(D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:08 pm

Now definitely sure she's blushing, Saksaha scrubs at her cheek with the back of her hand, pushing away the loose strand of hair that's escaped her braid and is threatening to tickle her nose. "Someone curious, maybe. With an open mind, but not foolish. And with some kindness." She combs her fingers through Gio's mane and adds, as offhandedly as she can manage, "It seems the Ide do not rank me very highly in their lists here, so I do not think I will be able to be too particular."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Togashi Udo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:28 pm

"Yes, that is troublesome. Marriage should not be decided by performance at a contest." He sighs. "I see it as a way to make myself known to more of the Unicorn, but I do not check the results and my standing. Even if I am the most eligible, I shall still pick based off my heart."

Udo looks over at her. "I wouldn't worry yourself too much. Make a good impression, and you will be picked." After a moment, he adds: "And before you worry over that, you are making a good impression."
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:57 pm

A somewhat startled laugh escapes her. "Well... good? That is good." She applies herself to her brushing again--Gio is going to be a very shiny horse by the time this is through--and says, "Your way of thinking is a good one, to my mind. But waiting to be chosen is... it is not a thing I am used to." She shrugs, rattling the collection of small charms she wears around her neck.
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Togashi Udo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:04 pm

"You only need to wait to be chosen at the end. If you choose someone else and make that apparent, there is more chance of being picked, or not, to match your wishes."
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:46 pm

"I hear your words," she says, with a thoughtful air, even as a small cowardly part of her brain wails, But if I try to pick someone and he turns me dooowwwnnn...? "They do say Dragon are wise counselors. Especially Togashi."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Togashi Udo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:03 pm

Udo gives her a small bow.

"I'm sorry we didn't have more chance to talk yesterday. It seemed many wanted your attention, and I was not up for a fight."
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:19 am

"Yes. I did not know so many here were interested in goats." Saksaha smiles, but then drops her eyes abruptly. "That is--of course I know it is not really that." Her free hand--the left, since the right is still holding the currycomb-- steals to her collection of amulets and touches one of them as if for reassurance. "We Unicorn have been strangers in many lands since I was a little girl, but never in one where the people seemed so unused to strangers--and this land is our home. I am not altogether used to that, either."

She looks up again, and the hint of a smile reappears at the corners of her mouth--fainter, but more true and less of a performance than before. "I was sorry too. Of the three of you, I thought you were the one I most wanted to have words with."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Togashi Udo on Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:43 am

If Udo hadn't been working so hard, the blush might not have been lost on his cheeks. For all the training the ise zumi do, talking to girls was not a part of it.

"We are unused to strangers, it is true, but I don't think that's why it's odd. The Empire has strict traditions, but as those traditions are determined by the Clans' actions, it ends up that no one meets them exactly. The Togashi are a great example of something completely outside of the normal: monk samurai. We also get treated strangely, and we are far from the only ones.

"I just hope that the uncomfortable return passes soon, and the Unicorn are treated as just another part of the Empire."

He turns to do more work before saying the next part: "I am pleased you wished to speak with me. I am glad the Fortunes brought us together again here. Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?"
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:28 pm

"I was curious about you," Saksaha admits, also turning back to her work and sending a cloud of horse hairs flying. Those big Unicorn horses have a lot of surface area to groom, after all. "You are different from all the other samurai who have come to the village. Or you seemed so to me."

"Also, it was a Togashi who first spoke to us out of Rokugan when we were lost in the dark land, oh..." she thinks, "two round years ago now. I dreamed of her before it happened, a woman with tattoos like yours. But you are the first Dragon samurai I have met in waking life. I suppose... I wanted to know what your life is like, what your land is like. How you become as you are. 'Monk samurai,' this is not a thing I know." She shakes her head a little. "Now I am afraid you will think I'm treating you as a curiosity."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Togashi Udo on Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:50 pm

"Hmm. I would hope I would be somewhat of a curiosity to you. At least, it seems preferable to the opposite."

Udo sort of shuffles a bit and then continues working. "I suppose I am different from the other samurai, but mostly just because I'm also a monk. Other than that, the Togashi are different, yes, but ever Clan has their uniqueness. I am unique in that I am like many others."

He thinks for a moment. "That isn't to say that you're wrong, but rather that I prefer to look at what makes us the same rather than what makes us different. More so now than ever."

He nods to himself. "So you want to know what my life is like? I assume in the ways it differs from other samurai?"
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:06 am

"Mm." She thinks about her answer carefully. "Well... I would like to know, how did you become different in this way? What is it like for you?" Brush, brush. "I understand that some are born Togashi, and some are not." Brush, brush. "If that is not, um... intrusive."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
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"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Togashi Udo on Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:05 pm

"The ise zumi marry very rarely. This results in not as many being born Togashi, though being born into poverty and hunger is, in Dragon lands, being born a Togashi. It is that way for me."

"Of course, some individuals do not continue their training as monks. They are too weak from their birth or they do not have what it takes. So only some of those adopted into the Togashi become ise zumi."

Udo's eyes glaze over as he becomes lost in thought. He is silent for a time before continuing.

"For me, I was seen as quite talented. They were pleased to have me in the Order. But, I was not as dedicated to all my studies as some others. I was given to a new sensei at a young age, but... his patience was great, but I never became the pupil they wanted me to be."

His eyes come back into focus and he looks at Saksaha. "The truth is that I am here, coming to get married as my Order rarely does, in the hopes that it will inspire me to commit to my studies. I suppose we shall see."
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:06 pm

Saksaha chews her lip a little as she thinks this over. She wants to ask about the tattoos--even though all the girls probably ask about the tattoos!--but something else nips at her attention by the time he's finished speaking.

"Well, but is that what you want? The Togashi of your tale... sounds like he is only here because he was told to be. But the Togashi I have been speaking to sounds more active."
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Status: 1 • Courtship Points: -1 • Description
"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Togashi Udo on Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:19 am

"I am happy I am here, if that answers your question. I have been making the most of it and enjoying myself, but I would not say that I've found the reason I'm here yet, though I am a slow mover. I think it will take time."
Tattoo of a Crane * Tattoo of a Lion * Slightly Distracted * Simple robes & hat

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Re: (D3, EE, Open) - Horse Care 101

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:13 pm

"Hm." She nods. "I... think I see."

She can't really even pretend to have more horse-brushing to do at this point, and instead just leans idly against Gio's warm shoulder, petting its neck. The horse doesn't seem to mind.

"What do you think of our people now that you are here? Are we as you expected us to be?" Are you happy to marry one of us, or will that take time too?
Unicorn Clan • Priestess • Spiritwalker • Gives Love A Bad Name (Infamy)• Future Togashi???
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Status: 1 • Courtship Points: -1 • Description
"I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right/I'm the Witch/You're the world."

Speaks Mekhem (with an Ujik-hai accent) and Rokugani.
On her person: embroidered wool robes, various dangling meishodo charms, belt pouch, kiseru, tanto, wakizashi.
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