Togashi Udo wrote:"Uh. Well, my duty here is to find someone to marry. So not so strange as you might expect."
Udo was not in a great mood this morning, but he was finding Hotaru was putting him somewhat off-balance, which might be a good thing.
"Are you also here for the miai, I assume? I believe I saw your name on the lists."
Moshi Asakiko wrote:"I understand. It would be quite difficult for you to master the ways of the kami." She nodded. "As for watching you work, I sit watching coins and pondering about lines and dots..." Asakiko chuckled.
Bayushi Hotaru wrote:"No, I suppose not!" She concurred with a small chuckle, finding it a little silly that she questioned him, to begin with. "My apologies on that." I kind of thought you might have wandered in, or something...
"Hai! Even a serving miko and a shugenja must get married eventually. I hadn't expected to a part of a strong Scorpion showing, but I mostly found the opportunity to spend time with others instead. It's nice to feel that you've hardly left the Scorpion lands but I am here to meet others, potentially my future husband."
Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"And that's all it is, a pretty trinket. Unless you know the words and the syntax. Nothing but a fancy bauble, devoid of all power. Until the words are spoke, that is. The charm is the means... the words, words are the way." He returned the charm to his belt. "Several years to learn the runes, few more how to pronounce them. I have been working on these since I was seven."
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