Yuka-pon wrote:"Can we not leave the gathering of facts to our more martial cousins? Or if not them, then the Ide would be in a better position than the Iuchi for such things at the least, in both keeping records and calming the sometimes fiery spirits of the Moto and Shinjo. Not that I've heard about the Ide plans in regards to the request so far, correct?"
Iuchi Batul wrote:"But all this... would it be safe for them? I worry that if they are to abbear before the Onyx one, then he will take aggressive methods against them for abbearing without a member of each family. And if this dark one serves the ninth kami, then do not they also serve the dark powers that Fairuz-sama sboke about? They have already attacked the Unicorn, so this would only give them more bower."
Iuchi Saksaha wrote:Saksaha nods. "Moto-san has nearly said as much, that action to her is worth more than waiting. I think this risks foolishness. She knows it must be some kind of trap, but believes she can cut her way out of anything that comes, I think. So I fear what hints and dangers she and Shinjo-san may miss--what they may commit themselves to in their Families' names--since it seems to me both favor haste over cunning."
She sighs. "But perhaps you are all right, and there will be little help even if an Iuchi stands with them. If Iuchi warnings did not move them yesterday, why should I hope they will take Iuchi advice at the critical moment?"
Iuchi Yukarin wrote:Yukarin nodded, "I only know Ide Amaya-sama as an acquaintance, and have not spoken to her since the start of the miai about Family matters. I may not be an Ide by blood, but perhaps something could be arranged..."
Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"I think that... one of us being there, if that happens, would us require to build just one more funeral pyre..." Dong-Ha noted dryly. "No, I don't think we should send anyone. We can ask Moto-san to convey our regards." Dong-Ha flipped his fingers into an obscene sign. He had chosen his ground, and that was one of flipping the bird at this so called champion. "I would rather not perform the final rites for any of you."
"Moto-san is fool." Dong-Ha spat. "It's unfortunate that they feel they have something to gain by meeting this... person." there was precious little the Iuchi could do, magic or no magic. "I wonder... if an evil eye rests on her, forcing her to act like this?" He added carefully, almost as if seeking for an explanation to Khulun's madness. They had already established that she carried a foul artifact after all.
Iuchi Yukarin wrote:"Perhaps... I am not downplaying the risk or my ill feeling about this. But if my being there has a possibility of helping even heads prevail and some moderation in viewpoint... But I ask because it is somewhat dependent on the Ide stance; If they are sending a mediator, I would not need to go I think."
Iuchi Batul wrote:"Is there no way to bind this creature?" She thought out loud as they mentioned the one that had information on the Kami of the Unicorn. "A way to imbrison it?? I don't think there would be any other way to have mediation with the creature."
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