A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:04 pm

"Oh." Tomonaga said, blinking, sitting upright for a few moments. Slowly, he leaned forward once again, pitching his voice low to match Batul's.

"I didn't know that." He said softly. "Ummm... do other Clans know? I'd expect that they do. But if the Crab hasn't been told yet, besides me, they should." His lips quirked into a smile, or sorts. "Other Clans may be knowledgeable about that sort of thing, but Crab... well, the Kuni learn about danger, and then the others pound it flat. It's a good system."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:27 pm

"I have informed one who is of the Imberial family, and I would exbect my suberiors to have told to others of value." She informed the Yasuki. "He told me of dangerous things that had been habbening in the Embire before our arrival. Of magical broblems that I have not felt or even understood how they could be. Maybe the Kuni would know, but there are non in town. I have also little knowledge on how to fight these or even to brotect myself from them. Sometimes in the dark I fear for these things." She remembered the body of her Iuchi cousin, burned from blood magic, maybe by her hand or that of another. Maybe another that was still roaming around the village.
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:12 pm

Tomonaga grimaced. "Well, it sounds as though people who should know, do know, then. Damn, I wish that you could have arrived home under better circumstances. I mean, it seems like, I don't know, like you've earned a bit of a rest after the dark ride, or whatever you called it."

Watching Batul, Tomonaga's gaze softened further. She did seem to be really shaken by what she knew, by what had happened. He took another quick glance around. Eh, they're all Unicorn anyway. They'll think it's normal. Reaching his hand out, he found hers, giving it a quick squeeze, allowing her fan to partially hide the gesture. "I'm sorry." He said, his voice soft. After a moment, he withdrew his hand, letting it rest on the table in front of him once more.
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:11 am

Batul was surprised by the sudden act of Tomonaga, as he grabbed her hand. But she did not shy away, and allowed his warm grip around her delicate hand. She even caressed his finger softly as the grip held. Though it was for a mere second or two, for her it was as if the time had stopped for an instant, and all the noises had disappeared and it had only been them two in that place under a bright light that emanated from the Yasuki. She smiled as their hands parted.

"Tomonaga has brought rest to my heart and soul, and a luminous strength to fight anything that may come our way."
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:40 am

Tomonaga's cheeks turned just a little bit red, and he looked down at his hands. "Batul-san..." He said softly. "I... I'm just a sake merchant. I'm good at that, but I'm no warrior, or shugenja, or anything like that."

He looked up, giving her a smile. "But... I guess if I can make you feel better, that's good enough. I'm glad, Batul-san. You are strong. I'm happy to know you."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
Status: 2 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Courtship points: 6
Carries: Sake bottle, sake cups
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:47 am

There was a tension between them, pulling her towards him... it was not a proper thing, not in a place such at that in which they were in. Trying to bring back the situation under control, Batul decided to bring out a laugh from Tomonaga as she joked. "Well, sake also brings rest to my stress. It is not strange to see that Tomonaga has rubbed on some of that from that which he barters." She offered him a wink as she covered her giggle behind her fan.

"I, also, am not one of much worthy, Tomonaga-san. There are stronger than I, more exberienced than me, more knowledgeable... I am but a girl. One who has recently bassed her gembukku and only knows a bit of the magic she uses, and a bit of games of chance, and commerce and horses."
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

"If the wind blows, ride it."
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Iuchi Batul
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:31 pm

Tomonaga chuckled a little at that, and at her wink. "Well, it's a good thing that I'm so proud of my sake, huh? I definitely take the comparison as a compliment."

His eyebrows went up as she continued. "Really? Commerce, you say? Forgive me for asking, but isn't that a bit unusual for a... priestess?" He gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I'm not really sure how your clan does that, either. Is priestess right?"
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:06 am

"Ei" She confirmed in the way of the sands, followed by a nod "I am briestess, like father. But mother was an Ide, so she grew ub among the merchants, and taught me the basics in the work of Commerce. Since we were already coming back to the Embire, she thought that I should be taught in basic ways of the courtier, which meant some memories of Etiquette and Commerce." Dealing with the merchants during their travel, prior to the Dark Ride, had gotten Batul into playing dice games with them, as it was a way to amuse the merchants during between trade deals. That, too, was why Batul had good resistance to drinking. "Bartering and trade were essential for the survival of the Unicorn in the Sands."
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

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Iuchi Batul
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:42 am

"Ah, I see." Tomonaga said, his expression interested. "A mixed education. That sounds really interesting, actually. Hmmm. Seems like it makes sense, especially if trade was so important."

He sighed. "My training didn't have much variety. My parents were both Yasuki, both merchants. The marriage was at least partially a business deal, I think. I don't know, they don't talk about it much. Anyway, pretty much all of my training focused on the family business. So hey, I'm really good at that!" He smiled. "But there wasn't much opportunity to branch out."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:22 am

"Tomonaga-san is still young, so he can still branch out, become exbert in other related issues. But I understand that his sake is of great desire in the Embire and needs a lot of attention and dedication." She added with a smile. "I have yet to try the bersonal sake of Tomonaga-san. I tried it during the diner barty, but maybe Tomonaga-san has a sbecial one to share with a good cheese."
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

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Iuchi Batul
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:29 am

"I wouldn't mind branching out a little, trying some different things..." Tomonaga mused.

He gave Batul a charmingly crooked grin. "Ah, but that's right! I would like you to try some of my sake. Something special to share with a good cheese, huh?" He tapped his lips thoughtfully with one finger. "Cheese... hmmm. Well, as it happens, I have just the thing, Batul-san. Not on me, unfortunately. But perhaps later. If you bring the cheese, I'll bring the sake." He said, giving her another grin.
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Yasuki Tomonaga
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Re: A koku for your Thoughts (D3-LA, Yasuki Tomonaga)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Wed May 03, 2017 5:29 am

"Cheese is not hard to find for me." She added with a grin, already savoring the sake and the milk together. The combination of the drink and the cheese seemed about right, the bitterness of one with the saltiness of the other was a perfect match. Would she find a perfect match, she wondered. The samurai-ko leaned her head softly slightly over her shoulder, her hair falling to one side and revealing her thin white neck. "What else would Tomonaga-san like to do? How would you branch out?"
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

"If the wind blows, ride it."
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Iuchi Batul
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