She pressed her lips together as she smiled when she saw how he was sitting. He sure had a long way to go before coming a princess, alright.
"Thanks. I hope it was educational for those listening too... not as exciting as the previous topics, I know, but useful nonetheless. I think the Imperials might have a heart-attack when I tell the story of how the great Carpenter Wall was built," Tomoe chuckled and put down the cups. Noticing Ganko slowly walking away on the table, she picked up the tortoise and put gently put the tortoise down in her basket.
"They seem to think that it's more important to be proper than to tell the Unicorn about what the Empire is actually like now. As if the Bloodspeaker didn't tear apart the Empire eight years ago," her smile faltered a little as she remembered the ones she had lost back then, and how dangerous the Kitsune Mori became after that.