Asako Hirase wrote:"I did." Hirase hadn't enjoyed the aftermath, but that was impolitic to mention. "I enjoy trying new foods. It is one of the best ways to explore another culture, I think, aside from music. Sadly, I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but I do enjoy the talents of others. So far, your Clan has shown much skill in that regard and it's been a true pleasure those times I've been able to experience it."
He smiled, then asked, "Did you? I understand that seafood, other than river fish, was a novelty to most of you?"
"Quite the observation Asako-san." She smiled at him, and put down her cup. "Hai, quite so. I have heard stories from our past, as we spent some time at a port. I hope to try more of it in the future though. Do the Phoenix take part in the bounties of the sea often?"
She glanced down, her hands in her lap. "Do you practice any artistry Asako-san?"