D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:28 pm

He bowed deeply to her.

"This one wishes to ask a favor of you." he drew his fan and popped it open to speak to her.

"Would you have any of those...kumis? I am...having a meeting...with a guest and I would like to offer my guest something more than just...tea."
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

Status 1.0|Honor: Untrustworthy|Courtshp Points: 3

Carries: Fan, Sweets, Wakizashi, Aiguchi (when applicable), Samisen

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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:33 pm

“Does the sand burn under the sun?” she replies with a grim laugh.

“Yes, I have kumis.”
Bushi | Tough | Barbaric | Wealthy | Kuge | Strange Name | Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Theme | Courtship Points: 4
Possessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse, Red Steel Katana "Massacre", Nintoku's Fan
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:38 pm

"Wonderful. If I may have one...please. I would...." Fortunes save me! The things I do for a woman! "I would...be in your...debt." he forced a smile, clearly uncomfortable with asking her and now having to owe her.
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

Status 1.0|Honor: Untrustworthy|Courtshp Points: 3

Carries: Fan, Sweets, Wakizashi, Aiguchi (when applicable), Samisen

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Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:40 pm

“Yeah, when do you need it by?” she asks.
Bushi | Tough | Barbaric | Wealthy | Kuge | Strange Name | Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Theme | Courtship Points: 4
Possessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse, Red Steel Katana "Massacre", Nintoku's Fan
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Kemuri on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:47 pm

Miya Mei wrote:"As do I. We shall meet on the horsemanship field.For now, let us enjoy the music together"

Mei closes her eyes again and sways with the music

"Hai, embrace the music." he agreed, watching her movements for a short time, before returning to his own dance.
Unicorn Clan Marta Family Bushi Hunter Explorer Storyteller Completely Honest Rides Sarangerel
Honor: Expected • Status: .5 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 4

Carries: Water, Knife, Sake Cup, Chopsticks, Dice
As Appropriate: Daisho, Light Armor, Daikyu, Quiver, Lantern, Cloak, Hat
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:50 pm

Moto Khulun wrote:“Yeah, when do you need it by?” she asks.

"Early Night hour. If you have one with you I can take it with me when I leave?"
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

Status 1.0|Honor: Untrustworthy|Courtshp Points: 3

Carries: Fan, Sweets, Wakizashi, Aiguchi (when applicable), Samisen

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Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:54 pm

She motions for him to follow as she walks towards her horse as she speaks, “You don’t strike me as a lover of kumis, Scorpion. Or do you wish to suffer through it again for our enjoyment.”
Bushi | Tough | Barbaric | Wealthy | Kuge | Strange Name | Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Theme | Courtship Points: 4
Possessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse, Red Steel Katana "Massacre", Nintoku's Fan
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:55 pm

Iuchi Saksaha wrote:Iuchi Saksaha also has come to hear this Rokugani music. To her surprise she finds that the performance is actually a mix of sounds and tunes she already knows and those she does not, peculiar and interesting. And not at all bad!

She stands at the edge of the firelight with her head cocked, seemingly listening intently. Though sooner or later she'd better find something to drink.

((Poke me with a PM if you come to talk to Saksaha, otherwise I'll poke one of you in the morning!))

Seeing as she was on her lonesome and Saksaha was also on her lonesome, Hotaru strolled over to where the Unicorn mystic was standing. She dipped forward in a deep bow with a welcoming smile on her face to greet her. "Good evening, Iuchi-san! It's good to see you again! Thank you for coming by the event!"
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9

Description, Artist Details in Description
Personal Effects: Wakizashi (where appropriate), scroll satchel, fan, jade charm, mask, fortune sticks, kawaru coins

Mamoru, Protector of Shrines
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Bayushi Hotaru
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Matsu Kogo on Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:08 pm

Kogo looks to the dancers and notes the joy they are finding. She sees in a moment, the possibilities that exist that she alone is denying herself. Mourning Otaku Chi-pu would not bring her back. She looks to Shinjo Taichi, drinking himself. I suspect we are all nursing our own hidden grief. But maybe...maybe it could be different. She looked at the Shinjo and said, "Shinjo-san, what do your people say about death and mourning?"
Lion Clan • Beastmaster • Gullible • Idealistic • Paragon: Courtesy
Honor: What is expected l Status: 1 l Glory: 1 l Courtship : 1

Carries: Wakizashi, sweets, traveling game of Go, jade

internal thoughts
Accompanied by Warcat Noburu at most times.
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:03 pm

Moto Khulun wrote:She motions for him to follow as she walks towards her horse as she speaks, “You don’t strike me as a lover of kumis, Scorpion. Or do you wish to suffer through it again for our enjoyment.”

"Let us just say that there are many of things....people even, who are worth the suffering."
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

Status 1.0|Honor: Untrustworthy|Courtshp Points: 3

Carries: Fan, Sweets, Wakizashi, Aiguchi (when applicable), Samisen

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Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:07 pm

She chuckles rolling her eyes as she pulls a skin of kumis from her mount and tosses it to Suteichi. She says, “Good luck sating your thirst, Scorpion. If it is a Unicorn treat her well or I’ll know the reason why.”
Bushi | Tough | Barbaric | Wealthy | Kuge | Strange Name | Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Theme | Courtship Points: 4
Possessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse, Red Steel Katana "Massacre", Nintoku's Fan
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:14 pm

He caught the kumi. He still thought the throwing of things to people was rude.

"I will be treating her well. Domo arigatou Moto hime." he bowed deeply to her.
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

Status 1.0|Honor: Untrustworthy|Courtshp Points: 3

Carries: Fan, Sweets, Wakizashi, Aiguchi (when applicable), Samisen

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Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Moto Khulun on Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:21 pm

She nods her respect to the Scorpion, “May the winds keep the sand from your eyes, Scorpion.”
Bushi | Tough | Barbaric | Wealthy | Kuge | Strange Name | Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Theme | Courtship Points: 4
Possessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse, Red Steel Katana "Massacre", Nintoku's Fan
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:16 pm

Bayushi Hotaru wrote:
Iuchi Saksaha wrote:Iuchi Saksaha also has come to hear this Rokugani music. To her surprise she finds that the performance is actually a mix of sounds and tunes she already knows and those she does not, peculiar and interesting. And not at all bad!

She stands at the edge of the firelight with her head cocked, seemingly listening intently. Though sooner or later she'd better find something to drink.

((Poke me with a PM if you come to talk to Saksaha, otherwise I'll poke one of you in the morning!))

Seeing as she was on her lonesome and Saksaha was also on her lonesome, Hotaru strolled over to where the Unicorn mystic was standing. She dipped forward in a deep bow with a welcoming smile on her face to greet her. "Good evening, Iuchi-san! It's good to see you again! Thank you for coming by the event!"

Saksaha smiles, pleasantly surprised at being greeted by the Scorpion girl she'd met a few days ago. Hotaru had made an amiable first impression, but somehow their paths hadn't crossed since.

"Oh! That is right, it's your people who planned this, Bayushi-san," she says, after returning Hotaru's bow with a swish of ribbons and wool skirts. "It is always welcome to have such music. And it is good to see you again also. Maybe more in your own element this time?"
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Status: 1 • Courtship Points: -1 • Description
"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: D5 [LE] Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll! (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:52 pm

"More than just my people, my fellow cousin actually." She gestured to Bayushi Suteichi and where he was currently found in the performance with her layered sleeve. "Have you met, Bayushi Suteichi-san, by chance? He's the one that made it all possible with hard work and apparently a keen eye for talent. It seems like a great success so far."

She chuckled on a light note. "I don't know if this is my own element, I was just hoping to provide some moral support! It's just a happy coincidence that I've run into you as well! How have you've been? It seems almost more like weeks, than days!"
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9

Description, Artist Details in Description
Personal Effects: Wakizashi (where appropriate), scroll satchel, fan, jade charm, mask, fortune sticks, kawaru coins

Mamoru, Protector of Shrines
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Bayushi Hotaru
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