[D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

[D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Dong-Ha on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:13 am

The Unicorn, used to traveling light, were also used to simple ceremonies and funerals were no exception to thos. A simple pyre had been built on the sogged dueling field and upon the heap of branches, roots and trunks gathered by the heimin laid the body of Otaku Chi-Pu, wrapped in a thick cloth of wool. If one were to look closely, they could see a bump under the cloth, perhaps a sign of the woman's hands resting on her lap. Flowers of yellow, blue and white dotted the pyre, placed by the Unicorn children that had been asked to collect them for the funeral. A simple wreath, woven from similar small flowers rested on Chi-Pu's chest.

Six tall torches, dug deep into the ground, lined the makeshift pallet, casting flickering shadows on the shape resting on the pyre. A wide burner, filled sacred herbs and oils hung one of the torches, filling the evening air with heavy scent of incense.

Dong-Ha, clad in his usual robes stood by the pyre, visitors to arrive. A couple of camp guards stood in attention, more in honor of Chi-Pu than to keep order.
Unicorn Clan • Mystic
Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Infamy: 0.3 • Courtship: 2

"Power is what you think it is."
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Wakizashi, assorted shamanistic trinkets and baubles, woolen robes, knife
Gaijin riding horse: Poppy
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Moto Khulun on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:15 am

Moto Khulun was here in armor astride Oguro, her face was neutral as she rested her hand on Massacre. Oguro was silent as well, his tail swishing every now and then but otherwise disciplined.

Her mind was a miasma of darkness and rage, but it was all due to the loss of a dear friend and leader.
Bushi | Tough | Barbaric | Wealthy | Kuge | Strange Name | Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Theme | Courtship Points: 4
Possessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse, Red Steel Katana "Massacre", Nintoku's Fan
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Moto Butaj on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:34 am

Butaj rides in on Huludai, armed and armored. His expression is solemn. His instruments are with him, attached to the saddle. He stops his horse behind Khulun.
Scorpion Clan | Bushi | Big Bad Keshig | Black Horse | Slacker | Soul of the Steppe | Honest
Profile | Expected Honor | Status 1 | Glory 0

Has: furs & leathers, daisho, knife, one of musical instruments, skin of kumis, keepsake, Yuki's fan
Sometimes also: bow, horse, light armor, other musical instruments, tent
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Soshi Taira on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:42 am

This... was not supposed to happen.

Not at a miai.

Never mind his feelings, never mind his turmoil, Taira would be there.

He'd failed her. She'd died on his watch, and he wasn't going to let her be sent off without being there to wish her well. To say, in a silent prayer, sorry.

He had no white kimono, so he tied a white obi over his black and red attire. He was armored as well, giving her a warrior funeral.

From behind his iron mempo, he gazed upon the pyre in silence.

Scorpion Clan :: Good Cop :: Doctor :: Paragon :: Pragmatic :: Spirit-Touched :: Cursed
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 CP: 2
Carries: Daisho, medical satchel, black and red kimono, tall collar 'mask', ink-splotched fan
Now treating: Patient No.18

Description:: Theme:: Struggle
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Ide Amaya on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:44 am

As Amaya approaches, in a black kimono, a small weasel can be seen rifing on her shoulder. Nearing the pyre, however, she tickles the creature under the chin and says something. It wiggles under her kimono and down her arm, curling up in the pocket there.

Her face is solemn, eyes downcast, in her hands is a single white flower. She approaches the pyre and carefully places the flower amongst those already adorning the fallen Unicorn. Her lips move, but she cannot be heard speaking. Eventually she turns; she nods in acknowledgement of her Clan-brothers and -sisters and stands a respectful distance away.

She notes Taira's presence, and thinks to try catch his eye before the ceremony commences.
• Unicorn Courtier • [Profile - Updated 4/29]
• Small • Gullible • Voice • Inner Gift (Animal Ken) • Love Actuary •
• Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 5 •
Carries: Wakazashi, Seppun Fan, Personal Chop, Book of Poetry, Hand Mirror, Wooden Hair Comb, Partial Makeup Kit, Satsujin - a weasel.

Image Tokma - a Gaijin riding horse
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Soshi Taira on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:47 am

His gaze is worlds distant.

If not demanded, his attention could not be had.

Scorpion Clan :: Good Cop :: Doctor :: Paragon :: Pragmatic :: Spirit-Touched :: Cursed
Honor: Untrustworthy Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 CP: 2
Carries: Daisho, medical satchel, black and red kimono, tall collar 'mask', ink-splotched fan
Now treating: Patient No.18

Description:: Theme:: Struggle
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:07 am

Another, an Imperial, approaches the site. He had a respecful look, and had worn his formal priestly robes as he stopped close by. Looking upon the pyre, then at those who gathered. The Unicorn especially.
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional
Courtiship Points: 7
Always carries: Robes/Kimono, Amaya's Fan, Wakizashi, School Satchel, Calligraphy kit, Paper, Chopsticks, Medicine Kit
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Ichiro Daisuke on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:13 am

Daisuke had no plans to miss this either, though he had only spoken with the older woman a couple times, he had enjoyed her company. To think he had only been speaking with her a few hours before her death. Unlike other's it was easy for him to find white in his wardrobe, it was in the colors his clan wore every day, so in respect for the fallen he wore a white obi over his pale grey kimono.

He didn't try to approach to close though, finding a place in the back of the crowd and settling in to watch.
Badger Clan * Bushi * Scout * Archer * Tough * Engaged to the best Otaku

Status: 1.0 * Glory: 1.0 * Honor: Untrustworthy

Courtship points: 3

Carries: daisho, sake cup, chopsticks

For combat: light armor, daisho, tanto, yumi and quiver, masakiri
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:56 am

Wearing her most Unicorn styled wear, full of furs of desert animals, Batul reaches the small pyre of her cousin. There should not had been something like this during the Miai, there should not be death and sadness, but happiness. Her face has a sober appearance as she halts near the pyre, watching the children stand nearby with the remaining flowers on their hands. Not too long ago she was one of those looking for flowers during the Dark Ride. A tear falls from her eye, which she allows to slide, as she sobs in silence for all those fallen since they started the return to the Empire.
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

"If the wind blows, ride it."
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Kemuri on Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:26 am

Kemuri stood silently, watching the gathering crowd. This was a tragic loss. The Unicorn had returned home. There shouldn't be any more deaths. Not like this.

Yet, here they were, saying goodbye to another one of their family. Another hero was gone. They would mourn her death and celebrate her life. But, it was not just the clan now. As he watched more samurai arrive, Kemuri smiled.

The family was a little bigger now.
Unicorn Clan Marta Family Bushi Hunter Explorer Storyteller Completely Honest Rides Sarangerel
Honor: Expected • Status: .5 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 4

Carries: Water, Knife, Sake Cup, Chopsticks, Dice
As Appropriate: Daisho, Light Armor, Daikyu, Quiver, Lantern, Cloak, Hat
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Shimizu Ryori on Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:27 am

Matsu Kyra arrives, a white ribbon tied to her fore leg, hey brother wears a matching ban on his arm, his kimono is loose and flowing in gold and brown but with white hakama under. He is quiet and reserved with a small poch at his side opposite his daisho.

Shimizu Ryori | Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Touched By Chikishudo

+ Honor Expected - Status 1.0 - Glory 1.0 - Courtship Points : 2 +

Court: Wakizashi, Nice Kimono
Field: Armor, Sturdy Clothes, Daisho, Yumi + Quiver, Traveling Pack
Pack: Spare Rations, Canteen, Rope, Net, Blanket
Both: Bag of Sweets, Matsu Kyra - (Warcat)

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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Kaiu Hiroji on Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:59 am

Hiroji looks at Chi-Pu's wrapped body unblinkingly. His expression grim. His hands contorted as fists, the knuckles white.
*Crab Clan *Rather Stoic *Large *Possibly has a drinking problem *Allergy to Milk based Products *Dragon-Slayer

Status: 1.0 - Honor: What is Expected - Glory: 3.0 - Courtship Points: 2


Carries with him: Sturdy Clothing, Walking Stick, Chopsticks, Small Mirror
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:01 am

Yukarin was here; She may have been no priest, but that did not effect her respect for the sacrifice her cousin in the Otaku had made.

She wore a long white kimono, expression somber.
Unicorn Clan · Courtier · Merchant · Lucky! · Blingin' · Pacifist · Greedy · Scholar · Nerd · Shellfish Allergy · Gambler · Queen of Commerce
Honor: Expected | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy 0.1 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 8
carries: wakizashi, dice & cup, heirloom jewelry, pearl & jade necklace, tiny Daikoku statue, coin purse, hand fan, silk umbrella, bottle of shochu, sake cups, personal seal
profile · full summer robes
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Shinjo Liu Yue on Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:17 am

Shinjo Liu Yue arrived atop of her mighty steed, Hikazume. She was in her armor, cleaned since the battle, with her tetsubo on hand. It was not her expectation to use the club but she thought it necessary for a true warrior's funeral.

The one-armed woman felt the heavy weight of failure upon her shoulders. Images of Chi-Pu struggling from the orochi's crushing grasp invaded Yue's mind with no end at sight. My efforts were not enough. We must train harder, Hikazume.

Her mind then went to her own near-demise. The teeth of the beast, her body almost lifted from her saddle and into the belly of the beast. She had had no way to fight inside. All she would have had were her fists. Would I have been lying there beside you? Or would I have died instead of you? Would you have wanted that?

I guess I will never know any of that.

She paid no heed to others at the time. She was not even aware of who else was present. Her focus was solely on the deceased and her own brush with mortality.
Unicorn - Bushi - Horrible Burns - Missing Left Arm - Damaged Eye - Rather Tall - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Dauntless
Status 1.0 - Glory 2.0 / Infamy 0.2 - Honour: Untrustworthy - Courtship: 5
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin

Typically Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Fan, Small Hand Mirror, Finger of Jade, Coin Purse, Small Knife, Medicine Kit, Sake Cup

Riding Horse: Hikazume, Puppy: Gon
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Re: [D5 EE] Final Rites (OPEN)

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:40 am

It had already been a trying day for The Scorpion Courtier, this event was just an added log to the fire that was already burning. He was in the crowd and away from his fellow Scorpion. He brought his samisen as the music event was after the somber memorial.
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

Status 1.0|Honor: Untrustworthy|Courtshp Points: 3

Carries: Fan, Sweets, Wakizashi, Aiguchi (when applicable), Samisen

Image Suteichi's Mask

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