(D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

(D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Tonbo Misa on Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:27 pm

Misa knew the storm was coming soon, and though no drops had started falling, she'd made her way back to the Center so she wasn't caught out in the wind and mud. Finding one of the common sitting areas that had a view out (or in her case, allowed her to hear outside well), Misa sat at a table and sent Sanmi to go get her tea things. She loved hearing the rain at least, so she decided to settle in here and await it's coming for her version of a show.
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Togashi Udo on Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:29 pm

Udo was walking around looking for someone to talk to... when he found someone. Turning a corner and seeing the Tonbo by herself, Udo made sure to make his presence known.

"Tonbo-sama, it is Udo. May I join you?"
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Tonbo Misa on Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:59 pm

Misa was used to having Sanmi around to help her with guests, but in this case she felt up to the task. Smiling, she stood, giving a bow in the direction of Udo's voice. "Udo-san, konnichi-wa. Of course you may join me. Please, have a seat."
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:03 am

Just arriving on an errand Liu Fei entered the Administrative center only to, after a brief conversation, realize she had arrived just a bit early. With time to kill but not enough she had only really one option, to wait. Entering the waiting area she noticed the two Dragon, and having not actually met one of the Clan responsible for aiding in their return saw it fit to make these two the first.

"Greeting, Dragon-sama," she said, just off to the side of those already offering their greeting to one another. "I am Shinjo Liu Fei, I do not want to intrude on anything private but might I join you for a time?"
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Togashi Udo on Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:38 am

Udo begins to walk over to sit when the Unicorn showed up. He gave her a bow, but said nothing as he continued the walk to a seat. Misa would invite her or not.
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Tonbo Misa on Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:15 am

Misa had not sat yet when the third soul arrived. She was momentarily anxious with Sanmi gone, but thankfully the woman introduced herself immediately. Misa smiled in the direction of Liu Fei's voice and bowed.

"Unless Togashi-san had private business for me, I would be honored to have you Shinjo-san." Introductions could wait to see what Udo said.
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Togashi Udo on Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:19 pm

"I do not. It is just luck that brought me here."
Tattoo of a Crane * Tattoo of a Lion * Slightly Distracted * Simple robes & hat

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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:41 pm

"Thank you," she said with a bow directed toward the Togashi, as it seemed his time with the Tonbo was being infringed upon.

"In the brief time back I have not managed to meet a member of the Dragon Clan, from what I know it is your kin we have to thank for being here. It seems only appropriate that I know some members of the clan?" she asked though did not expect a direct answer.
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Togashi Udo on Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:00 pm

Udo nods to her. "There are not so many of us here, though we are very glad of the Unicorn's safe return and look forward to deepening our relationship."

"Also," Udo smiles a little. "This one is Togashi Udo. A pleasure to meet you."
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Tonbo Misa on Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:45 pm

Having already motioned for Udo to sit, she did the same for Liu Fei, glad for the company. "And I am Tonbo Misa, advisor and bushi. There is a Mirumoto present at this miai as well Shinjo-san, though not here at the moment. Join us then, and know us better."
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:01 pm

Liu Fei waits for the Togashi to take a seat first, before moving to join.

"An advisor?" she questions more for emphasis than anything. "Suppose it should not be a surprise that the Dragon are only continuing to be welcoming in our return. To send someone of such a position, Tonbo-sama," she said.

"A pleasure to meet you as well, Togashi-sama," she said, less like an after thought and more just division of status between the two Dragon.
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Tonbo Misa on Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:15 pm

Misa smiled gently. "I came by choice more than order of duty, Shinjo-san. I need a husband after all, and this is a good opportunity to get out of the mountains for the first time. My cousin can do at least a little while without me."
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Togashi Udo on Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:57 pm

Udo sits silently while they speak, nodding to Liu Fei when she speaks to him, and then smiling when Misa says her cousin can do some things without her.

"Have you both been enjoying the miai so far? I am very impressed with the samurai I have met."
Tattoo of a Crane * Tattoo of a Lion * Slightly Distracted * Simple robes & hat

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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:27 pm

"Well, I am glad you chose to take a husband of the Unicorn then. With your Clan already having helped ours I hope we manage to continue that trend," she said earnestly, if not a bit more formally than she usually was.

"This has been my only proper introduction to many of the Clans of the Empire. I am happy to say many of those sent here have been rather accepting, it was.. unexpected, if I am to be honest. There have been mistakes, but nothing that acceptance could not work past which lead to understanding."
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: -1
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Re: (D4, LA) Storm's a-Brewin'

Postby Tonbo Misa on Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:53 pm

Misa gave a soft smile. "It shouldn't be so surprising. The Clan's, even the less political or honorable of them, would only send those that believe the Unicorn should be welcomed back. The Dragon have very few, if any, that believe otherwise. I merely wish we could have spared more to send."
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