Soshi Yuuru wrote:He chuckled, "I think I was most comfortable with the seafood, but I also enjoyed some of the mutton... I believe it was called."
Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"Ah, and I have enjoyed every moment." Dong-Ha quipped in return, standing as well. "But let's meet tomorrow then." he had hoped he'd gotten closer to her, but that had not happened. Luckily, there was always the next day. "Good luck for the event today."
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:She placed the arm back at her side. "I will get to experience more of your cuisine. It is unfortunate that I cannot extend the same to you." Yue smirked. "You can ask my sister about my cooking."
Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"Take care then." he bowed to the Hare one more time. "We'll see tomorrow, latest." If only he had known how much they'd have to discuss the next time, he might not have smiled as happily as he did.
With that, Dong-Ha turned and took his exit, not even stopping at the door to bow at the dojo as was customary. He simply didn't know the custom existed.
Moto Baatar wrote:\"I'm Moto Baatar," the young Unicorn replied. "Did you really study with a talking bear? Wow!"
Baatar readied his bokken, but was startled at how cat-quick the large woman proved to be.
Initiative 11
Attack stance (ATN15)
No worries if you don't have enough bandwidth to do an actual fight - if you prefer we can just RP it out.
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