said with a hapless shrug, not knowing the exact science of that. Money kept you warm and fed, however.
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Fri May 05, 2017 9:28 pm

"Ah, that makes sense." He murmured approvingly. "I never believed on love at first or second sight. Love... uh.. is something that grows over time, I think?" Dong-Ha too, reached for his sake to hide his embarrassment. "So um... I think we agree there. Heh.." he laughed awkwardly. "Though, I wouldn't know what Hotaru-san means with pillowbooks. What are they?" She had brought up something he found interesting, or thought so.

"Uh, my parents, on the other hand... seem to get well along. I mean, they still share a tent, all I know." Not that guaranteed anything. "And use ridiculous nicknames when talking to each other." he added with a disgruntled huff. After a while, it got embarrassing. "But I guess that means they are affectionate still, over 20 years since they married?"

"Uuh... and you know..." Dong-Ha looked down. "About the cages... does that mean that Hotaru-san likes cages?" He assumed that she didn't want to discuss the topic because she herself found it too embarrassing. "I don't think I've ever heard anything like that."
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Fri May 05, 2017 9:44 pm

"Ohhh..." She gave a small dismissive wave of her hand. "They are books that usually focus on sensationalism and often controversy, too. They are a popular read in the courts, I'm told. We don't usually get much of them in the temple, other than a few that find their way there because a visitor might have forgotten about them. They are interesting, sure, but I sort of doubt that they echo real life as their fans likely will vouch for."

Hotaru paused to consider the idea of two adults sleeping in the same tent or room, even if they were married. Her own parents slept in different rooms themselves, except in intimate circumstances, keeping their marriage mostly professional. She would rather have space to herself, following in that example and without knowing anything about her spouse. "It sounds like you've had happy and loving parents, they have a way of showing it."

She gave Dong-Ha a few big blinks at that idea with a blush forming on her cheeks. This was begining to fluster her a little. "No. Look, I know I dressed kind of...like that in my performance, but it was really a costume! It's not like I want to be a cage woman."
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Sat May 06, 2017 6:26 am

"So, nothing but fanciful scribblings, stories the authors wish would have come to be?" She seemed to hold a low opinion of them and wanting to appear sympathetic, Dong-Ha followed in kind. "So what's so interesting about them, then? I'd rather read about something that was... or is. I have some traveling journals written by Dahabi. It's interesting to read what they think of places you have seen... and places you have not."

"Uh... sorry." Seeing her fluster had him to drop the topic. Why she had chosen to sing about something she did not want to discuss was beyond him, but he wasn't going to press the issue if it made her that uncomfortable. "I just thought Hotaru-san was singing about things I don't really know about." Dong-Ha's tone was flustered, his eyes avoiding the small Scorpion woman.
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sat May 06, 2017 8:29 am

"Could be...or exaggerated accounts of what really happened. Sometimes, sometimes rarely, downplaying the truth." She gave a small shrug of her shoulder. "I guess people find them interesting, especially in the courts, because it usually makes their surrounding far more interesting than they are. Much like the journals by that author you speak of. They can relate, in a way, and live through the words of the author. In most courts, I don't think a proper and virtuous maiden would find herself in 10 romances over the course of one month...but they are a common occurrence in these books. Or you have tales of bushi taking down monsters and beasts, while most bushi are probably stuck in their duties than to venture off looking for adventure. Some, throw in things like bears and demonic birds into the mix, maybe because they fancy such things and are looking for a way to add them into their tale. I don't think anyone would read about my routine at the temples and on how many people I've helped."

"Ohh!" She held up a hand in dismissal, feeling that she might be scaring him off. "Sumimasen! I didn't mean to make a big deal out of it, because it's not a big deal! It's a friendly song and I actually would be more than happy to discuss more it, if you're curious. Sorry that it involves things that aren't common in your travels. I was hoping the message would be more universal...Can I have more of that shochu?" She said as she offered her cup to be topped off.
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Sat May 06, 2017 4:25 pm

"That.. that does not sound likely, no." he frowned, moving to carefully top her cup. I hope you know what you are doing... Dong-Ha mused to himself. "And such things are popular then?" the young mystic asked, sounding doubtful. "I mean, I can see that no-one would want to read about the everyday life at a remote shrine, but... uh.. serial romance? Why would anyone read things like that." Alas, the poor Iuchi had a rather poor imagination.

"Uh... the cages then? Care to explain if they mean something different in Rokugan?" he looked all kinds of perplexed, confused by how she was darting around the topic without actually addressing it. "Or is it something I shouldn't care about?"
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun May 07, 2017 12:43 am

"They are very popular. I'm sure you've probably spoken to a courtier, or one who's experienced in courts? From what I've heard from my siblings, they are something like a lifeline when attending court, especially when it comes to conversation and being popular among your peers. I find myself even considering exploring the hobby, by necessity of being social and at great reluctance! It seems that whirlwind romances of supposedly innocent little maidens are something of a paradoxical fascination. People either admire such characters or even wish to become them."

"I don't know, are they so different?" She looked up and began to ramble freely. "Cages...Were formally a business my mother was into, but she had long since sold those businesses or converted them to be more proper establishments. We don't have those in the family anymore. They still exist in some parts of the Empire where they are found in some alleyways. You'll find all manner of beautiful men and women there. Mother found them a headache to manage, especially when oiran houses had more autonomy to them..."
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Sun May 07, 2017 1:42 am

"Uh... I have but they didn't mention such things." Perhaps for a reason. Pillow books didn't make the best topic in public. "That sounds like a paradox indeed..." Dong-Ha's eyes wandered to the side as he sighed. Such scandalous items did not make the best of topics. "I don't think I'd be very comfortable at such an occasion." he added, almost as an afterthought. "....Uh.. romances or no romances."

Shuffling his feet to find a more comfortable position, he watched Hotaru ramble with a slightly concerned frown on his face. "Uh.. Hotaru-san. What kind of establishments are we talking here?"
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun May 07, 2017 2:23 am

"There's no fault or flaw in being less than extraordinary." She tittered on that note of people who attend wild Winter Courts and stays in burning cities. "An over-indulgence of adventure is merely an over-burden of trouble on the other side of the coin!"

"Eh?" She blinked twice before she caught the idea of the controversy behind the ramble. Her cheeks began to take on a reddish hue as she found herself wanting to take back what she said earlier, encouraged by the abundance of alcohol. "The sort of establishments that I have absolutely no ties to! Mother gave those to my brother and late-sister."
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Sun May 07, 2017 2:38 am

"Well, I wouldn't want to stay in one place for a long either. There's always something beyond the next hill." Dong-Ha explained. "I don't really care that much for all the people, I am better of with fewer at my side, really. Few I trust and appreciate." He spun his wrist slowly, letting the sake swirl in his cup.

"Uh... right." he shook his head, trying to make sense of the situation. "Well... either way." Dong-Ha took a sip from his cup. "This has been an educational week. I've learned so much about the Empire. I am more kinky man this way." the young man offered Hotaru a careful smile. "I'm glad to met such a kinky person as you."
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun May 07, 2017 3:10 am

Hotaru let out an abrupt cough at his word choice and there was the hue of embarrassment forming on her cheeks. Despite this, she did her best to bite her tongue and not blurt out the truth behind the word. "...Hai, I suppose I am a rather kinky person...However, it is always one step better to be an educated person than a kinky person. I think you've been more learned and educated in the ways of the Empire, than made kinky, when I think about it!"

"You're most welcome, I'm pleased to help you in whatever way I can. Please don't hesitate in sending your cousins my way, if they need my consultation. Your good friends too! Like Usagi-san!" She said with an open smile.
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Sun May 07, 2017 3:32 am

"Hmm?" he looked quizzically at her. "Hmm, I think one follows the other naturally, no?" Dong-Ha asked entirely unaware of how awkward the topic had to be for the poor Scorpion. "You cannot be kinky unless yo are educated. We all have to start from somewhere." He brought up his cup, offering Hotaru a sluggish salute. "My thanks to you, for playing part in that."

"I will surely do so." the young man nodded eagerly. "Perhaps when this is all done and over with, I'll come over to your temple to see if I could learn divination from you."
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"Power is what you think it is."
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Re: [D7 LE Hotaru's tent] Friendship is Meishodo

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun May 07, 2017 4:25 am

Hotaru glanced elsewhere, wondering how a word usage could turn into a monster in itself, much like her divination lie to Dong-Ha where she implanted an idea in his head. She let out an anxious chuckle. "No...I'm pretty sure when you end up being educated or learned, you rather stay there than be considered kinky...Hehe..."

"Maybe! That's something that could probably be arranged. I'll see that you get put into a guest room at the old family estate!" She nodded hopefully. It wasn't quite her mother's place anymore, as she retired, so she'll have to pull strings with a brother to make that possible. It would give a better impression than sleeping at the temple or in town.
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