[Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:24 pm

"I meant in the sense of dying for one's duty to our Clan and lord... Not exactly the same. I don't think with just the seizures that will be an issue for you, though," she says. The honesty was refreshing. She'd tried to come up with reasons not to be angry about her fate, and that deftly knocked down one of them. "True. Texts and history, you say?"
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:34 pm

"Probably not, no, unless I'm very unlucky with where it happens... I admit, I'm worried about becoming a Unicorn and having to spend a lot of time on horseback, because of that..." she smiled bravely, even if it was a rather shameful secret to admit to her fears. "But, when you put it that way, then yes, I see what you mean, Doji-sama. And there certainly is something to it. Perhaps not in glorious battle, but in duty to one's Clan and Lord."

Tomoe took a sip of tea. "Hai... I was schooled by the Asako, since my mother was a Phoenix before her marriage, my family was able to arrange for me to train there."
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Mon May 01, 2017 11:27 pm

Ameka nods seriously, considering the idea. "That is a concern... I hadn't even considered that, despite my spill from the horse the other day... Oh, well. At least I don't think either of us will be spending as much time on a horse as most bushi," she assessed in a reasoning tone.

"It must have been interesting studying there. What are Phoenix lands like to live in? I've never had the opportunity to leave Crane lands before now."
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 9:13 am

"Ah, you are probably right," she nodded. It felt nice to talk to someone with similar difficulties.

"The Phoenix lands are really different from where I grew up... beautiful mountains on the horizon, then the sea on the other. Their palaces feel so peaceful and tranquil, and even their gardens are built with the utmost care to consider what pleases the kami... if I were a shugenja, I would probably feel the harmony between the elements there." She sighed wistfully. "Just... I wish I could have seen Kyuden Asako. Having seen paintings of it, as well as reading accounts of people describing it as one of the most beautiful places in the Empire... it's so awful to think about what happened to it."
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Tue May 02, 2017 1:49 pm

"That sounds beautiful..." she says with a sigh. "I'd like to be able to bring my art all over the Empire... Maybe see some of the places you have one day. If I can get it to the point where it's felt that it outweighs the health issues." She shakes her head. "Though it's probably going to be more like sending my pieces with people while I maintain a household."

"Do you have any ideas for your future?"
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 2:00 pm

"If you become a Unicorn, perhaps you'll be able to travel more, as it could be they might have some medicinal knowledge that could help you improve your health?" Tomoe offered, hoping it might cheer up the delicate Crane.

"As for me? I suspect I might see myself joining the Unicorn, and become a teacher of sorts. I've certainly been adapting to that role in my time here. If I return home to the Hare, I will just continue my duties as a historian and scribe, and possibly become a fully-fledged diplomat."
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Wed May 03, 2017 12:47 pm

"That would be good, though it's no shame to go the other route," she says with a smile. "I'm sure you'll excel in either capacity. Someone who can engage people like that is rare."
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