[D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is true

Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:28 pm

"Oh, my, yes."

Hirase's enthusiasm came back in a rush.

"What are these things of smokeless fire you mentioned? Were the horses the Otaku found true horses or spirits with that shape? How was the path blocked? What were the people like that taught your own Family so much about easily speaking with others they do not know?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:08 pm

Samai smiled. "Most of those you would need to ask the respective families... the Iuchi know more of the flames, while the Otaki are the experts on their horses."

She shrugged gently. "The path was something about giant birds, I think. Gomen, I know only the stories, and not even all of them."She took another sip of tea before continuing.

"The Ide have learned and adapted through the ages. We know that no matte where we are, Honesty is always appreciated. We learnt to deal with all the different cultures, but some basics are always good. Like a sincere apology." She smirked at that last part.
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:30 pm

"So the Rocs went that far..." That was an interesting thing to know. "And here I thought they mostly stayed in the north..." He raised a brow. "Were there so many apologies to give? Or were you generally the recipient?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:40 pm

"Different lands for different cultures. We need to be able to smooth over any offenses that were given unknowingly... or knowingly. Being polite can mean life or death... though I assume the same is the case here." She smiled ruefully as she said it, then raised the tea to her lips. "Mhm... this is tea is quite fine, Asako-san."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:07 pm

"I'm glad it pleases you." He looked thoughtful. "Did they have tea out in the wider world? I know even in Rokugan some lands are far better suited for it than others. Certainly your Clan's cuisine has a far greater variety than we have here in the Empire...some of those spices from the first day were incredible."

Thinking back, he laughed. "I found a small pepper in one of the chicken dishes...it was nearly purple and I thought to myself, how nice that they've managed a pepper that reflects the Clan aesthetic. Then I took a bite out of it and very nearly went blind for a few minutes."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:57 am

"The Sands had... tea. Or something like it. It wasn't like this, for sure." She took another sip, before her eyes went wide. "Oh yes... there are some spices that are... not to be consumed directly. Or best not. It is usually well known among our clan, but we will take care in the future to highlight it to others. I hope you enjoyed the dinner otherwise?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:19 pm

"I did." Hirase hadn't enjoyed the aftermath, but that was impolitic to mention. "I enjoy trying new foods. It is one of the best ways to explore another culture, I think, aside from music. Sadly, I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but I do enjoy the talents of others. So far, your Clan has shown much skill in that regard and it's been a true pleasure those times I've been able to experience it."

He smiled, then asked, "Did you? I understand that seafood, other than river fish, was a novelty to most of you?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:51 pm

Asako Hirase wrote:"I did." Hirase hadn't enjoyed the aftermath, but that was impolitic to mention. "I enjoy trying new foods. It is one of the best ways to explore another culture, I think, aside from music. Sadly, I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but I do enjoy the talents of others. So far, your Clan has shown much skill in that regard and it's been a true pleasure those times I've been able to experience it."

He smiled, then asked, "Did you? I understand that seafood, other than river fish, was a novelty to most of you?"

"Quite the observation Asako-san." She smiled at him, and put down her cup. "Hai, quite so. I have heard stories from our past, as we spent some time at a port. I hope to try more of it in the future though. Do the Phoenix take part in the bounties of the sea often?"

She glanced down, her hands in her lap. "Do you practice any artistry Asako-san?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:02 pm

"I tell stories." His smile grew a little. "A happy talent when one has a small child, I've discovered. As for our meals, hai, many Phoenix do. We are bless in our lands; our eastern border lies along the sea, our south against the plains, and our west against one of the larger woodlands in the Empire. The north is mountains, not so grand for foods, but there are other benefits to that, not the least of which is a great deal of beauty. I, though, am biased...my last posting was in one of the most northern villages. I keep meaning to take up painting, but time never seemed to be with me. Perhaps in a few years, when Ichiro is safely off to his training."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:31 pm

"Well, perhaps you could tell me one story some day, Asako-san." She smiled and raised the cup again.

"That does sound wonderful... while having our own lands is wonderful, I hope to visit other places in the Empire, see the beauty of our home." She tried imagining Hirase painting with his son running around, and she suppressed a grin.

"Do you have any ideas where he will be studying?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:50 pm

"If you wished to, I am sure that it could be arranged. It will be helpful to the Unicorn for you and your Cousins to be seen in as many places as they can, even if you marry out." Not that it was likely for Samai. "As for my son...he will train with the Shiba, I suspect. Certainly he seems far more likely to excel as a bushi than as a scholar. He takes after his mother that way."

Now Hirase smiled, clearly not bothered by speaking of his fallen former bride.

"I've got her katana for him, in fact. When he's old enough."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:56 pm

Samai nodded. "It is a noble pursuit. I am sure she would be proud of him. Does your son know of those plans?" She tried to take another sip, but found the cup empty.
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:19 pm

"Somewhat. I've tried to let him enjoy his youth, barring lessons. I myself wasn't really aware of training except as some obscure idea until I was five." Brown eyes sparkled with laughter. "Given that Kaizen has him at the dojo as we speak, however, and he was all too excited to go, I think it is going to be the obvious choice when it comes to that talk."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:24 am

Asako Hirase wrote:"Somewhat. I've tried to let him enjoy his youth, barring lessons. I myself wasn't really aware of training except as some obscure idea until I was five." Brown eyes sparkled with laughter. "Given that Kaizen has him at the dojo as we speak, however, and he was all too excited to go, I think it is going to be the obvious choice when it comes to that talk."

Samai smiled and nodded. "Unfortunately, we did not have much in the way of such luxury. Training for us began on the journey early on." She chuckled. "Though I'm sure he's looking forward to the dojo then, and learning from Shiba-san."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:51 am

"I only hope my kinsman doesn't regret his generous offer." Hirase smiled, then asked, with genuine curiosity, "What did Unicorn children do on the great ride to entertain themselves? With many hours in the saddle, options were surely limited, but children are endlessly creative..."
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