by Asako Hirase on Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:25 pm
It was a good thing that Hirase had courtly training; surely, the laughter he wanted to let free would have hurt Yuki's feelings terribly. He settled for closing his eyes, briefly, and then he slowly shook his head.
"No, Yuki-san, that is not how children come to pass. Not in the slightest. Yes, those desiring children may petition the Fortunes as an extra way to try and ensure fertility, but the actual mechanics of the thing, the heart of it...that's physical, not spiritual."
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu YueGlory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected
Orange Text = Speaking Yobanjin * Description
Always Carries: Writing materials, healthy snacks, fan