Iuchi Saksaha wrote:Does taking part in this event totally eclipse both time slots, or just one?
Otaku Kitakuhime wrote:Benten Blessing applies?
Errata and Reminders wrote:Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Benten)This advantage only applies to Courtier, Etiquette, and Sincerity Skill Rolls.
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:Can I get magical assistance from someone else in this event or am I on my own :3?
Bayushi Suteichi wrote:Can we use our musical instrument if we play?
Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Bayushi Suteichi wrote:Can we use our musical instrument if we play?
Ok, I got this.
If you have other musical talents, can you use those instead?
If the character fails this roll, the subject of their song also gains +.1 Infamy for every failed Raise the character made. If the subject was recently involved in a scandalous rumor with the character (regardless of its veracity), both characters also lose Honor as if they had committed a Minor Breach of Etiquette.
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