Usagi Tomoe wrote:I have planned Daily History Lessons with Tomoe.Each IC day, Tomoe will share her knowledge on a historical event, to help the Unicorn learn about what has happened while they were gone. This will be open for everyone of course and I hope it will be a nice way for some character to find a reason to approach Tomoe.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:I have planned Daily History Lessons with Tomoe.Each IC day, Tomoe will share her knowledge on a historical event, to help the Unicorn learn about what has happened while they were gone. This will be open for everyone of course and I hope it will be a nice way for some character to find a reason to approach Tomoe.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:I have planned Daily History Lessons with Tomoe.Each IC day, Tomoe will share her knowledge on a historical event, to help the Unicorn learn about what has happened while they were gone. This will be open for everyone of course and I hope it will be a nice way for some character to find a reason to approach Tomoe.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:I have planned Daily History Lessons with Tomoe.Each IC day, Tomoe will share her knowledge on a historical event, to help the Unicorn learn about what has happened while they were gone. This will be open for everyone of course and I hope it will be a nice way for some character to find a reason to approach Tomoe.
Tonbo Misa wrote:I've already got threads planned with 5 players in the new player thread, and I plan on having a popup thread as well day 1 that any new person can join in. Any new players only need look at the veteran player thread to know there should be little to worry about!
Mirumoto Chou wrote:I hesitate to plan anything because I'm not certain how I'm going to go about this. Definitely I'll be doing swordwork in the dojo, but beyond that? *shrug*
Mirumoto Chou wrote:I hesitate to plan anything because I'm not certain how I'm going to go about this. Definitely I'll be doing swordwork in the dojo, but beyond that? *shrug*
Mindshred wrote:Yogo Mizuki wrote:Will their be horses to ride for those of us who don't have a horse? I figure the Unicorn might have a spare or two.
Not just for funsies, no.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Drinking allowed.
Everyone is welcome.
Yes, even the big kittehs!
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