by Shinjo Taichi on Thu May 04, 2017 5:53 pm
A pause, but a short one. "Someone whose skills complement my own. My training has focused around the protection of others, and I have had little time to learn about the ways of the empire since our return. Any skill at dealing with others, especially in a court setting, would be valuable."
"Beyond that... someone who has a strong character and an open mind. I would see the culture of my people and the empire joined, rather than one absorbed into the other. I can already see that this may cause some conflict, so my spouse must be able to stay strong, no matter what is brought against them."
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Vain and Glorious • Tough • Idealistic • Bad with Money • Shiny Metal Shield
Glory: 0.2 • Status 1.0 • Honor: What is Expected • Just a little bit (in)famous • CP: 0
Carries: Daisho, Targe, Yumi, Knife
Wears: Expensive kimono, haori, Light armor when appropriate.
Horse: Harukaze