Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Asako Hirase on Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:23 pm

The little family had just finished breakfast when the Moto handlers came by.

This was a very good thing, Hirase reflected, because if they had been even a handful of minutes earlier, Ichiro would never have finished his breakfast for all the distraction.

"Remember you have to keep tidy until Ide-san has met you."

The boy squirmed, eyes flitting to where the puppy was currently rolling on his back in the grass, chewing on a spare tent stake.


Rebuked, the child returned his focus to his father.

"But...but after?"

"IF you are good, if you remember everything I've told you about what to say and what not to say, you can help me teach him. Agreed?"


Smiling, Hirase settled in to wait, one eye on the puppy, one eye on his son.
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Ide Samai on Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:56 pm

Wild yipping was coming from outside. "Ostro, behave!" came the firm voice of Ide Samai.

There was scratching on the door as she announced herself. "Ide Samai."
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Asako Hirase on Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:39 pm

Hirase rose, giving one last stern look to his boy, and then moved to open the tent flap. Bowing, he smiled. "Ide-sama, a good morning to you."

Stepping back, he let Samai enter. Once she was in, he moved to stand behind his son, who bowed carefully. 'Ide Samai-sama, meet my son, Ichiro."
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Ide Samai on Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:43 pm

Samai was followed by a barkful of fur. "Good morning Ichiro-san. I am Ide Samai. Have you had rice today?" Samai asked with a wide smile and a slightly "goochey goo" voice.
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Asako Hirase on Fri Apr 28, 2017 2:35 pm

Hirase's puppy, seeing a 'brother', dropped his stake at once and bolted forward, tail wagging, ears flopping, and nose a-snuffling. Hirase watched the pair warily, letting Ichiro speak for himself.

"I had a cake!" Ichiro wasn't yet coordinated enough with chopsticks for rice, so his father ensured he got it in an easier form. "It had a fish on it, and brown sauce, and some of the green things." He looked up guilelessly at her. "Did you? 'cause at your big fancy thing, it looked like you have really weird breakfasts."
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Ide Samai on Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:25 pm

Ostro acted as a dignified dog of noble breeding.... for half an eye blink. He bounded forward and stood opposite of his kin, before turning and offering the traditional, dog bow. Sniffing of the endpoints.

"Oh? That sounds nice Ichiro-san." She continued in the same voice, without any conscious thought.

"No fish, we don't often eat it. I did have some cheese though. Did you try that at the big fancy thing?"
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Asako Hirase on Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:47 pm

'Papa wouldn't let me." The boy pouted a little, then brightened. "But he let me try the...Bar'i'q?" His voice rose in inquiry the end. "It was real messy, but that was ok 'cause it was red on my red kimono and didn't stain."

Jeikobu, Hirase's dog, joined in the traditional greeting with enthusiasm, wagging tail accidentally whapping the other puppy on the nose more than once.
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Ide Samai on Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:53 pm

"Well, that was fortunate then. I hope that you enjoyed the taste?" She asked simply, while her dog was bounding up and down in the tent.
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Asako Hirase on Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:30 pm

"Hai!" The little boy nodded, a grin on his face. "It was sweet, sort of, the really dark tea papa likes, sort of...and then it made my mouth tingle." Wide brown eyes met hers guilelessly. "If papa marries us a Unicorn, will we get more of that? "
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:17 am

"I am sure that woukd be possible. You liked it then? Anything you are liking here in Unicorn lands?" She was obviously enjoying herself.
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:45 am

"I like horses!" The boy bounced a little. "All animals, really. Back home, we have a cat! Papa said we had to leave him, though, 'cause he'd be real mad if he had to be in his box the whole way. Besides, he helps with the grain barn, and it's not good to take anything from it's job." The boy had apparently decided Samai was acceptable, because he was now picking up steam, conversation wise. "But Yue said that all kids ride here, so if we stay, like papa wants, that means we're gonna get a horse! So, I want us to stay."

He turned to look at his father, who was politely not watching the conversation, and said, almost accusingly, "You need to make somebody all sighs and blushing like Yuki is over Butaj!"

Hirase coughed, hiding a smile, and said in a rather stern tone, all things considered, "Ichiro, you know talking about that is rude in front of guests."

The boy huffed, muttering something about 'Everyone else says', then turned to Samai again. "Are you going to stay? Or do you want to go somewhere to learn new things, like papa does?"
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:22 pm

"Oh, a cat? That sounds wonderful. What is his name?"

She chuckled. "Well, I am sure you will get to ride horses if you stay here, and I am sure your father will do his best. In fact, he is." She glanced at Hirase, good humor shining in her eyes. Deciding to spare the man a bit, she didn't pick up on the Yuki-Butaj topic... perhaps the boy was a bit too mature for his age? Or at the wrong environment...

"Well, who knows... depending on who chooses me, either I leave or stay. I am fine with either, and I will be able to serve my family - old and new - in either place. I would wish to explore the Empire more, but I can do that even if I stay among the Ide."
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:28 pm

"You don't get to pick?" Hirase had tried to explain the competition to his son, but Ichiro clearly still struggled with comprehension. "Or, I mean, someone else is picking? 'cause I thought that people just got told. Like all Duties." He glanced at his father for support; Hirase simply shrugged. "Papa and mama got told and that was ok, 'cause I'm here!" Ichiro's small chest puffed with pride. "Are you going to go teach everyone about Unircorns? Because, you do things that are funny...and everyone should know about BBQ!"
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:33 pm

Samai pursed her lips how to explain... "Our Lords have been generous in allowing us to present our skills here, and our Duties will be decided based on those rankings. Based on merit." Sort of... hopefully that'll be enough for the lad.

She giggled at his pride. "Certainly, we are all happy that you are here Ichiro-san. As for BBQ... well, I am sure I can make sure that I present our cuisine to the Empire. Anything else you think others should know?"
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Re: Meetings (D8, Early AM, Expecting)

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:29 pm

The boys brows furrowed as he thought about this important question.

"Fur looks kind of funny, but it makes a nice thing to sleep on between the mat and the sheets. It's extra squishy that way. So, you should tell people to make more fur cushions, maybe?"
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