'' Let me say this to you. I'm doing what is right. If my life has to be forfeited so your clan can live peacefully here at the Empire I will sacrifice myself, without second thoughts. I don't give any importance to my life beyond my duty as a Yogo. And certainly I don't care for niceties and good behavior. I will be hated, but that's the truth. There's no lies in there, only truth ''
'' I'm not cursing you because you are newly arrived. You have been away from the Empire. You know many things that we don't know. But you also don't know what we know. And right now, you don't fully understand the danger that such creature pose not only for you or your people, but for the Empire. Don't listen to his sweet words, because there's no sweetness in them. Only death and corruption. Don't let pride and stubborness blind you. That's all what I will say ''
'' And the face you see is far more trustworthy than what lies beneath this mask. But if you don't understand that concept, here...'' He took off his mask and show his face. This was an absolute show of trust, at least from Yuichi's perspective. He nevers show his true face to people he don't trust.

He opened the door and leaved.
/exit unless stopped.
*Scorpion *Shugenja *Soul of Gold *Discoloured Eye *Oni Mask * Spirits, Spirits Everywhere |Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Honorless Dog| Status: 1.0| Courtship Points: -2
Scorpion, Yogo Carries: Wakizashi, Robes, Scroll Satchel, Paper Wards (15), Fan, Kawaru coins, Pearl, Incense, Jade fingers (1), Magical Wards (5)
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