by Usagi Tomoe on Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:34 pm
"Probably not, no, unless I'm very unlucky with where it happens... I admit, I'm worried about becoming a Unicorn and having to spend a lot of time on horseback, because of that..." she smiled bravely, even if it was a rather shameful secret to admit to her fears. "But, when you put it that way, then yes, I see what you mean, Doji-sama. And there certainly is something to it. Perhaps not in glorious battle, but in duty to one's Clan and Lord."
Tomoe took a sip of tea. "Hai... I was schooled by the Asako, since my mother was a Phoenix before her marriage, my family was able to arrange for me to train there."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
Profile • Music
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Courtship: 6!
Has: Wakizashi, pet tortoise (Ganko), fan, scroll or book, jade, stone, med-kit.