Seppun Hideo wrote:"I cannot speak for Miya-san. I don't know exactly what was said that has offended you so. I just...wish to find a resolution" Hideo sighed sadly, looking in the direction of the Miya for a moment as he brought his purple fan up to tap his chin thoughtfully.
She will be just as stubborn, and will not admit wrong. She's Crane trained, and they're all the same after all.
He turned back to Kita, a nod to her. "I shall converse with her, and hopefully explain the reasons behind your actions.
However...perhaps it is now unrecoverable, as much as it pains me to admit. Know that regardless of the result, this Imperial will think no less of you. He will just wish it could have been resolved without more blood being spilt. Is there any more I can do to assist, Otaku-sama?"
Kitsu Takashi wrote:After his song, Takashi circulates in the audience, trying to catch impressions of the decidedly un-Rokugani event and how it might influence the miai results. Though he is rarely one to seek a drink, the emotion of the performance makes him more motivated than usual. Seeing a rather famous Yasuki with drink in hand, conversing with a Lion cousin--it's too convenient to pass up.
"Yasuki Tomonaga-sama, I presume," Takashi says with a bow and a wide smile. "Word of your product's quality precedes you."
He also gives a small bow to his clanmate. "Matsu-san, please forgive my intrusion into your conversation."
Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga perks up a bit to be addressed in such a way, although his expression becomes a bit more guarded again as he recognizes that he'd just sung for Yukarin as well. "Ah, Kitsu-san! Your words are too kind. Here, please..." He makes way to pour a bit of the sake for the newcomer.
Kitsu Takashi wrote:Takashi accepts the cup gratefully. He shows no indication of concern about their dueling ballads. "I only relay the words of sincere and honest samurai. The kindness is of your thankful patrons."
He takes a small drink. "Ah, and I believe I shall become one of them!" He smiles broadly, clearly at ease.
To Kogo he says, "I am far from an expert in traditional miai, although I have heard this is far from traditional anyway. But I was sent to learn about the Unicorn, and that work is going well. How are you--and Yasuki-sama," he ensures the Crab remains in the conversation, "finding the efforts of our hosts?" His eyebrows rise, signaling his curiosity.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Seeing Yuki smile, which was a happy change of pace from when she last saw her, Tomoe smiled as she returned the bow. "You're too kind, Asako-sama. I rather thought your piece was quite touching too."
"So Moto Butaj-san has caught your eyes, neh?" The Hare grinned behind her raised fan. "He dedicated quite the masterpiece to you."
Kitsu Takashi wrote:Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga perks up a bit to be addressed in such a way, although his expression becomes a bit more guarded again as he recognizes that he'd just sung for Yukarin as well. "Ah, Kitsu-san! Your words are too kind. Here, please..." He makes way to pour a bit of the sake for the newcomer.
Takashi accepts the cup gratefully. He shows no indication of concern about their dueling ballads. "I only relay the words of sincere and honest samurai. The kindness is of your thankful patrons."
He takes a small drink. "Ah, and I believe I shall become one of them!" He smiles broadly, clearly at ease.
To Kogo he says, "I am far from an expert in traditional miai, although I have heard this is far from traditional anyway. But I was sent to learn about the Unicorn, and that work is going well. How are you--and Yasuki-sama," he ensures the Crab remains in the conversation, "finding the efforts of our hosts?" His eyebrows rise, signaling his curiosity.
Matsu Kogo wrote:She pauses, noting that the Kitsu is more chatty than she has noted before. Perhaps all of this heart sharing song is catching. She nods along with Tomonaga's remarks. "I would agree with what Yasuki-san has said. They are quick learners, honest, sincere and noble. " Kogo's eyes seem to wander for a moment and she returns to the present. " I did not anticipate how much I would enjoy their company. It is a pleasant surprise."
Asako Yuki wrote:"But yours was much better performed." Yuki replied with a smile. Mention of Butaj got Yuki to look his way again and their eyes meet for a moment. Yuki unconsciously licks her lips before blushing furiously and moving to cover her face with her sleeves once again.
"Hai... It was spectacular. I..." Yuki stopped herself from finishing that potentially scandalous statement. "I am very flattered, and wish that my piece had been worthy of such a recitation." Her eyes flitted towards Butaj occasionally but she was trying very hard to be good.
Closing her eyes for a moment, Yuki focused, "I suppose I should congratulate you, Usagi-sama. Of all the women that sung to Dong-Ha, he sang of you." She tried, hoping to get the attention away from her for a moment.
Kitsu Takashi wrote:Takashi nods as they speak. "I quite agree," he comments as Kogo finishes. "I had expected more... discomfort... as we learned about each other." He pauses, almost mid-sentence. "My apologies, Yasuki-sama. I am Kitsu Takashi, student of the Ikoma school." He bows his head, acknowledging the correction.
He seems to pick back up right where he'd paused. "It is fortunate that we've avoided that discomfort. Unfortunate, though, that some have perhaps found too much comfort in these days of learning. If one believes the many things they hear, that is." He punctuates the comment with another drink, this one slightly larger.
Asako Hirase wrote:"Quite a lot of cross-training, neh?" He was surprised, but only a little. "That's less common in my Clan. My Cousin, Yuki, is the only one I know personally who trained with another Family than the one she was born in. Not that it's a bad may well have help keep you bonded together while apart." Curious, he asked, "What was it about a Moto warrior that better fit you than being a Shinjo one?"
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Tomoe debated whether or not suggesting that they move over to Butaj and Yuuru would be akin to inviting someone sin greatly when she saw the long looks Yuki was giving her Moto-love.
But the Asako was making a valiant effort to resist it, so it would've been cruel, she decided.
"Ah... hai..." she blushed a little too and took more cover behind her fan. "I just wish I was as highly regarded as my competition, as it is more and more unlikely I will have the chance to choose or be chosen by him. But it did make me happy that of all the girls, he did choose to sing about me. It would've been a little depressing to not have one song sung in one's name for an event like this, I find..."
But if not Dong-Ha, who on earth? Ugh... I just need to hope I can excel at the next tests.
"Girls like us have to work hard to catch up to the leads, neh?" Tomoe said with a wry smile, feeling certain that Yuki felt the same.
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