Shinjo Monkhbaatar wrote:"Imagine how you felt when you woke up the day that you left Lion lands to come here. Then imagine your first day waking up here. I imagine that both days were filled with anticipation, excitement, and uncertainty. Not knowing what to expect." He looks up at the sky.
"Your life becomes anticipation, excitement, and uncertainty. Every day a new adventure to partake in. Always moving forward and learning to never look back or question what had happened before that day. It helps you see that while the road that helped you arrive where you are is important, but not as important as the road that you are looking down. That each step forward should be taken with confidence and not be avoided because it too will be in the past as soon as you take the next. Living that way... that is the way one can truly understand how to let go of Regret and ensure it never has meaning to you again. That you live your life for the future by building on the past."
She listens intently, her body continuing to relax into the unfamiliar posture. "Are you sure you are not a poet Shinjo-san? Your words are so...evocative. I feel I can almost see the picture you are painting." She smiles a bit. "Perhaps this will be the real teaching you provide me Shinjo-san. This has not been my way. But it sounds...liberating."