(Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

(Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Moto Butaj on Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:03 am

Butaj is hungry after fighting weasel mommas, and every Moto knows there is nothing better to regenerate various injuries than a solid protein intake. By the barricade beaming Butaj beckons a bleating bleatling...
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:24 pm

Hideo was feeling quite beaten up from the weasel rampage earlier, but after changing his robes Hideo went to view the calmer animals. The lambs and the sheep, that might not try to eat him. The odd animals further ahead - the Yaks - were so far not an interest. Not with that smell...

Hideo stopped by the fences, and looked in. Surprised to see the Moto in there feeding animals...or perhaps picking out an animal to eat? Who knew, but Hideo didn't interrupt him right away.
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Akodo Runno on Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:45 pm

Having gotten her wounds tended...relatively...Runno decided to take a short walk. Despite the smell, the Akodo ended up at the animal pens. She arrived as the Moto entered and apparently not too long after an Imperial.

The Lioness was not quite close enough to engage either at the moment, probably waiting to see what happens with the animals before she gets with in charging distance.
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:03 am

Though she normally gave the animals a wide berth, if only out of respect for the Unicorn and their steeds, Suki had wandered much of the area, finally finding her way to the pens. Seeing the small gathering of samurai, she lingers at a respectful distance. Her gaze turns to Butaj and, realizing his intentions, she pales slightly. She was a pacifist at heart; a vegetarian by the rules of her Order. At the same time though, the Unicorn had to eat too, and she knew they ate meat. While she'd certainly avert her gaze when the beast's death came, she wouldn't judge the Moto for his choice of diet.

Knowing Butaj's target wasn't long for this world, she offered a silent prayer for the barbarian's dinner.
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Moto Butaj on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:11 am

Butaj expertly scoops a lamb, tying its legs together and tosses it bleating over his arm. Only then he notices an audience, to which he offers nods and smiles.

Day 4 - EA - Scooping the Lamb - Agility/Sleight of Hand: 5d10o10k4 26
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:25 am

Suki bowed respectfully to the Moto, keeping her gaze down-turned as to not give much attention to the struggling animal. Its bleating was the most uncomfortable part, the young woman silently repeating a mantra to block some of it out.
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:18 am

Is he really going to just pick up and kill an animal off while we stand here?

Hideo raised a brow at the Moto's actions, giving him a polite bow but not saying anything right away, as the man would likely remember from before.
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Moto Butaj on Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:55 am

Butaj returns the bows as best as he can with a bleating, kicking lamb bobbing over his shoulder.

"Butaj is happy to see you all but the little lamb gets very scared and there is no point in being cruel and delaying its fate. Butaj guesses you don't kill your dinners with your own hands, so if some have weak stomach maybe..." He looks up. "...they could admire the stormy clouds in the east?"
Scorpion Clan | Bushi | Big Bad Keshig | Black Horse | Slacker | Soul of the Steppe | Honest
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Akodo Runno on Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:16 pm

For her part, Runno was unconcerned with the animal's fate. She did reflect on the absurdity that some of her fellow bushi would find this so disturbing. It was one of the more amusing oddities of Rokugan society.

So the Akodo did not turn, merely watched with an impassive expression as the Moto proceeded with his business.
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:20 pm

Suki continues looking down at her bare feet, keeping her thoughts on the matter to herself.
Monk * Blessed by Benten * Sensation * Pacifist * Magpie? * Probably Barefoot
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:47 pm

Hideo crossed his arms. He doesn't look away, although he doesn't look approving at the idea of a samurai openly slaying animals in a field for food. Even if it was a Moto.
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Moto Butaj on Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:01 pm

Butaj does it the Moto way. He kneels, tosses the lamb on the ground, spreads it, makes a cut just below the sternum and burrows his arm inside the lamb to find the heart and pinch the aorta, then pulls the heart out. The lamb stops bleating almost immediately, just convulses for a moment until it stops moving. It's quick, with relatively little blood. Done. No throat slitting, no head crushing. Butaj stuffs the heart back in and grabs the lamb by all fours now as he rises. He looks around, mildly interested in reactions before he would go off to disembowel and skin it. Lamb skin will be tanned for the yurts, entrails will go to al-Kalb's dogs, and the rest will be the dinner. Ah, and knuckles for the game!
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Akodo Runno on Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:43 pm

Akodo Runno's only visible reaction is a raise of the brow. Inwardly she felt nothing of consequence for the scene itself, but felt a sort of appreciative respect for the clinical precision of the deed.
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Suki on Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:44 pm

Suki made the sign of the Fortunes, her lips moving in a whispered prayer for the beast. Her expression was neutral, accepting. This was the way of things among the Moto. She knew, coming to Unicorn lands, that their traditions would be different. She had prepared for this. When he is done, will he take time to pray and cleanse his soul?
Monk * Blessed by Benten * Sensation * Pacifist * Magpie? * Probably Barefoot
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Re: (Day 4, EA) Guess Who's Coming for Dinner (Open!)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:25 am

Hideo showed no reaction; the man clearly wasn't deserving of any reaction. His face was neutral, and he was morbidly curious if the Moto would now just leave or parade the kill around.
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