MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Shinjo Hanashi on Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:01 am

Hanashi strode forward, knowing he had trained the little pup to the best of his ability. It would be up to his new little friend now.

Big One-Eye is so happy! Look at how I run through the poles! Not even this mighty forest can stop me! I'm a good dog!
Ahhhh! Who are all those giants! Quick! Run away! Run Away!
Who put this bar here? I'll kill it.
Blech, it tastes bad. I'll let it live in its misery of tasting bad.
It's nice of them to make a monument to One-Eye's greatness! I should walk down here on the ground, sit down and admire it awhile.
Look! Big One-Eye! When I go home with you we can rest on blankets like this and be the happiest!
Big One-Eye? Why are you sad? Look, I'll dance for you! Best friend?

Best friend, where are they taking me? Best friend, why are you giving me your sandal?

Best friend? You'll come back for it right?

Best friend?

Best friend?

A defeated Hanashi limps away, minus one sandal. At least he still had a horse that liked him almost as much as the puppy did.

Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 2
Fire 1
Water 1
- Strength 2

Skills: Athletics 4
Early Morning Training Montage: TN 15 Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness: 17 +1 Strength
Late Morning TM: TN 15 Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness: 26 +1 Reflexes
Early Afternoon: Voided TN 15 Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness: 31 +2 Athletics
Late Afternoon: Voided TN 15 Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness: 19 +2 Athletics

Weave Poles: TN 8: 10 +1 Obstacle Point
Cheering Crowd: TN 8: 1 0
Jump Bar: Athletics/Strength: 2 Raises TN 1815 -2 Obstacle Points
Narrow Bridge: TN 28: 4 Raises Because Little Puppy is My friend and Orokos hates all that is good in life: 16 -4 OP
Find the Ball: 5 0
Freestyle: 9 +1 Obstacle Point
-4 Obstacle Points and -1 Sandal.
Unicorn Clan • Marta Family • Teller of Tales • No Right Eye • Well-Voiced • Wounded
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship points: 0
Generally Equipped: Daisho, Eyepatch, Sturdy Unicorn Clothing, Tanto, Chopsticks
When with Horse: Daikyu, Willowleaf arrows, Blanket

A voice to lighten the weight of those who travel.
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Miya Mei on Sat Apr 29, 2017 2:53 am

Before Mei had a chance to even yawn, she was greeted by a puppy and a rose.


Throughout the day, Mei trained her puppy when she had the chance. He took to her commands well, despite the chaos surrounding the events of the day.

When it came time to perform, Mei led the puppy out onto the field. Ein looked at her, and she looked at him. She pointed to the first obstacle and the happy puppy dashed off after it, missing the poles completely. He barked at the cheering crowd, spun around in a circle, and then

He went to sleep.

Puppies need their sleep after training hard after all

4 Puppy Training, all unskilled. TN 15: 4#3d10 23 20 16 21 4 successes 3x Reflexes, 1x Athletics 2

Earth 1
Air 1
-Reflexes 4
Fire 1
Water 1

Skills: Athletics 2

Weave Polls! TN8: 1d10 4 +0
Cheering Crowd! TN8: 1d10 3 +0
Jump Bar! 1 raise, TN 13: 3d10o10k1 6 -1
Narrow Bridge! 4 raises! TN28: 6d10o10k4 26 -4
Freestyle! TN8: 1d10 7

Total: -5
Imperial | Duelist | Kakita Trained | Unmarriable
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 |Infamy 1.0 | Status 1.5 | CP: -2


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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:29 am

Hitako had tried to train thepuppyin some basics. She wasn't all that skilled herself, but a few things every dog should know, right? Right.

Earth 1
Air 1
Fire 1
Water 1

Skills: Athletics 2, Etiquette 1, Perform 1.

Sadly, she hadn't had really any skill in passing the reasons for the lessons along. That, or the spiced rice she had used in the training was what the puppy was most interested in.


When sent to weave between the poles, he instead ran around one, then to treat-giver and put up his paw to entreat a treat. When she gave it to him, he ran around another pole, then back to her. When she wouldn't give him another treat, he just whined. But, she pointed out to the play-area, so he turned back.

Treat-giver had tried to get across the idea of holding his poise, but he was just so excited! There were so many interesting smells here! He ran to sniff all the other puppies, and see if anyone else in the crowd had any treats!

Running from one side of the area and the crowd there, to the other side, with it's own smells, he ran right through the bar, knocking it to the ground, and inducing a closing of his Treat-giver's eyes. Oh, she must be tired! He ran back and sat, waiting to see if she would curl up so he could join her. Instead, she opened her eyes, and pointed at the bridge. He whined a bit, but went to it.

He looked at the bridge, and the mud, and happily swam through the mud, more than pleased to enjoy the feel of it under his feet. Treat-giver was so smart sending him here!

He didn't even notice the ball getting thrown, since he was so busy shaking the excess mud off his coat. Which meant that when Treat-giver motioned for him to look, he thought she was offering another treat! So, return to her, through the mud of course, then shake it off on her. Treat now?

Oh, dance, right. He tried, really he did, but the smell of those treats in her pouch just were too distracting! Couldn't he have some - why's this big guy picking him up? He didn't get his last treat!


Hitako looked a bit despondent over the Unicorn reclaiming the puppy, and wondered if there was any way to reclaim it as a gift. There had to be. Heeler was just too cute not to! The howling coming from the area the little dog was taken were a little heart-breaking...

Training Montage: Heeler.
EM: Animal Handling/Awareness, VP for 1k1, TN 15: 21 for a pass!
LM: Animal Handling/awareness, VP for 1k1, TN 15: 12 for a fail.
EA: Animal Handling/awareness, TN 15: 6 for another fail.
LA: Animal Handling/awareness, TN 15: 15 for a surprise pass.

Raised Athletics by 2, and Perform and Etiquette by 1 each.

Obstacle Course:
• Weave Poles: Defense/Agility, TN 8: 4 for a fail.
• Cheering Crowd: Etiquette/Awareness, TN 8: hoping for better than a 6.
• Jump Bar: Athletics/Strength, 1 CR, TN 13: Shouldn't have called the raise, got an 8.
• Narrow Bridge: Athletics/Reflexes, 1CR, TN 13: Raises killed me, got 8 again.
• Find the Ball: Hunting Pereption, TN 8: 1 for a no surprise fail.
• Freestyle: Perform/Intelligence, TN 8: 6 for another fail.

Total of -2, if my math is right.
Seppun Hitako
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Ide Samai on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:56 am

Samai trotted to the fields, followed by Ostro, the Wind of Puppies!

The day has been spent on training cat-like reflexes with horse-like determination to the puppy-like puppy. By the end the poor boy was spent, but still he was ready to show his owner how he runs like the wind!!!!! The cool kind of wind too.

"As I taught you boy, ready? Set, go!"

Ostro didn't need telling twice. He saw the maze of towers in front of him, his first obstacle. He started weaving, flitting in and out like his name sake wind. There were gaps from the crowd as he seemed to be in two places at once! As he left the maze he looked around and saw all these humans waving, cheering and clapping. He stopped for a moment, wagging his tail and being content. There was a loud "Psst! Like the wind!" from Samai that finally shook the bravest weather phenomena to get back to his job.

There was the next obstacle in front of him... he was running, and then he was flying!!!! Into the bar. Misjudging the leap,, the poor guy tumbled, but picked himself up, and set off for the bridge. It was barely more than a stick, but Ostro didn't need more, as he practically danced on it with half his paws raised with the speed of lightning!

In the jungle of sheep, there was a red treasure hidden.... it took some time, but nothing could hide from the wind!! Ostro dutifully picked up the ball like the fallen head of his future enemies and gave it to the judge.

Finally, the last part came, and he was ready to perform.... something? He demonstrated excellent tail wagging skills though

Then, Samai picked him up. "You did well, my little wind."



Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 3
Fire 1
Water 1

Skills: Athletics 2

Training rolls:
EM Training: 2 ranks of Athletics
LM Training: 1 rank of Reflexes
EA: 1 rank of Reflexes
LA: Fail

Weave Poles: +1 Obstacle point
Cheering Crowds: Fail
Jump Pole: -1 Obstacle point
Narrow Bridge: +5 Obstacle Points
Find the Ball: +1 Obstacle point
Freestyle: Fail

Total: 6 Obstacle points, Ostro stays!
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
Honor: What is expected * Status: 2.0 * Glory: 0.0 * Courtship: 2
Carries: Wakizashi, Fan, perfume (rose), coin purse
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Ide Samai
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:14 pm

Training animals. This was considered important for marriage?

Well, Amaya did like animals. So Hideo gave it his best. He trained the animal to be agile, to react quickly. It would be an instinctive dog, an athletic dog.

And then the competition happened...and Hideo didn't even look back as the talentless pup was taken by after an awful performance.

Training puppy event - 2 rolls at TN15 with vp spent for 1k1: 2#4d10 17 19
Training puppy event - 2 rolls at TN15: 2#3d10 15 14

3 rolls passed -

Earth 1
Air 1
Reflexes 3
Fire 1
Water 1

Athletics 2

D8 EE puppy run - Weave Poles TN 8 Defense/Agility Roll: 1d10 3
D8 EE puppy run - Cheering Crowd TN 8 Etiquette/Awareness Roll: 1d10 3
D8 EE puppy run - Jump Bar Athletics/Strength Roll TN 8+1 raise (Tn13): 3d10o10k1 7 -1 point
D8 EE puppy run - Narrow Bridge Athletics/Reflexes Roll 4 raises (Tn28): 5d10o10k3 20 -4 points
D8 EE puppy run - Find the Ball TN 8 Hunting/Perception Roll: 1d10 4
D8 EE puppy run - Freestyle TN 8 Perform/Intelligence Roll: 1d10 2

-5 points
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional
Courtiship Points: 7
Always carries: Robes/Kimono, Amaya's Fan, Wakizashi, School Satchel, Calligraphy kit, Paper, Chopsticks, Medicine Kit
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Asako Yuki on Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:27 pm

Rei and Yuki took to the field after a hard day of training, both were as ready as they could be fore what was to come and Yuki cheered the pup on as the race began.


Things didn't start well, as Rei, while stepping through the weave poles, bonked her head on them, twice. The frustrated puppy began to chew on the errant poles for their disgracing her before she was ushered along to the next part of the race. Of course, on her way there she noticed the throngs of people cheering for her, and promptly flopped down and exposed her belly, waiting patiently for belly rubs. When those didn't come the now grumpy pup finally got back to her feet, shook, and ran off to the next stage of the obstacle course.

Seeing the jump bar, Rei panted as Yuki cheered her on and the puppy used her powerful puppy legs to leap clean over the bar without any trouble. Barking in joy she moved on to the bridge where so many puppies had gotten filthy today. But not Rei! Not today! Rei moved cautiously along the narrow bridge, looking far down at the muddy bath that awaited failure, and though she was tempted, she knew there were treats on the other side of the bridge, and treats were always more important than mud. She successfully crossed and was rewarded for her being a Good Girl.

Now came the furs, and Rei liked furs. In fact, she'd been super busy all day and those looked super comfortable. Flopping down in the furs, Rei tried to power nap, but was shooed away far too quickly for her liking. Finally, Rei was to appear before the judges of the event. She stood there, the Moto judges stared at her. With unerring determination, she stared back. The Moto judges stared harder at the dog, only to be rebuked with a further stare. The judges were almost impressed by the dog's focus before she scrunched up and released her bowels on the grass in front of them.

Yuki sighed and placed her hand over her face. "Ugggh, Rei-chan..."

Animal Handling
Early Morning: 25 +2 Athletics
Late Morning: 24 +1 Strength
Early Afternoon: 24 +1 Reflexes
Late Afternoon: 19 +1 Reflexes

Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 3
Fire 1
Water 1
- Strength 2

Skills: Athletics 2

Weave Poles: 6 0 op
Cheering Crowd: 5 0 op
Jump Bar: 13 2 op
Narrow Bridge: 21 3 op
Find the Ball: 7 0 op
Freestyle: 3 0 op

5 Obstacle Points
No Puppy
Asako Yuki • Phoenix Clan • Bushi • Dangerously Beautiful • Gullible
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, Smoking Pipe, necklace
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Moto Khulun on Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:12 pm

Nintoku you are terrible, but you were cute. Khulun shrugs and walks away, well that was that.

The end.

OOC: Puppy things except Perception x5 TN 8: 5#2d10o10k1 15 7 4 3 13 & Puppy Perception TN 8: 1d10 2. Total of 2 points.

All stats are 1 with the following skills: Athletics 1, Defense 1, Awareness 1, Perform 1
Bushi | Tough | Barbaric | Wealthy | Kuge | Strange Name | Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Theme | Courtship Points: 4
Possessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse, Red Steel Katana "Massacre", Nintoku's Fan
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Togashi Udo on Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:20 pm

Udo had spent most of the day playing with his dog. Chasing it through the fields, wrestling with it, and just letting it be free. Before the event, he let it get a bit of rest while he got a bit of paint.

As he watched the other dogs go through the course, he began to paint a small tattoo on his dog's fur. Looking at the dog, he said: "Now, you are a Dragon."

When it was his turn up, Udo looked at the dog. He hadn't given it a name. He stared deep into its eyes. He touched his tattoos and the dog's temporary tattoo. "Do as I do."

Udo ran through the polls, jumped the bar, and navigated the bridge without looking back to see if the dog was following him. He heard cheering and assumed that it was.

When he got to the ball, he knew he couldn't show him how to do it, so he just shrugged and did a flip. Amazingly, the dog did, too.

Udo gave a great big laugh and walked off the field, shaking his head. "Good show, pup. You will be a dog of legend one day."


Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 3 (& other roll)
Fire 1
Water 1
- Strength 2
- Athletics 2

Poles: TN 8, Success = 1 Point
Crowd: TN 8, Success = 1 Point
Jump: TN 13, Success = 2 Points
Bridge: TN 18, Success = 3 Points
Ball: TN 8, Fail = 0 Points
Freestyle: TN 8, Pass = 1 Point (*Forgot to change the name when I copy/pasted the text, but the roll is good)

Total: 8 Points & hugs for Orokos.
Tattoo of a Crane * Tattoo of a Lion * Slightly Distracted * Simple robes & hat

Status: 1 | Glory: 1.1 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: 15
More info.
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:03 pm

Mamoru, mighty distant relative of the legendary foo-dog was next in the contest! He and Hotaru spent most of the day training and he proved himself to be a very loyal companion, much like his protective and majestic kin ought to be! However, the contest was the truest test, was he destined for greatness or just another counterfeit? Hotaru allowed the Fortunes to sort this one out, leaving the results a surprise.

Hotaru shuffled after Mamoru, guiding him through the various obstacles. It was a shaky start at first as he lucked out on a few things, bumbling forward. That was until they got to the jump bar and Hotaru cheered him on. "Now's the time! Go! Go! Go! Miiiiighty leap, activate!"

Mamoru gave a low ruff and jumped the bars...soaring quite easily to the other side might bound! Perhaps Mamoru was related to the foo-dogs after all! The rest of the obstacle was less than impressive but it was a strong showing overal. It looked like Mamoru was going to stay with Hotaru to complement her duties. Mamoru, protector of shrines!

D7 EM: Training Montage. Animal Handling/Awareness TN = 15
D7 LM: Training Montage. Animal Handling/Awareness.TN = 15
D7 EA: Training Montage. Animal Handling/Awareness TN = 15. Void for +1k1
(Pass, note: void was spent)
D7 LA: Training Montage. Animal Handling/Awareness TN = 15 Void for +1k1

Training Completed with:
Air 1, Water 1 (Strength 4), Fire 1, Earth 1
Athletics 2

Weave Poles - TN 8 Defense/Agility Roll: (Pass)
Cheering Crowd -TN 8 Etiquette/Awareness Roll: (Pass)
Jump Bar - TN 8 Athletics/Strength Roll: (Pass, four raises)
Narrow Bridge - TN 8 Athletics/Reflexes Roll: (Fail)
Find the Ball - TN 8 Hunting/Perception Roll: (Fail)
Freestyle - TN 8 Perform/Intelligence Roll: (Fail)

Points: 7
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9

Description, Artist Details in Description
Personal Effects: Wakizashi (where appropriate), scroll satchel, fan, jade charm, mask, fortune sticks, kawaru coins

Mamoru, Protector of Shrines
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:44 pm

Saksaha leads her little doggie to the course without much in the way of special aspirations. He was damn cute (if a little smelly), but although he had been very well behaved all morning, he still doesn't strike her as very bright. Or maybe dogs are just like that?

The tiny ball of black fluff blunders its way through the first part of the course with only minor success. He was a bouncy little thing, and she'd spent part of the morning training him to leap up on command, so she thinks he might have a chance at hopping over a higher bar... but no, he tries to tackle it instead, confirming her suspicion that the little beast is valiant but maybe a bit simple. At least he really has a lot of fun in that mud... and wrestling with the sheepskins... and continuing to wrestle with the sheepskins after she calls him to come over and do his 'play dead' trick.

She gives the small critter a last gingerly pat on the head before turning him over to his disapproving trainers, then has to brush mud off her hands onto her already muddied skirts. Well, it was all fun in a way, at least.

Puppy training: three timeslots, all successful.
D8 Moto Event--Puppy training LM, Void, cast RoF, TN 15: 2#4d10o10k3 17 17
D8 Moto Event--Puppy training EA, Void, cast RoF, TN 15: 2#4d10o10k3 40 22
D8 Moto Event--Puppy training LA, cast RoF, TN 15: 2#3d10o10k2 13 15

Earth 1
Air 1
Fire 1
Water 1
- Strength 3

Skills: Athletics 2

Go, Yolo, go!
D8 Moto Event--Obstacle Course, Weave Poles, Cheering Crowd (all TN 8): 3#1d10 6 10 3 = 1 point
D8 Moto Event--Jump Bar, 4 raises moonshot go!!! TN 28: 5d10o10k3 19 = -4 points
D8 Moto Event--Narrow Bridge, 4 raises now with even more moonshot!!! TN 28: 3d10o10k1 6 = -4 points
D8 Moto Event--Find Ball, Freestyle (all TN 8): 2#1d10 7 5 = 0 points

Total: -7 points! At least not the very last in the pack!
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Status: 1 • Courtship Points: -1 • Description
"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Shosuro Yawarakai on Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:36 am

Emerging from his yurt for the first time in many days still with a noticable whitish tinge to the unmasked cheek of his face, the Shosuro crudely tied a slip knot to a long piece of rope and took the pup on a walk. The excitable amber ball jumped and frolicked around, straining at his leash and curious about everything and everyone he could scamper over to. Everyone but Yawarakai. He peered down his nose with a raised eyebrow and a sigh and impatiently urged the youngling away from tents and distractions into a nearby field. After walking around for a few minutes, he bent down and picked up a stick then began to trail it behind to pup to urge it to run about in circles.

Satisfied that this impromptu method seemed to be working, he continued until he found more fallen wood. Arranging them into groups of obstacles that need jumping over, Yawarakai urged the doglet in a similar fashion around the circle. Still, the pup seemed interested in anything other than his training regimen. Occasionally he'd turn around and catch the stick in the face when Yawarakai couldn't stop it in time. Other times, he'd bite the stick and start playing at tug of war. This continued well into the afternoon when the young Scorpion called a halt to their proceedings and walked back into the village for food.

He ate very tentatively on the way back to his humble training grounds, sitting down on a log to eat as much as his still-unsettled stomach would consent to. In the mean time, the pup sat close by. It nudged Yawarakai's leg, it pawed at his foot, and it paced back and forth with increasing impatience. Finally when it's little heart could take no more, it barked at the masked man who seemed to look at it with final understanding. He tossed the rest of his lunch to the ground where the puppy began to gorge itself. It ate enthusiastically and for the first time seemed to look at the Shosuro with some level of caring and appreciation. Yawarakai cocked an eyebrow and leaned over with one hand to finally pet the dog. His lips softened into a smile and they sat there in the cloudy afternoon glow. At least up until the greedy little puppy's stomach rejected food it wasn't quite prepared to consume and regurgitated it all over Yawarakai's hand. He groaned and shooed the dog away as he reached for the water bottle to begin washing it off. It took only a matter of seconds for him to realize his error as the pup barked happily and began sprinting away with his leash popping along the open ground like a beige streamer. Eventually he found the pup. It'd crawled under a bush and it's tail curled shamefully between its legs. Yawarakai tried to pull him out by the leash, but that tightened around its neck and caused the pup to yip in surprise and mild pain. The Scorpion sighed and let go, instead parting the bush slightly so he could crawl in and pull the pup out himself. It flinched at the first touch, but eventually relaxed.

After their very long day together, Yawarakai presented himself for the contest and it went about as well as could be expected.

2x voided training rolls: both pass after a luck reroll
2x more training rolls: one pass, one fail.

+2 Reflexes, +2 athletics

Puppy rolls:
Reflex/Athletics, 4 raises: fail, -4
Strength/Athletics: pass, +1
The other three rolls: one pass, +1

-2 total, no puppeh
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Dangerously Beautiful • Blessed by Benten • Governor of the Painted City
Glory 1.0 • Status 2.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 8
Always carried: Extravagant clothing, mask, wakizashi, bracelet, perfume(applied), calligraphy kit
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:51 am

Batul spent the day with her happy puppy, Dibi. The small one followed the samurai-ko, always turning and playing around her during the day, as she did her own daily routines, and also used the time to train the small Dibi. The samurai-ko pushed the puppy to it's most best since she was eager to keep him, and knew that this would only be if she showed that she could be a good trainer, and that was with the dogs performance.

During the show, Dibi and Batul looked at each other. She had grown attached to the dog, and hoped he had to her too. He did seem happy and eager to show his best. Quickly everything started and the samurai-ko led the small one through a set of poles, skipping from one to the other as it passed the obstacle with Batul close by. The crowd cheered the puppy who only directed its attention to the smiling Unicorn next to him. The next one was the bar.

Batul guided the dog to the bar, it seemed awfully high, but she was confident that he would be able to jump from close to the bar, like she had tried to teach him most afternoon. It was in the dogs agility that she had mostly trained. The small one jumped with great strength, but his hind legs hit the bar. Batul gasped, since she knew that the would not be able to make up for that error. Dibi gave her a cute look, and she pushed on for the sake of the puppy. At least she would show how good he was and maybe get him in a good position for the Unicorn.

Dibi made his way through the bridge with ease, without even failing a step as he crossed. Quickly he found the hidden ball, a good hunter he would be. Thought Batul as he saw him work fast and with precision. And finally the dog and the trainer reached the judges.

Batul pulled out one of her amulets and her enchantment created a squirt of water that the dog caught in mid air and swallowed, calling the crowd to a great cheer.


Puppy Training
-EM: Raise Perception, TN 15: 21
-LM: Raise Hunting and Athletics, TN 15: 26
-EA: Raise Reflex, TN 15: 22
-LA: Raise Strength, TN 15: 24

Puppy Show
-Weave Pole, Agility, TN 8: 9; 1 OP
-Cheering Crowd, Awareness, TN 8: 9; 1 OP
-Jump Bar, Athletics/Strength, TN 18: 16; - 2 OP
-Narrow Bridge, Athletics/Reflex, One Raise, TN 13: 22; 2 OP
-Find Ball, Hunt/Per, One Raise, TN 13: 16; 2 OP
-FreeStyle, Intelligence, TN 8: 9; 1 OP

5 Obstacle Points, Only 2 Raises :(
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

"If the wind blows, ride it."
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Iuchi Batul
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Kakita Nanami on Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:48 am

Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 2
Water 1
- Strength 2
Fire 1

- Athletics 2

:: Placeholder for IC Fluff where I rant about how poorly doggo did and possibly call him a bad dog ::

OOC - Rolls
Training Montage:
2x Animal Handling (Dogs) / Awareness (Void for +1k1) vs. TN15 - 22, 18 (2 Successes)
2x Anima Handling (Dogs) / Awareness vs. TN15 - 24, 3 (1 Success, 1 Failure)

Doggo Stats: +1 Strength, +1 Reflexes, +2 Athletics

Weave Poles: Kogoro - Defense / Agility vs. TN8 - 10 (Success, 1 Point)
Cheering Crowd: Kogoro - Etiquette / Awareness vs. TN8 - 3 (Failure)
Jump Bar: Kogoro - Athletics / Strength (1 CR) vs. TN13 - 7 (Failure, -1 Point)
Narrow Bridge: Kogoro - Athletics / Reflexes (4 CR) vs. TN28 - 20 (Failure, -4 Points)
Find the Ball: Kogoro - Hunting / Perception vs. TN8 - 2 (Failure)
Freestyle: Kogoro - Perform / Intelligence vs. TN8 - 1 (Failure)

Total: -4 Obstacle Points
Crane Clan • Agasha Trained • Shugenja • Small • Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship Points: 2
Carried: Wakizashi, Tanto, Straw Hat, Cricket in a Cage
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Kakita Nanami
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Otaku Imane on Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:45 pm

If this was meant to showcase the potential parenting skills of the competitors it was quite clear that Otaku Imane should stick to horses...

Her giant puppy Asha was perhaps the least able competitor on the field today. It began by charging repeatedly into the poles until they fell over, which prompted a triumphant yapping as Asha the mighty proclaimed her victory.

The crowd's response proved unsettling for both the puppy and the heimen who would have to clean up after it.

The jumping bar was headbutted into submission, and then as the bar was reset for the next dog's attempt she went back to headbut it again resulting in a penalty point.

There was a bridge, but Asha didn't like the look of it so she just ran around it in large circles until she was dizzy and threw up on the grass.

Apparently there was a ball but presumably it was lost forever.

When it came time for the dog to finally do whatever it wanted it decided to lay down and fall asleep in the middle of the arena.

Imane wondered if there was an equivalent of a wooden wakizashi for dogs and left the dueling field feeling rather glad that she was doing so alone...

Rolls (Imane)

Training montage:
D8 EM+LM Puppy training. Animal handling/Awareness. TN15: 3d10o10k2 14, fail.

D8 LM Puppy training. Animal handling/Awareness. TN15: 3d10o10k2 14, fail.

D8 EA+LA Puppy training. Animal handling/Awareness. TN15. Void for +1k1: 2#4d10o10k3 19 18, 2 successes!

Earth 1
Water 1
- Strength 2
Fire 1
Air 1

Skills: Athletics 2

Doggy rolls

D8 Puppy action! 1. Asha vs poles. Def/Ago. TN8: 1d10 1, critical fail!

D8 Puppy action! 2. Asha vs the crowd. Etiquette/Awareness. TN8: 1d10 1, critical fail!

D8 Puppy action! 3. Asha vs the bar. Athletics/Strength. 1CR. TN13: 3d10o10k2 3, epic fail! -1 point.
D8 Puppy action! 3. Asha vs the bar. Extra 1k0. TN 11 to succeed.: 1d10o10 8, result good up to 10, fail dog.

D8 Puppy action! 4. Asha vs the bridge. Athletics/Reflexes. TN8: 2d10o10k1 7, regular fail.

D8 Puppy action! 5. Asha vs the ball. Hunting/Perception.TN8: 1d10 4, middling fail.

D8 Puppy action! 6. Asha freestyles! Perform/Intelligence. TN8: 1d10 3, complete failure!

And with -1 points, and no challenges completed successfully, I present Asha: worst dog in show!

Oh my how I laughed :P
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Flute, Light armour (where appropriate)
Carried by: Almatar (Otaku warhorse, where appropriate)
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Otaku Imane
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:53 pm


The events of the day behind him, it was time for Takeo to put the puppy through the paces. Despite her best efforts, Bushido proved to be only a moderately capable puppy, managing to pass only two of the events, though she came frustratingly close on others. She handled the narrow bridge particularly well, zipping across in record time. Takeo wished he had asked for a little more, confident that she could have handled it and made an even better impression.

He was sad to see her go when the Moto returned to claim her, though they commended him on his performance.

Asahi gave the Bushido an indignant look as she was carried off.

My hooman.

(Puppy training 1-3 = 19, 21, 16 + 3 puppy training

4 = 13

3 points to distribute

Earth 1
Fire 1
Water 1
Air 1
Reflexes 3

Athletics 2

Def/Agi TN 8 - 7
Ett/Awa TN 8 - 1
Ath/Str TN 8 - [ur=]7[/url]
Ath/Ref; TN 23 - 29 - 4 points
Hunting/Per; TN 8 - 1
Perf/Int; TN 8 - 10 - 1 point

5 points for no puppy and no courtship points - womp, womp, womp)
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic

Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi

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Kitsune Takeo
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