He knew what he had to achieve . . . no idea how to achieve it . . . but knew he would.
Painstakingly he carved his name into the bean, taking far longer than even a first timer ever should. At one point he pushed too hard with the knife and one stroke of 'Matsu' kanji went all the way through the bean and a small bit of the back fell off . . . but that was a minor disaster compared to some of the previous events for him. Concentration continued . . . which coincidentally looked a lot like his angry face.

He may not have the best carving skills in the world, but at least he made his name pretty and easy to read. All in all, he was quite pleased with the results.

One final time, in case you had missed it, KITTEH CAN DO ANYTHING!!!!!
This is a Tiny Bean: 2 CR, VP for +1k1, TN 25 = 26 = 3 Carving Points, O_O did not expect that to work.
Carving Skills: Art/Awa, unskilled, TN 15 = 9 = 0 Carving Points
Pretty Letters: unskilled, VP for +1k1, TN 15 = 23 = 1 Carving Point
Total = 4 Carving Points
I might not stay here (someone is bound to get 7+), but currently in the CP point bracket . . . FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE ENTIRE GAME!!!!