by Doji Fukawa on Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:42 pm
A generation of Crane nakodos were laughing at the Lion's words, but fortunately it was behind their spectral fans.
She considers her words careful while sipping tea.
"For centuries, the Unicorn were a people united. They had a single leader, and a single goal. Everything they did was towards that single goal of returning home. Outsiders were encountered, bartered with if peaceful, fought with if necessary and it did not jeopardize their return." she lays out.
"They return to a home they have never seen. But what they return to is not the same unity they have known for centuries. All of the clans have a single leader, the Emperor, but they fight amongst themselves throughout the year. If the Lion march in the summer, devouring all in their path until they destroy a holding, how can this be in the Emperor's best interest? If the Scorpion politically ruin someone in the Winter who has been a loyal servant to the Emperor, how can this be in the Emperor's best interest?"
Had she been speaking to a Unicorn, she would have pressed on. Instead, she stopped to see if the Matsu would provide the right answer.
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch
Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13
Carrying: Extravagant clothing, jewelry, money, (Day 6) Violet Fan with Horses Charging Forward (Day 8) Accompanied by Dog, Takahiro
Theme Song