Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"I hope he's more interested in you... than your horse." Dong-Ha jested, laughing at his own crass joke. Sake did not sit well with him. "That'd be tragic... " he muttered.
"You know... I am actually pretty interested in that small Scorpion girl too, but if she likes Baatar... not going to mess with her. Though... I think I'll ask what she thinks." the young mystic shrugged. "So damn reserved, her. Bunny's more open, that's for sure."
Moto Khulun wrote:"Clever Butaj is clever, but good time was had and warm thoughts made, yes?" She replies honestly.
Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"Well, the Dragon's blind eh? They say that love's blind too." he shrugged. "Women eh." Dong-Ha seemed to share Kemuri's confusion. "Dunno, they both like to talk. Maybe you ought have asked them... thing."
Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"Help.. what do you mean?" he had followed Kemuri's line of thought until that point.
Moto Khulun wrote:"Better yes, good to help brothers find strong wives and help bring peace and comfort to future matches. Silvia is sage, it is known," she replies.
"Is Butaj No-Beard happy and content?"
"Hai, Iuchi-sama. I am working on it." he nodded. "You do the same. Grab them by... something. Not the button, though. That should be gentle."Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"That's true, and with Iuchi and Moto events still left, both bushi and mystics... priests, shuganja... whatever... have still chance to scrounge some points. But still, doesn't mean you ought to wander like a wishy-washy..." he was going to say 'Shinjo' but realized that Kemuri was actually a wishy-washy Shinjo. ".. boy. Seize the day, seize them by the balls. Well, not balls no, something else. Arse, seize them by the arse." Alas, Dong-Ha was truly hammered.
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