MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:05 am

The truth of the matter is that Akil was a bit tired of this puppy by the time the event had actually had come by. Horses were much easier to train by comparison...

The first debacle was the damn poles. She didn't so much weave between them as much as try and bullrush through them. While Akil appreciated the... enthusiasm... the judges certainly didn't seem to.

And then of course the puppy rushed straight to the crowd instead of staying where she was supposed to. "Kimi," he snapped, but of course the puppy wasn't listening. What dog knows it's name in one day?

The Jumping bar was just as bad, all things considered. The dog tried to do a flip over the bar, which might have been extremely impressive if the poor thing had any sense of coordination. Instead, it managed to headbutt the bar and fall over.

Oh, and then there was the bridge. He'd like to have thought that Kimi would have liked the bridge. No mud? Seems better. Apparently, however, Kimi thought this was the performance part and belly flopped off of the bridge. Into the mud. The gross mud.

There was never any hope for the ball. Akil half heartedly asked her to find the ball, and it was responded to with stares. With head in his hands, Akil just moved him along.

This was the one thing that Akil had put focus on, and so after taking a moment to clean Kimi off, he sat down in the field and began to play. The tune was light and fast, great for dancing. And for a brief moment, Akil could see the potential in Kimi, who put on a downright impressive dance to Akil's tune. For the first time during the competition, Akil managed a smile, as he saw the potential in his little puppy.

Such a shame the Moto were going to drag her off to train her for war.



EM failed
LM failed
EA SUCCESS! +1 Perform and +1 Athletics
LA SUCCESS! +1 Awareness

Earth 1
Air 1
-Awareness 2
Fire 1
Water 1

Perform 1
Athletics 1

Weave Poles! TN 8: 1d10 5
Cheering Crowd! TN 8: 1d10 3
Jump Bard! TN 13 (1 Raise): 2d10o10k1 9 -1 point
Narrow Bridge! TN 18, 1 raise!: 2d10o10k1 6 -2 points
Find the ball! TN 8: 1d10 2
Freestyle! TN 18, 2 raises!: 3d10o10k2 21 +3 points!

total points: 0
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


Equipment: Daisho, tanto, flute, sturdy clothing, sake cup

Character image

Setem- his Horse

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Shinjo Akil
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Moto Baatar on Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:49 am

Gölöghime the Proud
Animal Handling 15, 23, 29, 23 hits TN15 all 4 times

Earth 1
Air 1
Fire 1
Water 1
- Strength 4

Skills: Athletics 2


"Here girl," Baatar coaxed. "Follow me! Here girl!" He tried weaving his way through the poles himself, in hopes that his puppy would follow him.

Gölöghime wondered why her human was so foolish. Wasn't it obviously a shorter path to just walk straight forward without bothering with running around the poles? Proudly, Gölöghime strutted unerringly toward the finish line, her head held up high, ignoring the poles entirely. The crowd cheered as Gölöghime she made her stately advance. The puppy princess took no notice, except to raise her head a little higher. After all, the adoration of humans was only her proper due.

Weave Poles, Defense 6 missed TN8
Cheering Crowd, Etiquette 8 hits TN8, +1 point


"Up, girl! Up!" Baatar held a puppy treat high above the bar and made encouraging noises at her. "Up, Gölöghime! That's a good girl!"

Despite literally hours of training earlier in the day, it seemed that Gölöghime's manservant was still incapable of serving food properly. Very well, she thought. Leaping into the air, the puppy princess sailed elegantly over the metal bar to snatch the puppy treat out of Baatar's hand. In an instant, the treat was gone.

Still hungry, she turned to demand another. Her retainer was holding another doggy treat, but for some inane reason had retreated past some sort of muddy water hole. Daintily, she strode over the narrow bridge, careful to avoid getting any mud on her beautiful fur, to accept another treat from the servant's hand.

Jump Bar with 4 raises, Athletics 31 hits TN28, +5 points
Narrow Bridge, Athletics 16 hits TN8, +1 point


"Where's the ball, girl?" Baatar cooed at the puppy. "Where's the ball?"

Was her manservant not only lazy, but blind, to boot? Gölöghime stared in disbelief, then strutted over to pull the red ball out from under one of the sheepskins. How had he not seen that other human hiding the ball there? But, wait, her servant was offering the puppy princess another treat. Okay, so he wasn't completely useless.

Find the Ball, Hunting 10 hits TN8, +1 point

"Dance, girl," Baatar urged, twisting his hips and gyrating a little to show her what he wanted. "Let's dance! C'mon!"

But Gölöghime only yawned and curled up on the sheepskins to watch as Baatar did tricks for her amusement. Full of puppy treats, even the lure of another treat wasn't enough to make her get up again. As Gölöghime drifted off to sleep, she supposed that she would keep her new manservant. Maybe he could be trained, given a little time.

Freestyle, Perform: Dog Tricks 6 missed TN8

Total: 8 Obstacle Points
Puppy gained!
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 4
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, puppy. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor
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Moto Baatar
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Asako Hirase on Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:01 pm

Hirase had always had cats. Turns out that dogs were much, much easier to train. It helped, he supposed, having a very young son, who was similarly eager, clumsy, interest, and wishing to be obedient but not always good at it.

The first part was a disaster and for a time there, he was sure this was going to be one of *those* days.

Instead of jumping the bar, the puppy bit down, shook like a mad thing, and uprooted it before tearing off down the field, forcing Hirase to send Ichiro chasing after it to wrestle the pole free. The hoots and laughter that followed this display made the puppy even more wild, leading to it tearing around the field in wild loops, a giggling Ichiro right behind. Instead of jumping over the poles, pup and boy barrelled right through, not even seeming to notice it was there.

Then there was water, and the pup, it seemed, was averse. It darted right over, bolting by Hirase on it's way. He was able to swoop up his boy, removing Ichiro and his distractions from the field.

The rest...was flawless.

Hirase had a few moments to revel in his success before he had to take the boy away; learning they were not keeping the little dog had not gone over well and letting Ichiro's wailing protests disrupt the others seemed somehow unsporting.

Earth 1
Air 1
Fire 1
-Int 2
Water 1
-Per 3
Skills: Perform 1, Hunting 1

1: Pass +1 Int
2: Pass 1 rank Perform, 1 rank Hunting
3: Pass +1 Per
4: Pass + 1 Per

Obstacle Course:
Weave Pole: Fail
Cheering Crowd: Fail
Jump Bar: Fail
Narrow Bridges: Pass, +1 Point
Find the Ball:Pass with two raises, +3 points
Freestyle: Pass with one raise, +2 points

Total: 6 points
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu Yue
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected

Orange Text = Speaking Yobanjin * Description

Always Carries: Writing materials, healthy snacks, fan
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Asako Hirase
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:08 pm

Kogo had felt so optimistic when this event began. Finally, something she knew she could do. Matsu-dono, any help you can provide would be appreciated! She says in a quick prayer.

The puppy arrives during the middle of tea with Doji-sama. She keeps him occupied playing a game of hide me, find me with her and Noburu. He slips through Noburu's paw pats easily. He is obviously a quick, slippery little thing. (+1 to Reflexes)

Puppy Training, EM, 1 void: 5d10o10k3 30

Before her picnic with her companions, she plays a solid game of tug of war with him, wanting to strengthen the muscles in his jaw and neck and accustom him to this sort of play/work. (+1 to Str)

Puppy Training, LM, 1 void: 5d10o10k3 35

The early afternoon....goes less well. The puppy is sleepy but perks up when she pulls out some of Noburu's old toys from her kittenhood (such a sentimental soul, our Kogo) and begins throwing them about. The puppy, who is named Kabu (after her baby brother's nickname) chases them happily. (+2 to athletics)

Dog training, EA. no void: 4d10o10k2 16

But by late afternoon, Kabu's young years have caught up with him. He sleeps, despite all Kogo's attempts. However, this is the nature of training the young. She has Noburu curl up around him, giving him a cozy safe spot to sleep. (fail)

LA dog training, no void: 4d10o10k2 8

First Kabu tries the poles. He almost makes it, but becomes distracted by a butterfly and begins following it around. Kogo disciplines him when he returns but not too harshly, since he is just a puppy.

Weave Poles, no raises: 1d10k1 7

Next Kabu tries to forget the cheering crowd. But he is such a loving dog, he can't help but be excited. He goes racing over and licks hands and wags tail furiously. He is escorted back by Noburu, being held by his scruff in her mouth.

Cheering crowd, no raises: 1d10k1 4

Finally, they come to something like they've trained for. Kabu does well here, leaping well and high. Kogo sighs with a bit of relief. (+2 pts)

Jump bar, one raise: 4d10o10k2 15

Next, the muddy bridge. Kabu almost heads for the mud, but seeing Kogo and Noburu's stern faces, he crosses the bridge without incident. (+2)

Narrow Bridge, one raise: 4d10o10k2 14

Kabu goes looking for the ball but becomes distracted by the softness and smell of the sheep skins. Kogo watches in frustration as he rolls about.

Find the ball, no raises: 1d10k1 6

Finally, the last event. Come on Kabu....You can do it. Show them what a Matsu can do.

Freestyle, no raises: 1d10k1 6

But Kabu unfortunately shows that a Matsu is not so gifted at etiquette. He ignores the trick, opting to attempt to cuddle Kogo instead.

A beast after my own heart. Pray the Moto are kinder to you.

She hands the puppy back to the Moto and walks away, frustrated at her inability to perform again. Noburu follows her, tail swishing.


Kabu's stats

Earth 1

Air 1
-Reflexes 2

Fire 1

Water 1

-athletics 2

+4 pts, no puppy
Lion Clan • Beastmaster • Gullible • Idealistic • Paragon: Courtesy
Honor: What is expected l Status: 1 l Glory: 1 l Courtship : 1

Carries: Wakizashi, sweets, traveling game of Go, jade

internal thoughts
Accompanied by Warcat Noburu at most times.
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Matsu Kogo
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Matsu Nintoku on Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:29 pm

The Matsu had warmed up to the puppy he had been given. He had played and trained the whole day and while the dog was not the most skilled, he absolutely loved the little devil and the licks she'd give him.

"You shall be named Kurohime," he gleefully said as he rubbed the puppy's belly. "Because you're my sweet little princess."

The Matsu knew the puppy wouldn't fare too well but he hoped their bond would persevere and both Kurohime and him would live together. When he saw the initial success he was ecstatic, thinking his dream would come true, but the followup was terrible and the while in the end the puppy redeemed it was obvious the puppy wasn't catching a break.

When the contest ended he rushed to the puppy who greeted him with nibbles and licks and after picking him up he whispered. "I swear I'll try to make sure we are together Kurohime," his voice sad and heavy. "You and I will be together. I promise."

His heart sunk when he had to return the puppy to the Moto and even more when she started to whine.

'Don't cry' he'd repeat over and over in his head, hoping that he would be reunited with the puppy.

Air 1
Fire 1
- Agility 2
Earth 1
Water 1
- Strength 2

Etiquette 1
Defense 1
Athletics 1
Hunting 1

Training (Morning) - Success
Meditation EA - Success
Training (Afternoon) - Success

Weave Polls (1 raise) - Success
Cheering Crowd (1 raise) - Failure
Jump Bar (2 raises) - Failure
Find the Ball (3 raises) - Failure
Freestyle - Success

-3 points
Lion Clan • Bushi • Hero • Kuge • Sometimes Smiles • Cuter Than A Goat
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 3
Carries: Daisho, Sturdy kimono, Travel pack, Khulun's EXQUISITE fan.
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Matsu Nintoku
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Matsu Yurio on Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:37 pm

Yurio woke up and was handed a puppy. Apparently it was dangerous to go without one today. In his usual inspired manner he knew a name for the puppy instantly.

"I shall name you, . . . . . . . . . Inu!"

Neko was less than impressed, but showing true Lion pride turned he back on the puppy and cleaned his rear end at it.

Inu looked back, a look devoid of any brains.

"Bark, Bark, Yip, Yap, Yip!!!!!"


Yurio was unperturbed by Inu's lack of brains and proceeded to train the puppy well, . . . real well. Inu was put through his paces in as many athletic tasks as Kitteh could put before him. The tail wagging never ended. Inu loved this!! A day of running, stick fetching and being taught to walk on his hind legs. The Moto never did this for him. He liked Kitteh immensely and showed it by licking the Matsu whenever he could.

Meanwhile, Neko bided his time. No fleabrained idiot puppeh was taking his human away from him.

As evening fell it was Inu's time to STAR!!!

At Kitteh's command, Inu dashed forward to the poles and immediately started weaving between them. He got a bit cross eyed near the end though and head butted the last three. An inauspicious start.

The crowd cheered though and Inu knew that cheering humans had FOOD! He diverted towards them but as Kitteh was still shouting at him he stopped and stared at Kitteh . . . oh yes, the obstacles! Maybe there was food at the end of that as well.

The bar! He'd tried this earlier. Kitteh had shown him how to jump! Inu soared through the air! Inu could fly! Inu smacked head first into the bar and fell over in a heap. The bar bounced off his head and to the ground. Behind him Kitteh was jumping up and down and looking quite upset. He must dislike the bar as much as Inu did.

Still, Inu must continue. Inu got up and ran for the narrow bridge. He hurtled across it!!!! and straight off it. For such a small puppy he made a most impressive splash of mud. The he rolled in the mud. He loved mud!!! Then he bounced out, barked at Kitteh and went and rolled in the mud again. Kitteh was shouting . . . it must be encouragement!!! so Inu rolled around until he was all the same colour as the mud.

Thoroughly impressed with himself . . . and his mud . . . Inu dived into the sheepskins. Ball? What ball? Inu was making sheepskins muddy!!! Look at all the muddy pawprints!!! This was a great game! He rolled on the sheepskins until the shouting Kitteh finally managed to get his attention.

It was time for the grand finale!! The dance, Kitteh had taught him!! Except he'd forgotten it. He pranced around for a bit, yipping and yapping, mud flying off his long floppy ears, and then a grey furry bolt from the blue slapped him to the ground, hissed at him, clawed his nose and jumped into Kitteh's arms. Neko 1 Inu 0.


Yurio could not believe what he had just witnessed and merely petted Neko as he walked away and the Moto took the absolutely brainless Inu back to the pound.




Training Montage

EM - Kitteh Can Train! VP for +1k1, TN 15 = 22, +1 Strength
LM - Kitteh Can Train Well! VP for +1k1, TN 15 = 48, +1 Reflexes
EA - Kitteh Can Train Really Well! TN 15 = 10, DOH!
LA - Kitteh Can Train Anything! TN 15 = 19, +1 Athletics, +1 Perform

Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 2
Fire 1
Water 1
- Strength 2

Skills: Athletics 1, Perform 1.

Weave Poles: Def/Agi, TN 8 = 7, 0 Obstacle Points
Cheering Crowd: Eti/Awa, TN 8 = 5, 0 Obstacle Points
Jump Bar: Ath/Str, 2 CR, TN 18 = 11, -2 Obstacle Points
Narrow Bridge: Ath/Ref, 2 CR, TN 18 = 3, -2 Obstacle Points . . . . wtf Orokos???
Find the Ball: Hun/Per, TN 8 = 3, 0 Obstacle Points
Freestyle: Per/Int, 4 CR, TN 28 = 2, -4 Obstacle Points . . . . OMFG.

-8 Obstacle Points.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Scout * Small * Daring * KITTEH *
Soon to be Purple KITTEH Doggeh Trainer

Glory 1.0 * Status 1.0 * Honour Exceptional * Courtship 3!

Carries: Daisho, fan, sake cup.
When permitted: No-dachi, light armour.
Sometimes accompanied by: Neko

Panthera leo matsu militarus-minimus
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Matsu Yurio
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Isawa Nonin on Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:53 pm

A puppy! How cheerful! "For the moment you are simply Inu-kun, let us see if you can earn a better name, my brave little fellow."

He set about training the little fellow, he had read about training dogs but this would be the first time he had put it into practice. It is surprisingly successful.

Earth 1
Air 1
-Reflexes 4
Fire 1
Water 1

Skills: Athletics 2

• Weave Poles: Inu-kun rushes forward, and runs straight into a pole! Almost knocking himself silly. No success.

• Cheering Crowd: Inu-kun is still a little dazed and easily distracted. Poor Inu-kun fails this task too.

• Jump Bar: Somewhat recovered, Inu-kun dashes forward and . . . just clears the bar! Nonin and Inu-kun are both thrilled.

• Narrow Bridge: Elated with success, Inu-kun ruches to the bridge and shoots across like an arrow! No step missed.

• Find the Ball: Inu-kun just gets lost trying to find the ball and ends up falling over entangled in the sheep skins.

• Freestyle: The happy Inu-kun does his best to dance for the judges, but trips and tumbles instead. The judges are not impressed but Nonin is charmed even more so when they let him keep the puppy.

OOC: Training, all four time slots devoted, four successes.
Pt 1, Failure, no points
Pt 2, Failure, no points.
Pt 3, Success, 1 Point
Pt 4, Success with 4 raises!. 5 points
Pt 5, [url-]Failure[/url], no points
Pt 6, Failure, no point

Final Total 6 Puppy Points, one puppy gained.
Last edited by Isawa Nonin on Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Isawa NoninPhoenix Clan • Shugenja • Animals Like Me
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship Points: 5

Carries: Wakizashi, Medicine Kit, another Medicine Kit, Scroll Satchel
Sometimes accompanied by a puppy.
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Isawa Nonin
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Fri Apr 28, 2017 2:01 pm

Kumahime awakes to be handed a puppy.

There are worse ways to start one's day.

"Good morning, little one," she coos, dubbing her Kiki, and immediately sets to training. Though as much as they train, they end up spending just as much time playing, without much useful result. But puppy kisses are always welcome.

Earth 1
Air 1
Fire 1
Water 1

Defense 1
Etiquette 1
Athletics 1
Hunting 1

Kiki starts with the obstacle course, and she's doing okay, until she gets bored and decides to go to Kumahime instead for cuddles. The Fox, unwisely, obliges as she ushers Kiki back on course for the jump, then the bridge; the second a narrow fall. But when it comes time to find the ball, Kiki is brilliant.

That last freestyle, though, they hadn't practiced. Kumahime tries to improvise something out of her adorable little charge by playing with her, but it doesn't accomplish much.

((Animal Handling/Awareness x2, VP, TN15: 2#4d10o10k3 19 13, pass 1, fail 1.
Animal Handling x2, TN15: 2#3d10o10k2 15 2, pass 1, fail 1.

Defense/Agility, TN8: 2d10o10k1 7, fail. By one.
Etiquette/Awareness, TN8: 2d10o10k1 14, pass. +1.
Athletics/Strength, TN8: 2d10o10k1 16, pass. +1.
Athletics/Reflex, TN8: 2d10o10k1 6, fail.
Hunting/Perception, TN8: 2d10o10k1 14, pass. +1.
Perform: Trick, TN8, untrained: 1d10 7, fail. By one. Again.
Total: 3 points.
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
Status 1.0 • Glory 1.0 • Honor 3.5 • Courtship 0
Carries: Daisho, tanto, medicine kit
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Kitsune Kumahime
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Shinjo Liu Yue on Fri Apr 28, 2017 2:25 pm

Despite the awkwardness and wonders of her day, Yue was pleased to know that her little puppy had made it all okay. She had known early on the he was a speedy little one, always light on his feet. And the competition was her time to show off the wonder dog.

Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 4
Fire 1
Water 1

Skills: Athletics 2

The race was on! Gon immediately ran around the poles; it was a waste of time to run around them. Despite his trainer's disappointment, he still kept his head in the game and did not pay too much attention to the crowd. He then jumped over the bar without much fuss and came across the narrow bridge.

It was the moment of truth. He had been training all day to do this.

And his routine was a success! He went across the bridge as if his feet were never on the ground. It was certainly precarious, that dangerous move; one false step would have sent him into the muddy water.

As a reward for himself, Gon went into the sheep skins and flopped over. Eventually, he came out and Yue asked him to roll over. Instead, he just walked off. The trainer let out a soft sigh and followed along.

And when the exertion finally hit him, he fell over. "Good boy, good boy."Image


D8 EM Puppy Training TN 15, VP for +1k1: 18 Success!
D8 LM Puppy Training TN 15, VP for +1k1: 16 Success!
D8 EA Puppy Training TN 15: 17 Success!
D8 LA Puppy Training TN 15: 15 Success!

D8 EE Defense/Agility TN 8: 6 Failure!
D8 EE Etiquette/Awareness TN 8: 9 Success!
D8 EE Athletics/Strength TN 8: 12 Success!
D8 EE Athletics/Reflexes TN 28, 4 CR: 28 Success!
D8 EE Hunting/Perception TN 8: 2 Failure!
D8 EE Perform/Intelligence TN 8: 2 Failure!

Total: 7 Obstacle Points, Puppy Gained
Last edited by Shinjo Liu Yue on Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Unicorn - Bushi - Horrible Burns - Missing Left Arm - Damaged Eye - Rather Tall - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Dauntless
Status 1.0 - Glory 2.0 / Infamy 0.2 - Honour: Untrustworthy - Courtship: 5
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin

Typically Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Fan, Small Hand Mirror, Finger of Jade, Coin Purse, Small Knife, Medicine Kit, Sake Cup

Riding Horse: Hikazume, Puppy: Gon
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Shinjo Liu Yue
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Soshi Taira on Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:47 pm

Taira came to watch.

The puppy that had been following him all day was currently licking his leg, in a very intent way, while he watched. Like a cat, he paid attention only to what currently interested him.

He'd given up on stopping it, so he just watched, enjoying fuzzy things doing cuteness. If nothing else, his puppy was very good at zoning out everyone else.

Including Taira.

When his dog was taken away, Taira watched it go with a blank expression, wondering if he was sad about it.


No puppy training actually happened

1 action passed, I'll assume the 'ignore everyone else

1 puppy point somehow
Scorpion Clan :: Good Cop :: Doctor :: Paragon :: Pragmatic :: Spirit-Touched :: Cursed
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 CP: 2
Carries: Daisho, medical satchel, black and red kimono, tall collar 'mask', ink-splotched fan
Now treating: Patient No.18

Description:: Theme:: Struggle
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Soshi Taira
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:49 pm

Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 2
Fire 1
Water 1
-Strength 2

Skills: Athletics 2

Kaizen had spent the day training this inu, as he understood it the adorable puppy would face challenges on his behalf. So he worked hard getting the ball of fluff up to snuff. So now was the moment of truth, after all he had worked hard with the animal what could go wrong, right?

Some agility work to weave between poles. That shouldn't be all that hard. Well the puppy named Watage ran between the first two and then kept circling that one. The dog at some point in the obsession for his own tail got dizzy falling face first out of the agility course.

The dog for all his training had not faced a crowd he ran joyously barking at the samurai present. He was so distracted that Kaizen had to walk over bowing an apology to the throng of onlookers and pick up the absent minded beast.

Now for something Watage should have no problem with. Kaizen ran side by side with the puppy to leap over the bar. The dog attempting to impress his samurai companion did a spinning flip, but did not clear the bar knocking it down causing Watage to plow into the ground.

The resilient dog shook it off showing his pluck. While attempting to cross the narrow bridge Watage must have been still a bit dizzy as he slipped falling into the mud. Jumping up with a bark the dog ran over to the grass and started to roll, surprisingly getting the mud off his coat.

Near the grass he ran over to a pile of sheep skins finding them an enjoyable chew toy. As he chewed the red ball rolled out behind the dog ignored in favor of mutton skin. Suddenly the dog bolted upright and ran right before the judges coming to a sudden stop. Eyeing the humans with an abnormal glint of canine intelligence he winked at them as if the whole thing was a joke played upon the Phoenix. To rousing laughter as Kaizen approached, Watage stood again tail wagging and bolted heading home to the Unicorn dog pens. The young samurai could only hope that the Unicorn could benefit from his effort as he bowed joining the crowd.


Doggo gets stronger 24
Doggo gets reflexive 19
Doggo gets athletic x 2 23
Kaizen fails to train doggo 14

Doggo Def/Agi 2 FAIL
Doggo Eti/Awa 3 FAIL
Doggo Ath/Str 2 raises 17 FAIL -2pts
Doggo Ath/Ref 2 raises 17 FAIL -2pts
Doggo Hunt/Per 4 FAIL
Doggo Per/Int 9 SUCCESS! +1pt

-3pts and Watage returns to the Unicorn
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
Glory: 2.0 * Status: 1.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Courtship Points: 5
Carries: daisho, fan, samisen, and wears decent quality clothing with a haori and hakama
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Shiba Kaizen
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Shinjo Taichi on Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:34 pm

Having been greeted bright and early by his new companion, Taichi was certain that he could train him to live up to his great potential. And thus began the saga of Daisuke the Wonder Dog!

Daisuke the Wonder Dog
Earth 1
Air 1
Fire 1
Water 1
Skills: Athletics 2
Etiquette 2

After a long day of training with mixed success, Taichi began to think that perhaps Daisuke was... less than perfect. But such thoughts were unbecoming of a samurai and his dog, so he forged onwards.

The poles were not an issue. Despite its ungainly appearance, Daisuke's sleek, aerodynamic body glided smoothly between them with ease. Eyebrows were raised in the stands. Perhaps this was a dog to watch. Taichi smiled. Just you wait and see...

Next up was the bar jump. The audience cringed a little, believing that Daisuke's elongated body would have difficulty clearing the obstacle, especially considering that Taichi had quite literally raised the bar for this event. Little did they know...

The jump was majestic. Awe-inspiring. Beautiful. Daisuke approached at his stately pace, leapt... and spun, the momentum of the spin preventing any part of his body from colliding with the bar. He even landed on his feet, still running! The crowd was so surprised that a cheer erupted from the stands. Hearing this, Daisuke the Wonder Dog rushed towards the stands, eager to meet all of his cheering fans.

And thus ended the story of Daisuke the Wonder Dog. All attempts to return him to the course met in failure. Although he did manage - against all odds - to find a ball somewhere. The judges were a little confused but ruled that it counted, enamoured as they were with the little dog that could.

Taichi left the grounds in disappointment. It was clearly not his fault, he'd done the best with what he was given. And seriously, what kind of person - dog, whatever - would get so absorbed in the cheering of his fans that he forgets what he came to do in the first place?

Voided training rolls - TN15 - 1 success
Unvoided training rolls - TN15 - 1 success
The 3 unskilled events - TN8 - 2 successes (poles and the ball), 1 fail (dance) +2 points
The 2 athletics events - 1CR - TN13 - 1 success (bar jump) 1 fail (narrow bridge) +1 point net
The etiquette event - 3CR - TN23 - no double explosion :cry: -3 points
0 points total
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Vain and Glorious • Tough • Idealistic • Bad with Money • Shiny Metal Shield
Glory: 0.2 • Status 1.0 • Honor: What is Expected • Just a little bit (in)famous • CP: 0
Carries: Daisho, Targe, Yumi, Knife
Wears: Expensive kimono, haori, Light armor when appropriate.
Horse: Harukaze
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Shinjo Taichi
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:02 pm

In the morning, a puppy was given to the Hare. It probably wasn't the toughest in the litter, but the little pup walked with a hop in her step, and bounced after her teacher. And so, after a day of hard and intensive training, and lots of cuddles and treats, the Hare trainer presented her project:


Chibi-Usa, Destroyer of Zori and Devourer of Tabi
Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 2
Fire 1
- Intelligence 2
Water 1
- Strength 2
- Athletics 2

Chibi-Usa knew she was destined for great things, as the Pretty Lady With Pretty Eyes had bestowed upon her the Ancestral Bandana of Shiba Inu. Her ancestors would guide her for sure now!

As the trumpets of battle sounded, Chibi-Usa charged forward to meet the Fearsome Poles! Take that! And that! Chibi-Usa was fiercely gnawing on one of the Pole Generals when she finally noticed that Pretty Lady With Pretty Eyes was nudging her onwards. Oh right, her true destiny wouldn't be here! It still awaited further ahead. With one last shake, Chibi-Usa tossed aside the Pole General and advanced onward!

The crowd went wild as she dashed by them, the Ancestral Bandana of Shiba Inu flapping in the wind, but she was focused on her goal now!

A great obstacle appeared in her path, but Chibi-Usa was a true Shiba Inu, and with the strength of her ancestors, she had no need to fear! Not even this gargantuan tower would stop her, and she leapt through the hair like the Pretty Lady With Pretty Eyes had taught her, and continued her chase towards heroic destiny!

Not even the widest ocean would stop her! Even if it was muddy and tempted her with its siren calls of fun splashes and cooling waters... no, the blood of Inu-shiryo was strong in her and she danced across the bridge like a true hero!

"Red Ball must be saved," Pretty Lady With Pretty Eyes told her. Red Ball had been captured by the vicious Furs... Chibi-Usa felt her blood boil in anger at this dishonorable tactic, and pounced at the Furst to make them pay for what they had done to Red Ball. Their resistance was futile. But Red Ball was nowhere to be found... perhaps she was too late? Oh no!

But she would not give in to despair, and she loyally followed Pretty Lady With Pretty Eyes onward. She could now see the end of her epic journey, the White Line. Soon, she would have proven herself worthy of the Ancestral Bandana. Pretty Lady With Pretty Eyes gestured for her to show the cheering crowd the strength of a Shiba Inu's honor. And so Chibi-Usa hopped onto her hindlegs and walked like a true samurai next to the Pretty Lady With Pretty Eyes. Right before the finish line, Chibi-Usa stopped and took a bow, thanking them all for witnessing her glorious deeds.


6 Points!

D8 EM+LM Training Montage with puppy. Animal Handling/Awa +1k1 Touch of Chikushudo. TN 15: 2#5d10o10k4 19 47
EM: Athletics 2
LM: Reflexes +1

D8 EA+LA Training Montage with puppy. Animal Handling/Awa +1k1 Touch of Chikushudo. TN 15: 2#5d10o10k4 52 35
EA: +Strength +1
LA: Intelligence +1

D8 EVENT: Go puppy! Weave Poles TN 8: 1d10 2

D8 EVENT: Go puppy, resist the temptation! Cheering Crowd. TN 8: 1d10 9

D8 EVENT: Go puppy, amaze them! Jump Bar! 1 raise. TN 13: 4d10o10k2 17

D8 EVENT: Go puppy, I believe in you! Narrow bridge! 1 raise. TN 13: 4d10o10k2 22

D8 EVENT: Go puppy, where's the ball? Find the ball! TN 8: 1d10 3

D8 EVENT: Go puppy, who's a good girl? You are! Freestyle! TN 8: 2d10 10
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Courtship: 6!

Has: Wakizashi, pet tortoise (Ganko), fan, scroll or book, jade, stone, med-kit.
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Usagi Tomoe
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Location: Lands of Ice and Snow

Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Tonbo Misa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:08 pm

The Ever-Cautious Tenshi

Air 1 (Reflexes 3)
Earth 1
Fire 1
Water 1

Athletics 2
Misa spent all day training little Tenshi as best she could. It seemed her time with animals this miai had paid off, as she found training easy. The puppy seemed nimble on his feet before too long, weaving through her room in obstacles she had Sanmi help set up. She felt she'd done something good.

When it came time to show off, it was obvious that Tenshi wasn't a well rounded dog. Weaving the poles lead to a head first collision, though he pressed on. When confronted with cheering samurai, Tenshi almost seemed to smile, mirroring Misa's constant smiles. Jumping the bar proved too high a task, as it wasn't something Misa had set up, Tenshi hitting the bar with a mighty jump. Finding the ball proved impossible, as visual training hadn't even been considered by Misa. Finally, the end of the course just had little Tenshi walk off toward Misa rather than perform at all.

The bridge was his best hope. Tenshi came close, weaving expertly... before falling off. Misa gave the dog back with a soft smile. It was likely for the best...

EM training = 27 (Pass, +1 Reflexes)
LM training = 23 (Pass, +1 Reflexes)
EA training = 21 (Pass, +2 Athletics)
LA training = 11 (Fail)

Weave Poles = 5 (0 points)
Cheering Crowd = 7 (0 points)
Jump Bar w/ 1 raise = 9 (-1 point)
Narrow Bridge w/ 4 raises = 26 (-4 points)
Find the Ball = 5 (0 points)
Freestyle = 3 (0 points)

-5 points total
Dragon Clan • Bushi • Advisor • Blind • Ascetic • Enlightened
Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 4.0 | Courtship Points: 7
Carries: Traveling Pack, Daisho (where applicable), walking stick

Sanmi (Attendant)
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Tonbo Misa
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:10 pm ... v.jpg.html


Earth 1
Air 1
Fire 1
Water 1
-Strength 4

Skills: Athletics 2

Fukawa had spent the day training her puppy with a single goal in mind. She didn't care if he won the competition, she just needed him to do one thing so well, that she could take him home, and the Unicorn would train one less war dog.

Amusingly, her best chance involved training him up to be a very burly dog indeed. Still, he had those beautiful Crane Blue eyes, he was meant to be a Crane...if a rather large one. He just needed his one perfect strike.

EM Puppy Training, Void Spent, 55 VS. TN 15
LM-LA Puppy Training. 49, 43, 37
LA reroll, 27 vs TN 15

Fukawa walked Takahiro over to the poles....and much to her surprise, he navigates them successfully. It just went to show that Crane could do things people didn't think they could.

Unfortunately, like a good Crane, Takahiro loved to socialize, and he happily trotted over to the crowd for head pats and nudges in honor of his competence.

Weave Poles & Cheering Crowd: 10 & 3

But now came the jump bar. This is what Fukawa had been training him for all day. If he could clear this in an impressive manner, he would literally jump his way free of the Unicorn and into the Crane. If he failed....he would not think of what would happen if he failed...because he was a dog.

He ran impressively fast, leaped into the air impressively.....

The jump was good.....if he was a rokugani pony, for a dog it was amazing!

The Moto judges gave it a 9! a 9! a 9! and a 6! Apparently even the Moto had Russian judges.

4 CR, 33 beats TN 28!

Buoyed by his performance at the jump bar, Takahiro easily glided over narrow bridge, like a true Crane.

15 beats tn 8

This left find the ball and the freestyle performances. He nearly found the ball, and while Takahiro thought he was a good singer like his master, the judges were clearly not moved.

7 and 4 both fail against an 8

Still, the Crane clan had gained a powerful new ally this day, Takahiro.

7 Puppy Points

Gained a puppy!
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

Carrying: Extravagant clothing, jewelry, money, (Day 6) Violet Fan with Horses Charging Forward (Day 8) Accompanied by Dog, Takahiro

Theme Song
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Doji Fukawa
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