Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:23 am

Yogo-sempai? This is not good. "Go on."
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:33 am

"I am concerned now that we both...confessed a love for each other to each other. We agreed that things would not go so far. They did. I do not want to hurt you at all. I certainly do not want to hurt Liu Fei. I fear that we are now on the path to betraying one another."
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:36 am

Mizuki's heart breaks.
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:45 am

Suteichi walked up to her and held her. "You are everything to me Mizuki-chan. I wish that I could marry you. I felt that way ever since we first gave each other to ourselves. What's going to happen to us?"
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:51 am

Mizuki pulls herself away. "What do you think? We're going to hurt each other sooner or later. So, finish it. Finish what you were going to say." Why did I think anybody could love me? She was holding back the tears. She knew a break-up speech when she heard one. But she would not let him see her cry.
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:53 am

"I don't want this to happen. Neither of us do. Why are you asking me to finish it?!"
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:04 am

"Isn't that what you were about to do? You're concerned now. You don't want to hurt me. You fear the path we're on. I'm not stupid, Bayushi-san. So, finish saying what you were about to say."
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:16 am

Bayushi-san?! How did we...

"Yogo-sempai," his tone more measured "After this Miai, what do you think is going to happen to us? Honestly! I'm married to Liu Fei and you to Akil or whoever... tell me how this ends?! Is it a happy one?! Do we continue having an affair?! You are not some tool for me to take care of an itch." He calmed a bit approaching her.

"Neitherone of us wants this to end but neitherone of us wants to hurt one another. I thought about you last night. I could have laid with Liu Fei, I didn't because I care too much about her and how I feel about you. I am conflicted."
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:24 am

"I don't know. What you say makes sense, but it still hurts."

She looks at Sutiechi with what could only be dread. "I already betrayed you."

She gives it a second to sink in, but goes on. "After Yuichi left, I went to bed. A man came to my room. He told me came upon the scene of the orochi afterwards. That's how I know Shinjo-san was OK. Then, I... I betrayed you."

Mizuki was about to speak. She was about to say all the things she needed comfort for. But she didn't. "I didn't even break my Curse. I'm a Yogo. I betray all that I love."
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:41 am

There was silence in the room. Awkward, chilling silence. Suteichi's glare was as sharp as a Kakita blade. He did not say a single word. Just a cold, empty, glare.
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:44 am

Mizuki returns the stare. Though her eyes are waiting. Waiting for what comes next. Regret is a sin. And Mizuki is drowning in it.
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:22 am

Suteichi calmly got his mask and put it on. He started to walk past her towards the door but stopped at her side.

"I gave the best of me to you. The very best of me that should have been given to Liu Fei-chan. I gave the best of me to an Oiran like my natural, pathetic father. Like father, like son I suppose." He leaned closer to her ear.

"We have been, won't be no more. I won't come after you for this. Don't give me a reason to either. You brought another in and you broke me. When I leave this room, you are dead to me."

He walked to the door, a tear ran down his face. He never looked back he simply left.

Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Day 5 [EA] Darkness Is Spreading (Mizuki's Room)

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:06 pm

Once he leaves, Mizuki collapses in tears.

It wasn't the Curse. It was her.

Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep

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