Shinjo Monkhbaatar wrote:"Well, he sounds like a generous and easily entertained fellow. And I'm glad that Saku seems to have a positive opinion so far. As for my plans for Rokugan... I think I'm really just dreaming of getting the opportunity to travel the lands. To visit everywhere I can before my time in this world is up. And it'd be nice to have someone interested in doing so with me by my side. But I suspect that's a dream of more than a few Unicorn and they can't just let us all go do that."
"There are some duties that allow for that. Cartography. Couriers. Acting. Of course, you could always declare yourself ronin and do whatever, go wherever you want before you starve."
This was accompanied by wry smile and twinkling eye.
"Of course, that would make you a bad samurai, and we must be good samurai."