Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:58 pm

"Roughly... I take it, then, that you know relatively little about Meishodo?"
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:00 pm

"I have heard a little of it from one of my cousins among the Seppun whom heard about it from another... but other than that, no, Iuchi-san," he admitted.
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:20 pm

Yukarin nodded before continuing, "I suppose the best place to start then is to say the elemental kami don't exist in the same way outside of the Empire as within it. This meant Iuchi-dono, who had been taught prayers by Isawa-dono, had to find other ways to replicate they're blessings with greatly dimished ability. That was where the technique known as Meishodo came in; It was discovered by Shinjo-Okami, but she told Iuchi-dono that it was not a technique meant to be used by the gods, so he was entrusted with its knowledge."

She walked slowly as she talked, not truly watching her step as she relied on visual clues and his presence while she was lost in thought, "I... do not know the exact nature of what Meishodo is, but I know a practitioner crafts a charm while speaking the True Name of something, and that power is kept withing the object. It predates the Kami, but I also do not know its true origins."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:55 pm

"I do not know anything about speaking with the kami for I am not blessed so, but my cousins have noted from among their own that have traveled to the far reaches of the Empire that their voices do become faint. Quite fascinating that Shinjo-Okami learned of such a technique and blessed Iuchi-dono with its safekeeping yet made it clear that such was not meant for one of her divine nature. I am by no means equipped like my dear cousins to speculate and contemplate upon such things as they are, but a fascinating story nonetheless - that was something I did not know before and now it is you that has my thanks for the history lesson," he added with a bright smile and another longer glance in Yukarin's direction as he kept pace alongside.

"Are the charms that you are wearing related to this Meishodo? Or family heirlooms, perhaps? Regardless, they are of quite exquisite craftsmanship to this one's eyes, as much so as any piece or collection that can be sighted in the Imperial Capital..."

An eye for value... (Comm/Int, 28)
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:34 am

"These?" she touches her necklace first then her bracelets, "No, I'm afraid not. The bracelets are merely trinkets traded for with various tribes out in the Sands. And the necklace is actually from before our Clan left the Empire; The pearls were traded for from the Naga, though they may have been from the Ningyo, it is actually somewhat unclear. As to the jade magatama... it was just found in a pond of water in Kanashimi no Komochi on the way out of the Empire. The necklace itself was made by the Iuchi who found the jade."

The story may or may not be true, but to Tenzo's examining eyes the pearls certainly were no normal pearls... and that really was golden jade, a rare type of jade with a dense yellow colour.
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:50 pm

"There was something about them that caught my eye, something out of the ordinary, and that explains it quite thoroughly. Perhaps they are not to everyone's taste deeper in the Empire, but one will certainly find on occasion those that would be most fascinated by those foreign bracelets. I carry no precious a stone as those on me now, but I do have one small thing I might similarly share..." he trailed off, slowing his pace as he shifted the books he carried so that they were all tucked close to him with one arm. With a hand now free, Tenzo reached around his neckline and produced a pendant that was previously hidden in his clothing, a bright and golden circle stamped with the ouroboros-like snakes of the Otomo mon, the eyes with small embedded rubies. The chain was of a medium length, allowing him to hold it out from him a bit for a closer look.

"It has been passed down in my family for generations and was said to have been commissioned by a former Hantei that joined our dear family following their Ritual of Abdication and upon their retirement was gifted to one of my ancestors for a great service they did for them in the early years of their new role. The gold was said to have been found in a single lump in the Kyodai and Kabe sano Kita, solidly encased in the ice of a frozen stream and the only lump to be seen there; I cannot say much about the rubies, but my family speculates that it was a favorite color or stone of their's as it was said they incorporated much of the same color in their courtly wear."
Imperial | Seiyaku | Archivist | Wealthy | Blessed | Fortunate... or not so much?
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:10 am

"Sugoi... So how old is it then?"

She didn't think he'd noted, and she was interested as she looked it over.
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:03 pm

"If I recall correctly, I believe it be about three centuries or thereabouts, a few handfuls of years after the start of the reign of Hantei VII. Unfortunately, there are no markings of any kind that hint at the artist responsible for this piece," Tenzo explained, flipping it over to show off the smooth, flat, and shiny golden back to the pendant, not only free of markings but of any truly noticeable scuffs or signs of wear and tear. He looked at the front of it for a moment or two before turning it back around so the Unicorn could continue to look.

"It is quite heavy to wear, such as it is being gold and all, but I think my dear ancestor's confidant that commissioned it intended for it to be that way on purpose. It is a reminder that the Otomo, as the direct servants to the Son of Heaven and His family, carry upon them always a heavy responsibility to provide not only for their safety and security and the orderly running of the Imperial administration but with the family mon it is further reminder that we sacrifice much and in unwavering manner to carry out those duties."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:19 pm

"A noble thing to be reminded of," Yukarin said, smiling brightly, "It almost makes me wish to find even deeper meaning in the history of my own heirlooms."

As she paused there was a flash of lightning on the eastern horizon, Yukarin watching it as she continued, "Would you be open to telling me more about your family then, Otomo-sama? Any siblings, your parents... and so forth."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:58 pm

"Not every heirloom must have a grand history attached to it, though such legacies are nice to impress and make for good stories. An iron bangle, simple in appearance and design and quite young in age, might have deep spiritual and personal meaning and, in the end, make for more pleasing stories in some respects. So long as you find appreciation in them, Iuchi-san: that matters greatly as well," he said, returning her smile with one of his own as he tucked the pendant back into his clothing and redistributed the heavy books back to both his arms.

"Mmm, my family? Most certainly, it is no trouble at all. My father has long been an ambassador and diplomat for the Otomo, mostly stationed in the Imperial Court but on many occasions sent to the lands of the Crane, the Scorpion, or the Phoenix for a season or two at a time, on rare occasion longer when working on behalf of the Ministry of Territories. It is not easy work, to be sure, but my father - and in turn, my family - is well-resourced due to his position. My mother was once a Crane, trained in the artistic pursuits with painting as a specialty. She used to paint quite a bit, that I remember when I was very little, but perhaps now that she is older she has found more time for other things for now she spends much time writing and on occasion ikebana," he started to explain.

"As for siblings, I am the eldest of four. My sister, Hatsuko, is but a few years younger than I, currently a year or so away, I estimate, from her gempukku following our family tradition of attending the dojo at Kyuden Otomo. After her is my younger brother Shogusha, still a number of years away from his ceremony, and then my youngest brother, Tadashiro, has only just started his schooling," Tenzo finished with a nod. "And what about you, Iuchi-san?"
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:00 pm

Yukarin listened with interest to the Otomo's tale, nodding along as she did so. Then he wrapped up with a question, "My own family? Hmmm..."

She adjusted the books left in her arms, "Well, both my mother and father come from lines of Iuchi Meishodo mystics, though from different branches; My father's side of the family are the historians and archivists with fire elements, while my mothers side use magic with air elements for negotiating and such. As far as siblings go, I have an older brother and older sister, both 21 seasons old. They both ended up following in my parents' footsteps."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:50 pm

"A vibrant family with a rich tradition behind them, much like my own," the Otomo commented with a single nod while he turned slowly around one of the corners and started up another street. "And did you follow in their footsteps as well, Iuchi-san? Or did one find another path?"
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:51 am

She shook her head, "I am not priestess myself, no. I am trained in the Ide Emissary dojo instead. It was a personal decision; I did not wish to try to live up to the example of my older siblings, and I wished to follow my own path. Luckily, I had the blessing of my parents and caravan."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:10 pm

"The birth of twin siblings is an auspicious sign according to many here in the Empire, and the fortunate circumstance of being able to forge one's own path is a luxury not all have here. It seems the Fortunes have blessed your family with much luck and harmony," Tenzo observed as he adjusted the books in his arms slightly for more comfort.

"The ways of the Ide... so you are trained in the courtly arts, then. Besides reading and history, does Iuchi-san practice any artistic pursuits? What does she like to do when time is free?"
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:17 am

"I... well, there weren't too many arts practiced on the trail besides song. And I can sing a bit. Which I suppose extends a little into poetry. Honestly, when I am not reading or enjoying nature I tend to amuse myself with games; Fortunes & Winds, Go, Shogi, Mancala, and so forth."
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