Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Thu May 04, 2017 2:28 pm

Takeo nodded.

"Then it is as I expected," he said, all manner of friendliness vanishing from his tone. The nature of the conversation had changed. It was business from here on out, "And it is my obligation to do what I can to turn those winds."

He sat his cup down.

"What would dissuade you from this course? What might I do for you? I know that as the heir to Shosuro-dono there is little that I might give you tangibly, and what I could is likely beneath you anyway. But it is rumored that the Scorpion deal in favors whenever possible."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
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Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Shosuro Yawarakai on Thu May 04, 2017 3:03 pm

"I should think that's rather simple, neh?" Yawarakai said with a warm grin, "The favor, or favors, would need to be commensurate with what I am forgoing. It would need to provide me with opportunity or ability equal to what you are asking me to allow you instead, and there would need to be an initial gesture of good will to establish the basis of this agreement. And all of this would be contingent alone on my agreement to cease pursuing the Otaku heir, not on your ability to win her."
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Dangerously Beautiful • Blessed by Benten • Governor of the Painted City
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Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Thu May 04, 2017 3:45 pm

"You have my rapt attention, Shosuro-sama," Takeo replied.
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Shosuro Yawarakai on Thu May 04, 2017 5:12 pm

"You're willing to agree all of those terms? A future, currently undefined favor or set of favors on the order of the one I am doing for you now, and send the Fox who is closest in line for ascension and has not yet performed their gempukku to be fostered by the Scorpion?" he asked, his face widening slightly with a little bit of surprise.
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Dangerously Beautiful • Blessed by Benten • Governor of the Painted City
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Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Fri May 05, 2017 2:26 pm

Takeo sat back in his seat again and steepled his fingers in front of him, taking a long, hard look at the Scorpion. Takeo's face was inscrutable and he sat in silence for a long time.

Finally, after what seemed like an uncomfortably long time sitting in silence, he leaned forward.

"A set of favors does not extend ad infinitum, Shosuro-sama. But with that stipulation, those terms are agreeable to me. If you are presented the opportunity to select Otaku Kitakuhime-sama and do not, then I will honor the terms of the agreement."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Shosuro Yawarakai on Sat May 06, 2017 6:45 pm

"A set of favors does not extend in perpetuity Kitsune-sama, but you seem to have misapprehended the framework I had originally mentioned neh? This would be effective immediately, on all parties. I would cease my pursuit of the Otaku heir and manifestation of your gratitude would follow as a matter of course in the same moment. This is the framework we were discussing, neh?" Yawarakai explained, his warm smile resting comfortably on his face.
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Dangerously Beautiful • Blessed by Benten • Governor of the Painted City
Glory 1.0 • Status 2.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 8
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Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Sat May 06, 2017 9:17 pm

Takeo pursed his lips.

"You ask for favors that you may have to deliver nothing on, Shosuro-sama. If Otaku-sama is selected before you even have the option then you stand to gain much for nothing in such a deal..."

'And yet I do not find myself overmuch surprised by such terms. If that is what it takes, then so be it."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
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Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Shosuro Yawarakai on Sun May 07, 2017 12:51 am

"As I said, this is not about my delivery of anything. You are asking me to cease my pursuits and what would I require to that end. I have told you what that would be and you seem to be amenable to it. And if you can agree to this, then you need only put the terms of our agreement into writing so we both understand it," Yawarakai answered as politely and warmly as he had their entire conversation.

"This is good coffee, thank you Kitsune-sama," he said, smiling down at his aromatic cup while nodding appreciatively.
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Dangerously Beautiful • Blessed by Benten • Governor of the Painted City
Glory 1.0 • Status 2.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 8
Always carried: Extravagant clothing, mask, wakizashi, bracelet, perfume(applied), calligraphy kit
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Re: Politics Between Neighbors (D9 - EE, Takeo's Room)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Mon May 08, 2017 10:19 pm

He reached for paper and an ink kit, wetting the brush and dabbing it on the stone. He sat the paper to the table and started to write before he stopped himself.

He sighed audibly and sat the brush down, smearing the paper.

"Unfortunately Shosuro-sama, I do not believe I can enact such a deal, though I would be willing. My aunt enjoys certainty and she would scold me heavily if she knew I had played a very big game of fortunes and winds with her relatives. Perhaps there is something else the Fox can offer the Scorpion in exchange for this favor? We are neighbors after all," he offered, smiling lightly.
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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