A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:38 pm

"But it is my room. And speaking of authority, you have no authority to threaten anyone with execution. You are not an Inquisitor or witch-hunter the last I heard."

Mizuki's voice grows angrier. "And don't you dare speak to me of duty. If there is a threat here, you just fucking ruined any chance of us catching it, you idiot. Do you think the Unicorn are going to let you execute everyone at the meeting? Or do you plan on killing pretty much everyone at the miai."

Mizuki just glares at Yuichi. "The gods are cruel to deny me the gift of speaking to the kami and give it to a fool like you."
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep

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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Yuichi on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:41 pm

Mizuki's words are wasted. It seems that he don't care. Yuichi is completely focused on Saksaha reaction.
*Scorpion *Shugenja *Soul of Gold *Discoloured Eye *Oni Mask * Spirits, Spirits Everywhere
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:42 pm

Mizuki sends servants to get guards to remove Yuichi from her room.
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Mon May 01, 2017 12:02 am

Saksaha is in a quantum state of probably being scared of the crazy Yogo but possibly not(?) depending on the unknown movements of the cosmos. Regardless, before she can gather her wits to answer, a shouting match breaks out between the two Yogo, which leaves her head spinning anyway.

"I have not told you anything but the truth," she says, possibly with a certain waver in her light, husky voice. "You could just ask me what you want to know, and I would answer. I do not know what you want."

((D8 LM--resist intimidation with Etiquette/Will, assume Gaijin Name applies (somehow?): 4d10e10k3 22 + Honor = 26))
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Yuichi on Mon May 01, 2017 1:28 am

'' No need for guards Yogo-sama. I will leave '' This time his voice offered the respect that Mizuki's status deserved.

Intimidated or not Yuichi's point has been made. '' To speak with the truth. That's all what I want from you Iuchi-san.'' His voice is no longer intimidating, actually it sounded quite calm. He stood up and went towards the shoji door. He stopped there.

'' Iuchi-san. A piece of advise for you and your clan. Don't try to lie in front of the Underhand of the Emperor...'' He then turn around to talk directly to her.

'' And don't deal with the creatures of the Ninth. I'm far more reasonable than the Kuni witchhunters or the Asako inquisition. I say this for your clan's sake. Even the mere hint of a meeting with the so called 'Onyx champion' will bring them here. Mark my words they -will know- what happened here and they will not be as gentle as I was.'' With that being said Yuichi bowed.

'' Come on Demon dog... '' The little dog followed Yuichi's command.

and with that he prepared to leave.
*Scorpion *Shugenja *Soul of Gold *Discoloured Eye *Oni Mask * Spirits, Spirits Everywhere
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Honorless Dog| Status: 1.0| Courtship Points: -2
Mon: Scorpion, Yogo
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Mon May 01, 2017 1:48 am

"I have spoken nothing less than truth to you, Yogo-san." Saksaha's voice grates harsher as she finds her steel. "I have acted with nothing but courtesy and honesty. Because my people are newly returned to this land, do not think you can come as guests to our camps only to curse at us and accuse us of lying. I have trusted you and helped you even when I cannot see your face. You owe me no less."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Status: 1 • Courtship Points: -1 • Description
"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Yuichi on Mon May 01, 2017 2:02 am

'' Let me say this to you. I'm doing what is right. If my life has to be forfeited so your clan can live peacefully here at the Empire I will sacrifice myself, without second thoughts. I don't give any importance to my life beyond my duty as a Yogo. And certainly I don't care for niceties and good behavior. I will be hated, but that's the truth. There's no lies in there, only truth ''

'' I'm not cursing you because you are newly arrived. You have been away from the Empire. You know many things that we don't know. But you also don't know what we know. And right now, you don't fully understand the danger that such creature pose not only for you or your people, but for the Empire. Don't listen to his sweet words, because there's no sweetness in them. Only death and corruption. Don't let pride and stubborness blind you. That's all what I will say ''

'' And the face you see is far more trustworthy than what lies beneath this mask. But if you don't understand that concept, here...'' He took off his mask and show his face. This was an absolute show of trust, at least from Yuichi's perspective. He nevers show his true face to people he don't trust.


He opened the door and leaved.

/exit unless stopped.
*Scorpion *Shugenja *Soul of Gold *Discoloured Eye *Oni Mask * Spirits, Spirits Everywhere
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Honorless Dog| Status: 1.0| Courtship Points: -2
Mon: Scorpion, Yogo
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Tue May 02, 2017 2:11 am

Mizuki bows deeply to the Unicorn. "I apologize for Yuichi's behavior. He is... a little overenthusiastic in his duties. He means well. He's just a fool sometimes. The fact that he took off his mask shows his sincerity. And probably his own way of apology."
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Tue May 02, 2017 2:33 am

"Um." Saksaha glances from Mizuki to the door and back again, still not totally sure what to make of this. "I also understand... enthusiasm. And you are our guest, Yogo-sama, in a time of seeking understanding. So I will try to understand. But you should know, I do not think everyone he might speak with will be understanding, even among the Unicorn."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Tue May 02, 2017 2:43 am

Mizuki nods. "I know. I thank you for your understanding at least. I assure you, I will be talking to his superiors about this after the miai is over." Mizuki is barely hiding her anger.

She then grabs a servant telling him to go tell the other servants to nevermind. The guest remembered that refusing to leave another's room is rude and left.
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Tue May 02, 2017 5:08 pm

Hotaru wore a strained smile during the back and forth between the Yogo and the Unicorn, then the Yogo and Yogo. Oh my Kami...these Yogo are not only cursed, they're nuts. This was such a bad idea to begin with.

When Mizuki bowed in apology, she followed in kind. "Hai, thank you doing your best to understand, Iuchi-san. I've found you to be always a wise and considerate soul, ever since we first met."

She cleared her throat. "Regardless! We are still willing to offer aid if you need it. It's good that the Unicorn will deal with this thread accordingly. I feel we should still take Yogo Yuichi's words into consideration...that is, the part where this person is a real threat, as well as everything he stands for, and should be taken very seriously. I doubt someone who besmirched your Clan will be forgotten so soon."
Last edited by Bayushi Hotaru on Fri May 05, 2017 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Tue May 02, 2017 6:03 pm

“We will not underestimate the danger." Not if I have anything to say about it.. "But there are things we could not know to prepare before we came here. Jade stone--we never needed this on our travels and did not carry it with us." She glances in the direction Yuchi had gone when he left, taking his jade piece with him. "We must know about weapons that can hurt such creatures, also. And..." she hesitates, frowning.

If she followed our vision to the fields, Hotaru probably heard this anyway. What is the harm?

"Perhaps it is a lie. Anything that creature says may be lies. But it says it has knowledge of where our Lady, Shinjo-no-Kami, is held in durance by another dark power. If she is really alive, and in danger, it is our duty to seek for her. Just not his way."
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Tue May 02, 2017 7:28 pm

"We can arrange contacts with others in my Family that our trained to deal with this. Yuichi is... not the best example of a Yogo shugenja. And if there is another dark power out there, it would be my Clan that would know."
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Tue May 02, 2017 8:10 pm

"That one called this the 'lying darkness,' and said it is the same evil that bedeviled us these last five years, when we rode in the lands of weak sun and dark shadows. The power in those lands bent the mind and made the memories and the faces of the ones it enthralled to slip away. It could be warded and fought with holy crystal. But our tales do not say if this is the same shadow that trapped our Lady some hundreds of years ago, and the words of this Kiyoshi serve his own purposes."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Status: 1 • Courtship Points: -1 • Description
"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: A Simple Meeting (D8 LM) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Fri May 05, 2017 10:52 pm

"Shinjo-Kami?!" Hotaru said with a slight bit of feigned surprise. "It seems like this creature is very well trying to entice you with any promises that it could muster. Even if a shred of it was true, I don't think the Empire should risk revisiting a time where we even need to fear from the remains of our honoured dead. I'd stick to your instincts on the matter, Iuchi-san, this is wrong."
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
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