Big One-Eye is so happy! Look at how I run through the poles! Not even this mighty forest can stop me! I'm a good dog!
Ahhhh! Who are all those giants! Quick! Run away! Run Away!
Who put this bar here? I'll kill it.
Blech, it tastes bad. I'll let it live in its misery of tasting bad.
It's nice of them to make a monument to One-Eye's greatness! I should walk down here on the ground, sit down and admire it awhile.
Look! Big One-Eye! When I go home with you we can rest on blankets like this and be the happiest!
Big One-Eye? Why are you sad? Look, I'll dance for you! Best friend?
Best friend, where are they taking me? Best friend, why are you giving me your sandal?
Best friend? You'll come back for it right?
Best friend?
Best friend?
A defeated Hanashi limps away, minus one sandal. At least he still had a horse that liked him almost as much as the puppy did.

Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 2
Fire 1
Water 1
- Strength 2
Skills: Athletics 4
Early Morning Training Montage: TN 15 Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness: 17 +1 Strength
Late Morning TM: TN 15 Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness: 26 +1 Reflexes
Early Afternoon: Voided TN 15 Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness: 31 +2 Athletics
Late Afternoon: Voided TN 15 Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness: 19 +2 Athletics
Weave Poles: TN 8: 10 +1 Obstacle Point
Cheering Crowd: TN 8: 1 0
Jump Bar: Athletics/Strength: 2 Raises TN 1815 -2 Obstacle Points
Narrow Bridge: TN 28: 4 Raises Because Little Puppy is My friend and Orokos hates all that is good in life: 16 -4 OP
Find the Ball: 5 0
Freestyle: 9 +1 Obstacle Point
-4 Obstacle Points and -1 Sandal.