Mindshred wrote:If the character fails this roll, the subject of their song also gains +.1 Infamy for every failed Raise the character made.
This means both earn + .1 Infamy?
Mindshred wrote:If the character fails this roll, the subject of their song also gains +.1 Infamy for every failed Raise the character made.
Seppun Hideo wrote:If the character fails this roll, the subject of their song also gains +.1 Infamy for every failed Raise the character made. If the subject was recently involved in a scandalous rumor with the character (regardless of its veracity), both characters also lose Honor as if they had committed a Minor Breach of Etiquette.
Is the honour loss also only if raises are called?
Otaku Kitakuhime wrote:Mindshred wrote:If the character fails this roll, the subject of their song also gains +.1 Infamy for every failed Raise the character made.
This means both earn + .1 Infamy?
Iuchi Saksaha wrote:Since magic's allowed...
How much time should a spell cover in order to to affect any given roll? Can you recast spells time after time? (Between event phases, or during the guitar solo between verses?) Or only once, before you start?
Ichiro Daisuke wrote:((The song doesn't quite fit the power ballad theme but I like it for the question.))
Will alcohol be available in the observation thread? Or should we bring our own?
Moto Butaj wrote:What happens if one does not satisfy the fluff, non-rolling requirements of the event (like making the identity of the other clear)? Is it only that the points aren't counted by the judges, or there are other consequences as well?
If by this logic the ballad is more about how I love rather than who I love, does one can take double Infamy/Honour losses on himself if a roll fails?
Can raises be called not for points but to cover the above approach and still get non-raised points from the event?
Since this is a Moto event, and Butaj is Black Sheep, do any other consequences apply to rolling?
Does Voice apply to the first roll?
Asako Hirase wrote:First, this is probably my favorite event you've ever done, so kudos to you.
If someone chooses the person you're going to serenade before you post and end up greatly changing their Glory/Infamy balance, do you use the new adjusted score or the one they had before the event starts?
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