Yogo Mizuki wrote:"I suppose it will greatly matter if we stay in our Clans or become an Unicorn."
Matsu Kogo wrote:Yogo Mizuki wrote:"I suppose it will greatly matter if we stay in our Clans or become an Unicorn."
She nods. "Greatly. I suspect it would change our lives greatly to enter the Unicorn clan." She takes a brief breath. "Do you have a preference, Yogo-san?"
Usagi Tsukimi wrote:She has a hefty sip. "That it does, Moto-san; it does get better, I like to think we can find something better in every day then the last."
Yogo Mizuki wrote:Matsu Kogo wrote:Yogo Mizuki wrote:"I suppose it will greatly matter if we stay in our Clans or become an Unicorn."
She nods. "Greatly. I suspect it would change our lives greatly to enter the Unicorn clan." She takes a brief breath. "Do you have a preference, Yogo-san?"
"Yogo almost never marry out of the Clan or even the Family. Born a Yogo, die a Yogo. I never considered the possibility until recently. I suppose I would prefer to remain in the Scorpion. For practical reasons if not sentimental. Do you have a preference Matsu-san?"
Ichiro Daisuke wrote:"Yes I did, it was interesting, but I think it and the cheese does not agree with me." He confessed resisting the urge to grimace at the memory. "They live on Islands in the Ocean in fact, so they have more access to seafood then just about anyone."
"I believe she's chatting with your cousin." He dipped his head in the direction of Butaj. "We can join them in a few moments f you like." As she asked him to pick pout a few dishes he nodded and began doing just that. Selecting a few he liked along with a few other popular ones.
Matsu Kogo wrote:She ponders for a moment. "I understand. The family would likely understand the Yogo's circumstances best. " She pauses. "I would prefer to remain a Matsu if possible. It is my family and my home and staying connected to it would be valuable. But, I am less concerned than I had expected to be about the possibility of marrying into the Unicorn. The people seem friendly and open and they are comfortable with Noburu. That is more than I had imagined. But if possible, it would be better to bring someone home to the Matsu."
Yogo Mizuki wrote:Matsu Kogo wrote:She ponders for a moment. "I understand. The family would likely understand the Yogo's circumstances best. " She pauses. "I would prefer to remain a Matsu if possible. It is my family and my home and staying connected to it would be valuable. But, I am less concerned than I had expected to be about the possibility of marrying into the Unicorn. The people seem friendly and open and they are comfortable with Noburu. That is more than I had imagined. But if possible, it would be better to bring someone home to the Matsu."
Mizuki nods. She wasn't surprised. Few people would want to leave their Clan. "Hai. With their relationship with their horses, it's not surprising they would be comfortable around others with such a connection.
Moto Butaj wrote:The walking flowers draw Butaj's attention anyway. He takes the sake cup and gives it to Asakiko. "Come join us."
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