Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Miya Mei on Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:15 pm

Mei bows.

"I promise you will not be disappointed. My sensei has trained me well, so much so that when it was his time to spin on the karmic wheel, he left me his ancestral sword."
Imperial | Duelist | Kakita Trained | Unmarriable
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 |Infamy 1.0 | Status 1.5 | CP: -2


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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Kitsu Takashi on Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:13 pm

Matsu Kogo wrote:
Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:
Matsu Kogo wrote:Kogo is definitely slightly confused, but chalking it up to the sake at this point. "Good interesting...would be good." Ahh poetic Kogo. "I am sorry Yasuki-san. I am not at my best. I think I shall return to my yurt. But I thank you for your conversation today."

Tomonaga bowed. "Of course, Matsu-san. I understand." He said, his tone sympathetic. "If there's anything you need, please, feel free to come look me up. I still owe you from your kindness the other night."

She smiles. "You were kind in return, for bringing good sake and conversation. But I will keep it in mind. It never hurts to have a friend." She bows to him and the Kitsu. "Kitsu-san, I hope you have a pleasant evening."

She waits for any additional goodbyes and then exits.


Takashi had simply enjoyed the conversation for a time,, his exuberance from his song waning somewhat.

His eyebrow rises at mention of "kindness the other night," but he relaxes and nods as more information is shared. He smiles warmly and bows as Kogo departs.

"Yasuki-sama will forgive me, but you seem somewhat anxious. Talk of duels and these displays of emotion are discomforting, to be sure, but there seems to be more to it." He pauses, his voice turning a bit somber. "I hope that my earlier remarks did not cause any offense. I'm not aware of any rumors that might concern Yasuki-sama, but if I unwittingly gave voice to some unpleasantness, I am most sincerely sorry." As he finishes, he looks up to Tomonaga with what seem now like rather tired eyes. Not sleepy, as the eyes remain clear, but they cast a shadow of exhaustion.
Lion Clan * Bushi/Courtier * Sensational * The jolliest Kitsu
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: As expected | Courtship points: 4
Always carries: Daisho, unremarkable clothing, and some writing supplies (calligraphy set if planning ahead, but always a bit of charcoal and parchment).
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Kitsu Takashi
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:23 pm

Kitsu Takashi wrote:
Takashi had simply enjoyed the conversation for a time,, his exuberance from his song waning somewhat.

His eyebrow rises at mention of "kindness the other night," but he relaxes and nods as more information is shared. He smiles warmly and bows as Kogo departs.

"Yasuki-sama will forgive me, but you seem somewhat anxious. Talk of duels and these displays of emotion are discomforting, to be sure, but there seems to be more to it." He pauses, his voice turning a bit somber. "I hope that my earlier remarks did not cause any offense. I'm not aware of any rumors that might concern Yasuki-sama, but if I unwittingly gave voice to some unpleasantness, I am most sincerely sorry." As he finishes, he looks up to Tomonaga with what seem now like rather tired eyes. Not sleepy, as the eyes remain clear, but they cast a shadow of exhaustion.

"Oh, no, not at all." Tomonaga waves a hand. "Do I seem anxious? I must need a bit more sake." He flashes a quick smile before taking another sip. "But no, please, Kitsu-san. There's no need to apologize."

He sighed. "I just... well, I prefer things to be straightforward and open, if I have a choice. But that doesn't mean that I don't sometimes see when they aren't. And I guess I'm just concerned that all of this-" He waves a hand around, "-is going to lead to some broken hearts."

His gaze on Takashi sharpens, noting the shadows in his eyes. "But really, Kitsu-san. It's fine. Don't let that trouble you." He raises his eyebrows invitingly, in case the Kitsu had something else he wanted to say.
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
Status: 2 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Courtship points: 6
Carries: Sake bottle, sake cups
Final Drinking Count: 22/38 threads
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Shinjo Taichi on Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:45 pm

Doji Ameka wrote:
Shinjo Taichi wrote:Ah, so she approaches... He bows in return, meeting the depth exactly. "A pleasure to meet you, Doji-san. I found your song quite wonderful. A shame we have not had the opportunity to properly meet before now, neh?" Winning smile was engaged, pose was perfect. All was prepared.

"Truly a shame... I had hoped we would encounter one another sooner rather than later, but..." She gave her best smile. "I suppose this is also an effective way to draw an eye. I am grateful to hear that my song was pleasing to you."

"Of course my dear, of course!" He moves a little closer. "I have often heard tales of the skills of the Crane in the finer arts. From the songs I've heard today, it seems that this is definitely the case. Are you perhaps a trained singer, Doji-san?"
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Vain and Glorious • Tough • Idealistic • Bad with Money • Shiny Metal Shield
Glory: 0.2 • Status 1.0 • Honor: What is Expected • Just a little bit (in)famous • CP: 0
Carries: Daisho, Targe, Yumi, Knife
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:28 pm

Asako Yuki wrote:Yuki giggled a bit at Tomoe's antics. "Hai, very well, Usagi-sama. I can agree to that. I have enjoyed our times together and would like to contact you after this miai is over."

Hearing Yuki's giggle felt like a relief, and Tomoe was glad that the Asako seemed to carry on well after the somewhat dramatic events of their previous meeting. The Hare smiled brightly and nodded her head.

"I'd be more than happy to exchange letters with you, Asako-sama. Though we'd have to touch bases before we leave here to make sure we know where the other one is going to be."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Courtship: 6!

Has: Wakizashi, pet tortoise (Ganko), fan, scroll or book, jade, stone, med-kit.
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Shinjo Liu Yue on Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:03 pm

Asako Hirase wrote:
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"Your philosophy makes sense," Yue said with a gentle tone. "If we are wed then we may be able to complement each other well." She knew, though, that the likelihood was close to zero.

She nodded. "I believe the Moto know more in some regards, Hirase-san. I believe there is also much I could learn from the Crab."

He knew it too but played along. "It would be my turn to find something to teach, given you're ahead with the riding lessons."

Then he smiled, the openness in it making him look younger. "You have the right outlook on cross-training. I suggested to Khulun that your Clan might try to make a similar arrangement with the Crab that the Crane have. It would only improve things for everyone if the Empire's defenders improve in skill."

"You are well-read. You could teach me the history of the Empire or other topics which suit you."

She perked her brow. "What arrangement do those two Clans have? I am quite curious."
Unicorn - Bushi - Horrible Burns - Missing Left Arm - Damaged Eye - Rather Tall - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Dauntless
Status 1.0 - Glory 2.0 / Infamy 0.2 - Honour: Untrustworthy - Courtship: 5
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin

Typically Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Fan, Small Hand Mirror, Finger of Jade, Coin Purse, Small Knife, Medicine Kit, Sake Cup

Riding Horse: Hikazume, Puppy: Gon
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Asako Yuki on Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:54 pm

Usagi Tomoe wrote:
Asako Yuki wrote:Yuki giggled a bit at Tomoe's antics. "Hai, very well, Usagi-sama. I can agree to that. I have enjoyed our times together and would like to contact you after this miai is over."

Hearing Yuki's giggle felt like a relief, and Tomoe was glad that the Asako seemed to carry on well after the somewhat dramatic events of their previous meeting. The Hare smiled brightly and nodded her head.

"I'd be more than happy to exchange letters with you, Asako-sama. Though we'd have to touch bases before we leave here to make sure we know where the other one is going to be."

Yuki nodded with her warm smile. "Of course. I expect I'll be on my way home, and then I'm not sure." She shrugged a little. "But I'll be sure to keep you informed. What about you?"
Asako Yuki • Phoenix Clan • Bushi • Dangerously Beautiful • Gullible
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Daisho, Smoking Pipe, necklace
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Kitsu Takashi on Sat Apr 29, 2017 2:58 am

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:
"Oh, no, not at all." Tomonaga waves a hand. "Do I seem anxious? I must need a bit more sake." He flashes a quick smile before taking another sip. "But no, please, Kitsu-san. There's no need to apologize."

He sighed. "I just... well, I prefer things to be straightforward and open, if I have a choice. But that doesn't mean that I don't sometimes see when they aren't. And I guess I'm just concerned that all of this-" He waves a hand around, "-is going to lead to some broken hearts."

His gaze on Takashi sharpens, noting the shadows in his eyes. "But really, Kitsu-san. It's fine. Don't let that trouble you." He raises his eyebrows invitingly, in case the Kitsu had something else he wanted to say.

Takashi's face pinches thoughtfully, and he nods gently a couple of times. "I expect that you're right, Yasuki-sama. Hearts will break." The Kitsu looks deeply into his cup, then starts speaking in a quieter voice, though it still easily reaches Tomonaga: "I think that anyone who came here to find their true love made a terrible mistake long before arriving. The..." He shakes his head. "The Moto may fan flames with their event choice, but the fires were already lit. And the heart won't break any harder today than in the choosing at the end of this miai." Takashi drinks deeply. "I came here to serve my clan, as dutifully and honorably as I can. Iuchi Yukarin, Ide Samai, one of the others. It will be who it will be. Regardless, I do not believe my heart will be breaking."

After he finishes speaking, Takashi looks at his cup again. He neither moves it, nor speaks, for a time. The silence invites comment from the Crab, but the Lion does not look at him to press the point.
Lion Clan * Bushi/Courtier * Sensational * The jolliest Kitsu
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: As expected | Courtship points: 4
Always carries: Daisho, unremarkable clothing, and some writing supplies (calligraphy set if planning ahead, but always a bit of charcoal and parchment).
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:01 pm

Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"You are well-read. You could teach me the history of the Empire or other topics which suit you."

She perked her brow. "What arrangement do those two Clans have? I am quite curious."

"I could. It would, I hope, be less boring than they way you make it sound." His voice was wry and he smirked at her before growing more serious.

"The Daidoji family is the front line of the Crane. While the Kakita are of course bushi, they are specialized for dueling and quick offense, not defense. One of the lines that the Daidoji helped hold was a small spit of land between themselves and the Crab. The Crab had found themselves fighting powerful enemy." He paused, giving her a significant look. "The kind one doesn't name in public." Then, more casually, he continued. "The Lord of the Daidoji was riding a patrol and saw that the Crab were at a serious disadvantage and the tide was coming in, which would take away the land and leave it sea. So he and his rode down and held the enemy at bay so the Crab could retreat and regroup, a son of the Crab Champion among them. The Daidoji held, even as the tide took them. To honor that sacrifice, the Crab built a shrine to the lost Daidoji daimyo and, since that time, have welcomed young Daidoji who wish to spend a season on the Wall to honor the sacrifice as well. Iron Crane, the Crab have named them, and it is the rare case of friendship that endures even if the Clans as a whole are at odds."
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu Yue
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected

Orange Text = Speaking Yobanjin * Description

Always Carries: Writing materials, healthy snacks, fan
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:05 pm

Kitsu Takashi wrote:Takashi's face pinches thoughtfully, and he nods gently a couple of times. "I expect that you're right, Yasuki-sama. Hearts will break." The Kitsu looks deeply into his cup, then starts speaking in a quieter voice, though it still easily reaches Tomonaga: "I think that anyone who came here to find their true love made a terrible mistake long before arriving. The..." He shakes his head. "The Moto may fan flames with their event choice, but the fires were already lit. And the heart won't break any harder today than in the choosing at the end of this miai." Takashi drinks deeply. "I came here to serve my clan, as dutifully and honorably as I can. Iuchi Yukarin, Ide Samai, one of the others. It will be who it will be. Regardless, I do not believe my heart will be breaking."

After he finishes speaking, Takashi looks at his cup again. He neither moves it, nor speaks, for a time. The silence invites comment from the Crab, but the Lion does not look at him to press the point.

Tomonaga looked at Takashi curiously for a long moment. Finally, he nodded. "You're a good samurai, Kitsu-san. I think that attitude is the right one to have here. If more people felt as you did, perhaps there would be fewer problems tomorrow."

His lips twisted. "The names that you chose to mention there, though. That didn't seem entirely random." He said, his tone a little dry.
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
Status: 2 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Courtship points: 6
Carries: Sake bottle, sake cups
Final Drinking Count: 22/38 threads
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Re: Power Ballad Observation Thread (D7, EA & LA)

Postby Kitsu Takashi on Mon May 01, 2017 12:41 am

Takashi's tired but sharp eyes swivel to the Crab. "Yasuki-sama is an attentive listener," he says with conviction. "That's a dangerous person to have around when drinks have been poured," he adds, with a wry smile.

"I will tell you what I think, Yasuki-sama. The Lion have no nefarious schemes here. I am a simple student of the Ikoma, recorders of the empire's history. For my insignificant line in an easily forgotten page of this story, I can say I found Ide Samai-sama quite enchanting. But I worry she might be too good to be true, and such thoughts are alarming to me. Iuchi Yukarin-san is quite intriguing, and a fellow courtier from a family of shugenja. But one should doubt that a woman so highly regarded in this miai would be matched with a humble courtier. So this one really has no more reasonable expectation of his future than he had seven days ago."
Lion Clan * Bushi/Courtier * Sensational * The jolliest Kitsu
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: As expected | Courtship points: 4
Always carries: Daisho, unremarkable clothing, and some writing supplies (calligraphy set if planning ahead, but always a bit of charcoal and parchment).
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Kitsu Takashi
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