I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Closed)

Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:27 pm

Fukawa nodded.

"It's a tsukuri monogatari about Hantei Genji, the Shining Prince, son of Hantei. He is depicted as a magnificent statesman and accomplished poet and painter." she explains. "It was written by the youngest son of Seppun."
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:31 pm

Kogo nods, though not entirely sure of the meaning of some of the descriptive words. "It sounds like an honorable book. Have you enjoyed it so far?" She sips her tea again, then sets it on the table, noting the Doji has not touched hers.
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:39 pm

The Doji, however, takes a sip of her tea while the Lion talks.

"Ah, it is a very good book," she admits. "It was certainly an exciting time in the Empire, when the Kami themselves walked the Empire and they laid down the foundation of everything we know today."

She takes another sip of tea.

"If you would like, Matsu-san, I could loan it to you. It's only one of the five books I brought with me, and you really should read it." she suggests.
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:42 pm

Kogo nods. "I would appreciate such a gesture. New works are always valuable." Kogo lets out a small sigh. "Doji-san, you are all that is courteous, it is evident. But I suspect you did not accept my invitation to discuss books."
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:47 pm

Fukawa sips her tea.

"I accepted your invitation, Matsu-san, because you're an honorable samurai-ko, and I enjoy the company of such. Gathering of the clans like this, much like Winter Court, are an excellent time to meet new and interesting samurai from across the Empire." she explains.

She tilts her head a bit.

"I assume that that was the same motive that Matsu-san had behind extending the invitation?" she says, offering the Matsu the choice of how this conversation was going to go.
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:51 pm

Kogoi takes a short breath. "In many ways yes. I wished to know more of you having heard of you. Having met many interesting samurai throughout this miai, it seems fitting to meet another." She pauses. "But I also wished to know what kind of person you were. I wished to see your face and understand perhaps, something of the words I have heard of you. There is nothing quite like learning for yourself, would you not agree?" She sips her tea.
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:59 pm

Fukawa nods.

"This is true. Sometimes words can wind up twisted in the wind they travel to get to you." she agrees. "Even a simple miai such as this one samurai find the time to gossip about the others. Hopefully, you've heard nothing bad about me?"
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:02 pm

Kogo shakes her head. "What I have heard of you has been..uniformly positive. With all of the words flowing through this miai, that is notable in and of itself." She sips her tea. "I wonder what you have heard of me, throughout this miai."
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:14 pm

Fukawa considered her teacup. There were a lot of possible responses to that, from cold to venomous. But Kogo was no threat to her interests, it would be spiteful to inflict more pain upon simply because Akil was a bit too honest at times.

"From what I've heard, you've developed friendships with a few of the Unicorn. I can see why, you look the very image of 'Noble Warrior' which is very appealing to the Unicorn's own noble warrior culture." she says.

Another sip of tea.

"Of course, there is some concern among Unicorn who are marrying into the various clans. Once they do so, they'll no longer be Unicorn, but will pick up the friends and enemies their new clans have. They wonder if they will still be able to remain friends if they find themselves in the colors of clans that tend to oppose one another." she reveals.

Don't step on this paper too heavily, Matsu-san. It won't take your full weight and there is a sharp metal spike under it. she mentally cautions.
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:19 pm

Kogo nods. "It is a thing to be concerned for. Loyalties must change after marriage, for all. One cannot be both things, two families at once. I have discussed this with some of the Unicorn, but it seems there is still much of our history they do not know and that makes this sort of...change confusing."
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:42 pm

A generation of Crane nakodos were laughing at the Lion's words, but fortunately it was behind their spectral fans.

She considers her words careful while sipping tea.

"For centuries, the Unicorn were a people united. They had a single leader, and a single goal. Everything they did was towards that single goal of returning home. Outsiders were encountered, bartered with if peaceful, fought with if necessary and it did not jeopardize their return." she lays out.

"They return to a home they have never seen. But what they return to is not the same unity they have known for centuries. All of the clans have a single leader, the Emperor, but they fight amongst themselves throughout the year. If the Lion march in the summer, devouring all in their path until they destroy a holding, how can this be in the Emperor's best interest? If the Scorpion politically ruin someone in the Winter who has been a loyal servant to the Emperor, how can this be in the Emperor's best interest?"

Had she been speaking to a Unicorn, she would have pressed on. Instead, she stopped to see if the Matsu would provide the right answer.
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:48 pm

Kogo listens carefully and considers carefully before she speaks. "This one would not dream of speaking against one's own Daimyo or believing that one knows the Emperor's best interests." She takes a breath. "But this one does not enjoy seeing other's harmed for spite or bile. Serving the Empire is honorable. Some of us do it in different ways. There is no shame in difference." She sips her tea. "Some samurai have spoken of the need of blood for blood. But some wonder also if such things distract us from the true enemies of the Empire."

Who may be walking in our midst, without our knowledge. Who knows, with such things as have been told.
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:53 pm

A surprisingly reasonable Matsu. I guess they do exist. Not that she wouldn't kill me in a blink if she was ordered to. Fukawa thought.

Fukawa nodded.

"When the Empire is faced with a common threat, the clans unite against it." she offers. "When the next such threat rears it's head, and the Unicorn witness the full might of the Empire turned against it, they will understand a little better."

She glanced down at the empty tea cup.
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Matsu Kogo on Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:00 pm

Kogo nods, finishing the last of her tea as well, though she tasted a bit of sourness in her mouth. "You speak wisdom Doji-san." She pauses. "I suspect they will. But tell me something Doji-san." She looks at her directly. "What do you seek in your future?"
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Re: I would do anything for love...(D8, EM, Expecting, Close

Postby Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:07 pm

"Ichiro-san was pressing me on that when I spoke to him. I suspect my parents will resume pestering me about that when I return." she says. "Right now I'm at a crossroads, there are a few different arts I could seek to master, or I could serve the clan politically. However, I sort of expect my lord to make the final decision. Whatever the clan needs that I might be useful in, I am there to serve."

She looks over to the Matsu.

"But I doubt that when she was reading Leadership, Matsu-san skipped over Duty, and Matsu-san will also go on to serve her clan to her utmost."
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